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I remember even last year there would be multiple post by a variety of people in professions section, pvp and wvw and now it's the same 12 or so posters in all those sections lol most profession threads get like 3 or 4 posts a day, pvp and wvw like 4 topics are maybe in active discussions. Is the population really that low?

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Since you mentioned it, I just wandered there to check. It may be the same 12 people, but it seems less salty/stupid, so I'm not complaining. Last time I checked, every post there before was similar to the Riot League of Legends forums, with people complaining they got curbstomped by someone outskilling them and blaming the profession spec (rather than acknowledging that someone's build or skill was just plain better.) --There are genuine cases of a particular build having a lot more damage. Most likely less complainers. Idk about last year, but rn with the 2v2 temporary duels before going back to good old fun addictive conquest everyone is on good courteous behavior while they're build testing.


Also they removed default builds (which are generally very helpful for people absolutely new to PvP because it gives them somewhere to start) and put the PvP build templates mixed up with the PvE ones, so it's pretty confusing and as a result the gate of entry is much higher for new players. I doubt ANY new players start PvP now for that reason. It's already intimidating to enter PvP for a MMORPG player at the start, and they just removed most good ease of access features, so most likely the population in PvP are only the peoples who already are into it enough and care enough to take time to make their own build, with people who would rather not bother cut out, and with new people cut out as well. I hope they actually have it in the tutorial -- not forcing people to play, but at least an introduction, since it's a pretty fun game mode (love conquest).


If anyone has started PvP post-build-template thing for the first time and is really into it, please correct me on this. I'd love to be wrong, in this case.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> I remember even last year there would be multiple post by a variety of people in professions section, pvp and wvw and now it's the same 12 or so posters in all those sections lol most profession threads get like 3 or 4 posts a day, pvp and wvw like 4 topics are maybe in active discussions. Is the population really that low?


Yeah, I agree. The forums are noticeably reflecting the progression of the game. Both have moved to a slow, boring, crawl.

There is just nothing to talk about. LW continues...... while people hibernate and wait for something expansion-like to come out.

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I don't bother posting in profession forums usually despite lurking there daily because most posts are either about PvP/WvW or complaints about balance. I, personally, don't have any interests in those topics or the communities it propagates even though I think those are topics worth discussing. I wanted to make a thread not too long ago about how I really enjoy the new Explosives trait line for Engineers. But, was discouraged when I thought that if I do happen to get any discussions on it then it would be "great, engi stilll sucks in [gamemode] and has [bugs]" Even though they may or may not be wrong, it's (again) not a topic I'm interested in talking about.


I'll stick to lurking and maybe jump in when a fun thread gets started. I do think the other posts in this thread have a bigger impact than my reasoning.


Edit: This kind of seems "meaner" than I intended. I don't think the forums should change or anything.

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This games PvP (to some extent WvW) population is just super low and getting lower. I back this up by nothing but I assume most the people discussing professions are in two categories


1) Just learning the game and need help

2) Playing a PvP mode.


There really isn't a ton of reason to discuss professions among the PvE community as open world it doesn't matter and for raids/fractals there is what's BiS and that's it, nothing to discuss. The PvP community being low population would be reflected in these parts of the forums. This is purely speculation with absolutely no facts to back it though aside from some loose reasoning, so bag of salt and all that. Only reason I even post on the forums anymore is to just burn some time at work.

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What happen? People lose faith, here is what happen.

You can open hundred of threads in the profession's sub forums and not see the shadow of a dev answering nor even see result in game from those threads.

As for PvP/WvW, it's mostly always the same kind of threads: "X is to strong, nerf X and buff me". That said, ANet's devs showed that they read these 2 sub forums with their balance patchs and maybe some ended up being scared by the result (it's always scarier when you can't blame PvE for the nerfs you take in PvP).

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> Some quit cos professions had to be dumb down for forum warriors who complained alot when in fact they could see a burst coming and didn't know how to dodge.


> **Eg: like when op complain on another thread that a down mes skill hits for 7k. :)


Ahahaha I saw that post yesterday I really can't believe people have resorted to complain about Mesmer down skills!

What's next?

"I was pushed off a cliff by Rev's Down 2, it needs to be nerfed"

"Hey er, apparently Engi Down 2 pulled me into a Catapult shot and it killed me! nerf it!"


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