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Looking Ahead to Spring, Summer, and the Future

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> Does Bjora Marches take up two slots? You can't choose East Bjora Marches or West Bjora Marches as separate destinations so I don't see any real need for them to be separate.


> That said, I don't know what happens if someone has only one of the two episodes unlocked, can they still explore the whole map?

From what That_Shaman has determined, yes, it takes up two slots.


The reason being you can have episode 1, and not episode 2, or episode 2, and not episode 1, so they need separate slots. The Episode 1 scroll takes you outside Jora's Keep. The Episode 2 scroll takes you to the western side of the mountains that divide the map. You can only have one in the portal tome book, but there are seperate slots for each one in the situation you don't have both.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > No. It will likely be 8 episodes (9 if HoM doesn't get a scroll) spaced roughly two months apart on average. With festivals and other potential things that will delay it from being exactly every two months, it'd be Spring/Summer 2021 at the earliest. Given how long it has been estimate to have taken them to develop the previous two expansions, Q1 2022 if probably a safer bet although they could probably push for Q4 2021.

> >

> > I'm going to assume that there will be another Living Story season to set up the expansion.

> There are 9 slots in the portal tome

> 1. Grothmar Valley(Bound by Blood)

> 2. Bjora Marches east(Whisper in the Dark)

> 3. Bjora Marches west(Shadow in the Ice)

> The rest are unused as of yet.


> There will be 8 episodes, since BbB was a prologue, if the HoT doesn't get its own scroll, 7 if it does.


I'm counting the prologue and epilogue as an episode because they're essentially no different from the rest of the episodes other than simply being called something else. Also, your source for this refers to the prologue as an episode.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > Does Bjora Marches take up two slots? You can't choose East Bjora Marches or West Bjora Marches as separate destinations so I don't see any real need for them to be separate.

> >

> > That said, I don't know what happens if someone has only one of the two episodes unlocked, can they still explore the whole map?

> From what That_Shaman has determined, yes, it takes up two slots.


> The reason being you can have episode 1, and not episode 2, or episode 2, and not episode 1, so they need separate slots. The Episode 1 scroll takes you outside Jora's Keep. The Episode 2 scroll takes you to the western side of the mountains that divide the map. You can only have one in the portal tome book, but there are seperate slots for each one in the situation you don't have both.


That makes sense, thanks.


Also, there are two merchants on the map that sell the portal scroll, one for each episode. I'd guess that if you only have one episode unlocked that you can explore the whole map but you can only access the merchant for the episode you have unlocked.

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> @"Taelac.7036" said:

> > @"nargilli.6987" said:

> > Well ok, nice to have as a summer festival the "Dragon Bash" again among us (even in a winter map and without a dragon slain) but the real summer festival was supposed to be the "Festival of the Four Winds", what about it?


> It should show up in July, which is the first month of the third quarter. This announcement primarily focuses on the second quarter.


Since the thread title it's: "Looking Ahead to Spring, Summer, and the Future" I would expect something about spring, summer and future...

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> @"Butterfly Kingdom.8349" said:

> > @"Zinchmwah.2067" said:

> > No one's going to read this, but I just wanted the devs and the rest of the staff to know that I wish them good luck. Take your time and have fun with it. You guys do an awesome job at releasing story content to the game.


> I just wanted to mention that we (more than one employee) read your posts :)


I haven't posted in a while, but seeing this got me motivated to get on and participate in the discussion, haha. Thanks for all you do.


Cantha is probably one of the places I've looked forward to revisiting the most, as it was my favorite place to explore in GW1 (even if it was a bit difficult for my younger, inexperienced self to get through without help). I often talk and speculate with my Guildmates about what Cantha would be like should we return, and what features we'd like to see, as well as what pros and cons might come with those features. To help organize things, I've organized this so as to make for easier reading that's straight to the point.


Roses (My favorite parts of Cantha)

- The unique culture existing in Cantha in GW1 is something I enjoyed greatly, as it was unlike any other culture found in the game. The lore behind Ritualists' origin of magic was particularly interesting as well, as was the political interactions between the Empire, the Kurzicks, and the Luxons, and later the addition of the Ministry of Purity and their dealings with the other parts of the Celestial ministry.

- The monsters faced here were also quite engaging to learn about, particularly when GW2 was announced and speculation began upon the link between Sylvari and the Wardens of the Echovald forest, as well as the implementation of the Tengu as a playable race. My personal favorite thing to speculate about was whether Kanaxai and the outcasts had any relation to the Deep Sea Dragon, given that you find them deep within the Jade Sea along with many other Lovecraftian-like creatures.

- The scenery and architecture of every part you could visit in Cantha was unique and fantastical, in that you could tell at a glance just what part of the continent you were currently at, something that you can somewhat feel in GW2 and other parts of GW1, but not as distinctly as you could in Cantha.


Buds (What I hope for and look forward to in the upcoming expansion)

- I've longed hoped for the Tengu to be added as a new playable race, but I understand that would mean thousands of new voice lines, animations, and armor skins would need to be developed just for that, which would take up the majority of the time and effort of any teams designated to the expansion. Even still, revisiting the Tengu and their lore-ties with Cantha would be quite the treat.

