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About Conjure Earth Shield

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Els staff has three "unblockable" fields...


> @"ActuallyAMage.1863" said:

> @"JorKadeen.3846" It has the same exact cast time as Troll Unguent, Bear Stance, and False Oasis. Those are some of the most used heal skills on Ranger and Mesmer and nobody is saying they have too long of a cast time. Are you talking about Conjure Fiery Greatsword? It's an Elite skill, of course it'd have a longer cast time. But that doesn't stop people from successfully getting off Prime Light Beam, Strength of The Pack, and Lich Form. Most players don't have the reaction time to purposefully interrupt those kinds of skills when they're being used. One second is still a really short time. Plus, there are plenty of ways one can cover such a cast time, like going around objects to LoS, popping stability, or creating distance with movement skill (if they're going against a melee) before casting them. Even necro can do that if they prep for it by casting Spectral Walk beforehand or teleporting back to a Flesh Wurm that they have sitting somewhere.


Ranger: Many ways to apply stabbility, Movement, stunbreaks, stealth, "invul",

Mesmer: Stealth, "Stunbreak", Teleports, Dodge while Casting, Distortion, Blind


The Cast time to get a "other weaponset" is too much. Its like your weapon switch would take 3/4 s and can be interrupted.

I didn't say that you cant pull it off. I play much with it and can. But you can't use it reactivly. Like you get a stealth +1 on sidenode. Until u casted it you are dead. Can't get to the invul.


You know that ele has like litterly no access to stability? In my build i did post i have Earth armor to cover the heal and "stunbreak and getting out all the cc shit nowdays"

if i would take a conjurd weapen and i have to cover it with a other utility, the slot is useless. Not viable. No one would take it.

Sure you could take Arcane Shield instead of lighning Flash. But than u will just get farmed by all builds with minimalistic mobility.


The cast time is clunky and feels bad.

Have you ever tried playing with it? With earth shield. Or the other weapons? (except FGS)


> @"ActuallyAMage.1863" said:

> Oh, another thing about this--the auto does way too much damage as well.

Its 130 range... just? in your words LoS and walk away. Isnt like you can 8k someone with it like some Ranger Gs skills.

There are other autoattack chains who are faster and do more damage


Again. if you are saying the Pull needs some changes you are right. Make it more visul, Make it 300-450 radius

(Btw. no one complais about Temporal Curtain and it has the exact same range with the same cooldown, but: With a fifth of the cast time (1,25 vs 0,25) and its just a weapon skill. no need to precast your weapon. and you can cast it anywhere)

(Binding Blade from GS @ Guard has the same range too. more visual. faster cast, same cooldown)


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Ele is currently the weakest overall class imo. I play all classes. and ele simply needs too much in order to get the highest efficiency out of most builds. However since ele got 4 different attunements to use balancing won't be as easy, because this means if certain skills get too strong ele is discouraged to swap attunements. I believe anet wants to keep ele as a often attunement switching class that's why builds mostly focussed on one attunement end up being worse than how player expect it to be.


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