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Watch the trailer for Visions of the Past: Steel and Fire!

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It's been long enough since the LS2 Caithe fiasco that Anet has forgotten, the majority of players have ZERO interest in playing any characters but our own. Especially not in "historic flashback" type content where I have no control over the outcome and I will only end up hating the character I am forced to play. Seriously, go look in the "player requests" threads. Nobody asked for this sort of thing. Like the forced strike mission achieves, it's Just more stuff to NOT do while waiting for the next LS episode. I guess the LS1 missions might help stem some of the clamor to "Bring back LS1" anyway...

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I was really blown away with this trailer! There's so much good content? Armor? Weapons? Dang, I'm surprised with the amount of new stuff! I got nostalgic for old GW2, thank you for starting to add things from season 1! and even had some GW1 vibes--this is reminiscent of the Bonus Mission Packs. Normally I'm not a big fan of playing a character not my own, but I think there's good merit and cause for it, and a nice way to change things around. If it's done well, it's great--and I think that's nailed down.


Snap though, worried about Almorra :'(


I'm truly looking forward to this! I hope there's a good balance between hoping everyone is open-minded and giving it a chance, and also y'all will continue to do good with feedback and ideas.


Can't wait!

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I really hope this silences the complaints about S1


If you think the inclusion of four story missions will stop the complaints then you may very well be out of touch with how entitled and pedantic the vocal minority making them are.

This will only increase the volume.

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> @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

> ![](https://d3b4yo2b5lbfy.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/14ce7Eye-of-the-North.jpg "")



> What is this set and when can i get it? I've really wanted a 'true' mage robe look <3


This looks like Lady Camilla, the player character's herald from the personal story and the Domain of Kourna. Its nice to see her being brought back

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> @"CrimeDog.5614" said:

> I SERIOUSLY can not wait. My eyes! I don't think I've ever been more excited for an update. So happy to see such a perfect purpose for EOTN. And can't wait to reply season one. OH THE NOSTALGIA!


I mean, let's not get too ahead of ourselves. We can only replay a portion of Season 1. 4 Story missions (Which is more than we have had since it was removed which is really cool for players who have never gotten to play any of it before), hopefully the release of these missions means they have a plan to perhaps slowly implement everything we need to have a full LWS1 experience (perhaps in instanced situations like the Kralk Portal Style current events)

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Joining the chorus of voices when I say I hope HoM doesn't turn into another Sun's Refuge disappointment. I'm keen to be able to play the ls1 stuff again, not looking forward to having to play as a character that's not my own for some of this new stuff though. Please, if you can, make it like the Grothmar story where you see your own character with some effects around it caused by Kasmeer's spell. Forcing us to play as another character we're not used to, or with bundle items/weapons that we can't drop or change is irritating to say the least.

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While some of this looks like a very nice and unexpected content drop, I just want to express my disappointment that developer resources were allocated to the resurrection of S1 content.

This is content that several developers and even many of it's apologists have admitted is substandard by today's game's standards.

On the surface it's another letdown from a company that once could do no wrong in my eyes, but for the past year has done little to engage me as a player and a fan.

I will, however, reserve judgement until playing it.

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The new charr mission looks interesting and (unless it's just some clever camera angles) seems bigger than I was expecting. I was imagining something like a strike mission but this looks like it will be longer and have more story to it, which means I'm more interested in playing it.


Nice to see the Hall of Monuments is becoming an upgradable hub too. I know that's been suggested regularly since we found out we'd be going North (and came up occasionally before that) and it's always good to see player's suggestions being used. Hopefully this one will give us more reason to return to it regularly than Sun's Refuge.


But the thing I'm most excited about is season 1 content coming back! I played all the releases at least a little bit at the time but I always thought it was a shame so much stuff was missing from the game and it makes going from the personal story to Season 2 really jarring. I just hope it's actually full storylines rather than a few fragments of out-of-context fight scenes like the Fractals we've had before. I always find it kind of depressing playing those knowing there was so much more to it and now all that's left is this tiny bit.


> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> It's been long enough since the LS2 Caithe fiasco that Anet has forgotten, the majority of players have ZERO interest in playing any characters but our own. Especially not in "historic flashback" type content where I have no control over the outcome and I will only end up hating the character I am forced to play. Seriously, go look in the "player requests" threads. Nobody asked for this sort of thing. Like the forced strike mission achieves, it's Just more stuff to NOT do while waiting for the next LS episode. I guess the LS1 missions might help stem some of the clamor to "Bring back LS1" anyway...


What if it's more like the Ascalon City fractal (can't remember the name) where you play as a random charr but with your own skills? I never see anyone complain about that, so I assume the issue isn't playing a different character but rather having to use skills you're not familiar with. If they do the same thing here, where the transformation is only cosmetic presumably no one will mind.

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I don't think the Devs brought back the aforementioned 'sub-standard' content from Season One. I doubt we will be repairing signs, repeatedly, again.

Looks like content like the Marionette, etc. Which was one of the parts most players favored.


I suppose we will soon see. (And there will be praise and discontent no matter what's on offer.)

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Came to the forums just to say: great job Anet! Legitimately admire what you're putting out in this update. I'm extremely happy you're turning the proverbial new leaf. This update is looking great and I greatly appreciate the work you put out. Can't wait to play it after my eye surgery hopefully goes well. I hope to throw some money at you as soon as my dean's scholarship arrives for this semester. Just gotta figure out where to buy legitimate gemcards in Poland these days. :)

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> @"FOAD.5843" said:

> Came to the forums just to say: great job Anet! Legitimately admire what you're putting out in this update. I'm extremely happy you're turning the proverbial new leaf. This update is looking great and I greatly appreciate the work you put out. Can't wait to play it after my eye surgery hopefully goes well. I hope to throw some money at you as soon as my dean's scholarship arrives for this semester. Just gotta figure out where to buy legitimate gemcards in Poland these days. :)


Best of luck with your eye surgery, wishing you well :)

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I honestly did not expect much from the vision update but it is looking promising with new things to do and things to strive for... upgradeable hub !?


Not only this but season one... I honestly did not expect this.. so many have missed out my self included and finally get a chance to try it out. Awesome!! This year has definitely been a good start .. let's keep going !



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I really hope that this goes better than the introduction of the GW1 HOM. In GW1 the HOM was basically where you put you displayed your mini's, Armor sets, and faction you fought for and it was cool. However, shortly after that, A-Net made the announcement that GW2 was going to come out. That took a couple for years and basically killed GW1 player base after the players finished up the achievements and filled their HOM. People moved on to different games of the time. ( I went on to KOTOR while GW2 was in work) I hope that A-Net plans better this time and tells the player base what is happening after this is released so history is not repeated.

I really hope that this is a step stone to where we are going in the game than a vision of the past of Guild Wars 1


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> @"Steven.7534" said:

> I really hope that this goes better than the introduction of the GW1 HOM. In GW1 the HOM was basically where you put you displayed your mini's, Armor sets, and faction you fought for and it was cool. However, shortly after that, A-Net made the announcement that GW2 was going to come out. That took a couple for years and basically killed GW1 player base after the players finished up the achievements and filled their HOM. People moved on to different games of the time. ( I went on to KOTOR while GW2 was in work) I hope that A-Net plans better this time and tells the player base what is happening after this is released so history is not repeated.

> I really hope that this is a step stone to where we are going in the game than a vision of the past of Guild Wars 1



The GW2 announcement came before the Hall of Monuments was accessible. Eye of the North was released under the premise that it was a bridge to the storyline coming up in GW2 - everyone knew what the Hall of Monuments was for, but it took some time for them to reveal what rewards would be given in GW2.


I think a lot of people, myself included, had some idea we'd have access to our old skins that we'd dedicated in the Hall of Monuments, but they ended up just contributing to a point tracker instead. Once the HoM calculator was ready, we knew what to finish up to prepare for GW2's launch.

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