- Elite specs have been something my guildmates and I particularly speculated on. We've considered that a new profession/weapon might be added, but know that it would be almost as significant an undertaking as creating a new playable race might be, but we all loved the idea of oriental themed specializations entering into the game and have spent countless hours working out what profession might get what, how they would play, and why.

- Oriental Armor sets. I have long hoped to give some of my characters have a more samurai/ronin or xiaolin monk type feel to them, and although we get outfits that fulfill that dream to some extent, the lack of customization outfits have in that regard have made me a sad panda at times. Belinda's greatsword is one of my favorite skins in the game.

- A completely new mastery mechanic aside from mounts. I see a lot of people hoping for new mounts to be added with the expansion, but I consider that to be what made PoF stand out. Although I don't have any suggestions as to what the new mechanic could be, I would love to see something that has an effect on all aspects of the game, similarly to how gliders in HoT effected the core game, and how mounts in PoF effected both HoT and core. Being able to revisit areas of the game with newly acquired skills that change how we approach age old situations brings some pride to me as a player for having put the effort in to obtain it.

- Guild Halls, Guild updates, GvG, and Alliances. I would love to see a faction based pvp system be reintroduced into a PvE setting as we saw in GW1, more so as I've seen discussion on the forums about the next episode in Woodland Cascades introducing a similar effect, akin to Silverwastes. Guilds have also not seen much love since the addition of the Windswept Haven in PoF, so seeing some additions (perhaps pertaining to an alliance or faction-based system) would be well appreciated. Structured GvG would also be an awesome way to make guild halls feel a bit more relevant as they did in GW1, though understandably, decorations are probably what have kept us from being able to visit that idea.

- Finally finding out what has happened to Cantha after the Winds of Change, the departure of the gods, and how the deep sea dragon plays into it. I have a mighty need to know, haha.


Thorns (Least favorite things of Cantha or the current game)

- There isn't a whole lot I can put here, but I'd probably say the likelihood that we won't get a new race or profession due to restraints in budget and time are one of the things that saddens me a bit. I can also see that being applied to GvG, Guild halls, new guild mechanics, and even the alliance system that was announced several years ago. A lot has happened in the last year or so that definitely makes it seem like those are out of reach, and most of it beyond your control to do anything about except adapt and adjust to fit NCsoft's needs.

- The current story doesn't give us many different choices for our own story, which has taken us away (imo) from what core guild wars 2 was all about. Understandably, this also has to do with time and budget constraints I'm sure, but my characters haven't felt quite as tailored as they used to be with being able to decide which course of action I would want to take for the next mission, although there are instances within some post-core story missions that do opt for some in-mission choices to be made, but it still feels somewhat like we've diverted from the original picture GW2 had when it launched.

- Similarly to the above, I feel balance-wise, y'all have backed yourselves into a corner somewhat in not having defined roles for every profession. Not that I'm complaining, but it would be cool if specializations felt a bit more specialized haha. We can see it somewhat with Druids being the designated healer or the Chronomancer being the tank/buffer in most raiding situations, but the lack of competition those professions have due to how dominant they are in that role compared to what other professions bring to the table is what prompts me to say this, and I think would have a strong effect on new elite specs/professions/weapons, but this would probably take things off topic if I pursued it much further.


Thanks again for all you do Anet. We're rooting for you, we're excited to see what you're working on, and we (particularly me and my guildmates) want to know what we can do to help support you! Can't wait to hear more about the expansion soon!

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> @"nargilli.6987" said:

> > @"Taelac.7036" said:

> > > @"nargilli.6987" said:

> > > Well ok, nice to have as a summer festival the "Dragon Bash" again among us (even in a winter map and without a dragon slain) but the real summer festival was supposed to be the "Festival of the Four Winds", what about it?

> >

> > It should show up in July, which is the first month of the third quarter. This announcement primarily focuses on the second quarter.


> Since the thread title it's: "Looking Ahead to Spring, Summer, and the Future" I would expect something about spring, summer and future...


And it did include all three just failed to mention the festival which will happen again but you needed confirmation for some reason

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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> Spring is fast approaching—with summer hot on its heels—and it’s time for some [updates on what’s next for Guild Wars 2](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/looking-ahead-to-spring-summer-and-the-future/)!


> ![](https://us.v-cdn.net/6027239/uploads/editor/ny/loa7eyyqhau3.jpg "")



GW1 Factions pure nostalgia! Thank you! It's been so long, I remember playing it with friends in college, the lore, story, eastern culture references were superb! Players went from the modest but noble [shing Jea Monastery](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Shing_Jea_Monastery) to the high courts of the [imperial palace](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Raisu_Palace_(outpost)), to the slums of [Kaineng](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kaineng_City), to the ancient forests of the [Kurzicks](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kurzick), and to the Jaded seas of the [Luxons](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Luxon) where war between the 2 faction tribes were constant. Along the way you gain trusted allies from the [Tengu](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Tengu) clans, while helping all sides to join your cause together against an imminent evil lurking from the shadows...


