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Mesmer only guild?


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Strictly speaking, O M F G is still alive, but I'd certainly hesitate to call it "active". The time of highly active mesmer forums and mesmer stuffs is unfortunately past. I find it unlikely that a mesmer only guild would be very reasonably possible these days.


And yeah, even I basically never rep it these days. I don't think Vin does either, and chaos archangel is naught but a memory.

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I used to be active in OMFG, but the Mesmer balance has kind of killed it for me. Used to be fun to get creative with builds, leading to an active community around builds and constructive critique and learning. Recently, well, ANet's balance hasn't been great. They never reward creativity, but rather view anything unintended as unwanted. Leading to a rather weaker community. In my opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have also been looking for a mesmer-only guild for quite sometime then and yes i read about OMFG but found that most are doing PvP. I had a chat with Crossplay (who also posted the same intent (mesmer guild but in pve) in the previous forum (https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/professions/mesmer/Restarting-Mesmer-Only-guild) but there seems to be very few of us who are really into it. Some want it for WvW which requires changing of server - thus the number of interested ones decrease by server - making the number even smaller to be significant.


Thus, i created a guild with my family members and we represent it when we all play mesmers (there are four of us and 3 are enjoying playing mesmers). I used the name "**Mesmer Çollective [GGMC]**".


If anyone is interested in joining a small group of mesmers, just message me.

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