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Class or ability changes

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Started playing recently, and i played guild wars for a long time, one thing i really liked about guild wars, was the uniqueness and versatility. Playing guildwars 2, im level 40, but from my understanding you cant really change your attack skills. The utility skills overall are a bit meh, 1 healing skill 3 meh utility skills, and a "Ultimate" skill, that i havent really seen do a whole lot. maybe it gets better later on.


it would be nice to be able to change out the attack skills, with guildwars 1 you always had the build you wanted for the most part, you could multiclass to get a unqiue character, now its seems like it would be very cookie cutter, every longbow ranger is the same. for example.


it would be nice to change out some skills, or even buy skills to replace ones that really dont seem very useful. like hunters shot and point blank shot. they just arent really amazing, they are basically the same damage as a normal shot from what i have seen, that invisibility doesnt.... do, anything? It doesnt even seem like its a crit like you would expect, and pointblank, ok, it pushes them back, so they just walk back up. not sure if im missing the point. i like the longbow ive always liked bows in games... those 2 skills just feel pointless. and im sure theres others thruout the game that could really be changed for more worthwhile things and add to the uniqueness like guildwars had. there was rarely 2 builds the same that i saw. i was never hardcore pvp or such, but running around pve it was nice to try new things, and try what you wanted, but thats just not.... really, an option here. its still a good game, i would just like to see that better.


something even near the middle like Elder Scrolls online, skills you can get and train, and alter choose between sub skills so that pointblank shot could have an "upgraded" ability, of choice. it stuns for 1 second or it pushes them back much father for example. The hunters shot, that invisibility could be used to obtain an auto crit on the next shot, or for go invisibility for some Damage over time type effect,


could get a lot of versaility even out of just a few small changes.

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You can change how things work with specs, but how do you change weapon skills? I have not found a way to do that without just changing weapons.


and from what i understood, people said similar things about mounts, but enough people suggested mounts so they added mounts, im pitching opinions that could make the game better... or not, obviously thats always up to devs.

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The thing is in GW1, classes had specific roles and you could mix and match two of them to get a warrior to be able to heal, for example. In GW2, virtually any class can fill any role, so you do not need a secondary class to fill that need, and they made the elite specializations to better fill some roles like druid on ranger being mostly a support specialization. Also, they changed the way to use skill, where in gw1 you had the "regular" skill system in which you have a mana pool and skills only depended on how much mana you have to cast them basically, in GW2 you have utilities skills which are class and elite specialization specifics that are avaiable regardless the weapon you are using, and you have the skills tied to your set of weapons. I see this as one more way to make an identity to the role you wish to play, like staff guardian being more support, while gs guardian being more dps oriented. So you expect skills to have some functionality other than do damage, as ranger longbow skill Hunter's shot that gives you invisibility so you loose aggro and gives your pet swiftness so it can get to the mob faster if its a melee pet, or maybe it triggers another skill from your specializations.


So yes, its a different way of presenting skills and I think it works perfectly for gw2, actually since I started playing GW2, I always miss a skill system like this one.

As for mounts, yes they added mounts even after they said they wouldn't do so, but they did it in a way thats different from other games, you dont just use mounts to run around as a reskin, but each mount has its peculiarities that makes them more suitable for specific tasks.

I think that a change like the one you're suggesting would be a huge change to the game and it is absolutely unnecessary.

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Just to be clear, the Devs never said they would not add Mounts, only that Mounts would not be available at launch.


**Eric:** _Other than waypoints and asura gates, there will be no other methods of long distance travel such as mounts, ships, etc in Guild Wars 2 upon initial release._



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