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Hi I'm just writing to let you know that derelic derves with getting the runes before you get your skyscale is a joke some of it is too hard to many enemy's and it doesn't help people with anxiety problems because all they want to do is to get past that and to get there skyscale I am one of those people the game should be fun it shouldn't be bringing on anxiety attacks im in a guild but my problems stop me from asking for help you have to start thinking of people in my situation and other older and other people that can't do it it needs to be changed I don't want to get the rune all I want is to get my skyscale and you are making this game to hard it need to be fix ..regards lizzy

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> @"Lizzy.1493" said:

> Hi I'm just writing to let you know that derelic derves with getting the runes before you get your skyscale is a joke some of it is too hard to many enemy's and it doesn't help people with anxiety problems because all they want to do is to get past that and to get there skyscale I am one of those people the game should be fun it shouldn't be bringing on anxiety attacks im in a guild but my problems stop me from asking for help you have to start thinking of people in my situation and other older and other people that can't do it it needs to be changed I don't want to get the rune all I want is to get my skyscale and you are making this game to hard it need to be fix ..regards lizzy


Based on what I was able to understand, the situation is this:


1) You want to get your skyscale but can't because the Derelict Delves part of the Skyscale of water achievement is too hard because there's too many enemies

2) You have anxiety problems and even though you are in a guild, you can't ask for help because it will cause anxiety attacks for you


My suggestion then is to play during peak time and hopefully, lots of people will be doing the same thing

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I have soms dissabilities myself and grew up with people who have them as well. Both physical as psychological are known to me. In my experience a disability is often seen too much as what someone can't do instead of focus one what someone can do. A blind person has often superior hearing. People in a wheelchair have stronger arms.

But to know what you are good at, it is important to not focus on that what you can not do. I'm not saying that you can not get the skyscale, but putting time and effort in writing on the forum and feeling inclined to a solution by the devs that will never come means your focus is wrong. Focus on what you can do and challenge yourself to overcome your disabilities, but also accept who you are and what you do best.

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I'll try to be useful - would it be possible to get a little closer with one or two of your guildes and then they could get a group together for the stuff you need to do and you would join in? Or if you're on EU we could meet up and I'll try to ask my guildies for help, just let me know what times you play.

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I became anxious after reading those 4 lines without any break... anyway, that maze is indeed quite claustrophobic in some points, but if you take it easy, it's not that hard. If your guild mates don't want to help you or you don't feel like asking them for some help, feel free to send me a whisper in game (EU server). I'm not a granpa, but I'm old enough to don't rush head down, impatient.

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> @"Lizzy.1493" said:

> Hi I'm just writing to let you know that derelic derves with getting the runes before you get your skyscale is a joke some of it is too hard to many enemy's and it doesn't help people with anxiety problems because all they want to do is to get past that and to get there skyscale I am one of those people the game should be fun it shouldn't be bringing on anxiety attacks im in a guild but my problems stop me from asking for help you have to start thinking of people in my situation and other older and other people that can't do it it needs to be changed I don't want to get the rune all I want is to get my skyscale and you are making this game to hard it need to be fix ..regards lizzy


Friend Lizzy, hello, welcome to my post!

I want to share the fact that I had some problems with the Skyscale collection that required asking for help (the jumping puzzle near The Shatterer, specifically).

I don't know how you can overcome anxiety about asking but here is an idea: Make a line of text that asks what you want. Copy it with CTRL+C. Then just walk away, chill out etc. Now, here comes the trick.... just paste it and press enter super quickly, before you can think about it! Bang! No time to be anxious. Well, it sometimes works for me.


Good luck!

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While I sympathise with you, I don't think asking the developers to change the game for specific needs is the solution. I myself have issues with socialising, probably not to the extent you seem to have, but it's enough to understand the issue. I play solo and do everything on my own, wherever I get help I get it by chance and very rarely by asking for it. Avoiding group content means I have only done dungeons a few times in the past eight years, I don't do raids and if I'm in WvW, I just tag along a larger group or do small things on my own. I never thought of asking for changing content just because I don't feel comfortable with the way they designed it.


Personally, I would hate to see this minidungeon altered, as it is one of the nicest examples of level design in the game. I second the idea of trying to do this specific bit when more people are around. Skyscale is arguably the most popular mount so there are bound to be several players doing the collection every day. Derelict Delve should be a much easier place to navigate if you follow the footsteps of other players paving the way by killing enemies, for example. Also, knowing the way by following a walkthrough might reduce the time spent in there, as well.


I hope I didn't sound harsh or dismissive. It wasn't my intention, but if I did, I apologise.

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My anxiety keeps me from attempting any instanced content that needs a group, whether with my guildies or not. I do not expect a dev solution for this, it is my own issue to deal with and I realize I will probably never finish the AP for any of those things and I accept that limitation in my game play experience.

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you everyone for your input sorry it has taken me this long to answer .all of you have given me so good information thank you all again ..i have a mate in America that has the same issue anxiety and he won't help me cause he get so cranky and has given up on the game .I was wondering if there is a guild with people with the same problems as I have if anyone knows of any could you please let me know. Lizzy

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If you'd like, I can invite you to my guild: WISE. Several of my guildmates, including myself, have very bad anxiety, to the point we try to solo things because we're too concerned about being a bother. Let me know if you wanna join and I'll make it happen.

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If you are on EU and require help,I am happy to aid with anything since I don't really give a kitten whether people are good or or bad. I certainly don't spec for meta or 10k+ dps or any of that.


All I ask is if you do contact me in game, always refer back to my offer on here otherwise I wont know why I am being pm'ed

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