**The game was ahead of its time! :)


From the GW1 wiki:

_"As the ancient Canthan name implies, Shing Jea is the jewel of Cantha. Headed by the legendary Ritualist, Master Togo, the monastery provides training to students of all heroic professions, including the Ritualist and Assassin professions native to Cantha. Graduates of the Shing Jea Monastery are recognized worldwide as masters of their chosen arts."_


Guild Wars Factions Cinematic Trailer:

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I've a Necromancer who'd love a Ritualist spec, however thinking about it Guardians also have a somewhat legitimate claim to a Ritualist themed spec. The Sea of Sorrows book mentioned their connection, and with a [dev already pointing out some of those](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/38103/guardians-and-their-origins); you could have the Virtues become spirits (Spirit of Justice and so on), ultilities would be some new form of urns/ashes, and the weapons would be main hand dagger/off-hand dagger, or both since the Spellbreaker got two of them.

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Thank you for sharing this wonderful news, even if it's this early and you guys don't have any detail to share yet!


Human for me has always been the most interesting race in the game, which usually is not the case for me when it comes to other video games. I love the fact that the game lore can take inspirations from irl cultures that are non-western, flesh them out, and make unique adaptations yet still relatable without turning the human-centered elements into something else, for example, a bunch of walking talking pandas :tongue: .


But in all seriousness, even though Cantha is largely based on East Asia, as a Southeast Asian I can't wait to see what the Cantha-themed expansion will bring. I hope this will be a great opportunity for the dev teams to diversify human character creations similar to that before PoF released, as well as armor sets that look, and music that sounds native to Cantha. And obviously, one thing that I like about PoF was that the elite specs that are so well integrated to the lore then, and hopefully will be the case with the next expac.


So good luck and have fun for the devs working on the expac!




**Feature Wishlist**


Aaaand, though it's probably too early to talk about feature, that makes now a good time to chip in some ideas and aspiration no? Read sometimes Anet devs read through the post as well? what's wrong with dreaming anyway right? Right, so here goes nothing! :smiley:


Assuming the next expac will open up access to Cantha as well as free access to previous expansions (for players who don't already have them), I thought trading, trade route, sailing, ports, and caravansaries (basically** trade expeditions**) would be a neat addition. Lore wise, since many of the threats and constraints that had disturbed trade connection globally has been eliminated, intercontinental trading began to become popular again as each continent have developed their own specialties. Basically, move goods from one place and sell it to NPC in another place. Not gonna lie, I like the trading skills when playing BDO. It's a chill and immersive way to make money with minimum combat, but still allow you to interact with the world. I came up with a few features that might complement the idea:


* **Craft continent-specific products**: crafting stations in each continent will have access to different recipes and trade goods. These trade goods can only be moved via transportations. This will also give crafting more opportunities to be a means of making bucks and maybe more cross-discipline production chains (e.g. wooden crates from huntsman to safely store your chef trade goods).

* **Life skills**: life skills usually refer to fishing, botany, animal husbandry, cooking etc. Already got cooking, so maybe anet can add some other varieties of these skills. I've seen some discussion about these skills being part of mastery as well. Regardless these can complement the production chains towards crafting trade goods, or just crafting in general. I mean, we got garden plots, spear and swimming, and mini-games already. Maybe this is also more the case for player housing too? :lol:

* **Caravan and mounts**: since we learn about the domestication of large animals as mounts, and physics :lol: , caravans will be a mean of moving trade goods through the land. You can't waypoint while on a caravan, but you can map-to-map travel through the border portals.

* **Sailing**: Since different continents are disconnected in terms of land connections, the sea trade route would an option. That means there will be ocean-only maps that connects between one port to another to sail your ship, and perhaps some pirates roaming around. You can only embark/disembark trade goods on designated port and similar to the caravan, can't waypoint around on with your ship. If you don't properly dock your ship, after a certain time or when the map closes, your ship will be transferred to the last port it's docked. Why not airship you ask to begin with? Well, uuh, it's beacuse..., airship leaves too much carbon footprint and according to the Grove Convention, its uses other than for martial and emergency purposes are banned. Yes. That's canon.

* **Ports**: where players dock their ships. Places like Lion's Arch, Amnoon, Kaineng etc. Items stored inside the ships docked here will never lost. Maybe allowing other players to sell/buy the goods stored as well idk.

* **Caravansaries**: caravansaries are basically trading outposts that are located somewhere in various maps, new or existing. These caravansaries have top 10 requested trade goods based on megaserver-wide-based supply-demand and it's updated every 10-15 mins maybe. So it's possible for players to stack up certain imported goods in their ships on a port and deliver it with caravans when the time is right. These caravansaries can be an existing PoI like Eldvin Monastery but with trade goods officer NPCs. They are the ones who buy trade goods. When you sell imported goods, you might also have the options to trade them with 'local trade goods' with fewer liquid gold payment. These local goods can be sold to other trading outposts within the region with price based on the said supply/demand, or even just straight artificial one.

* **Trade routes**: basically gps system. You can pre-plan your trade expedition, sequencing routes for your caravansary and port destinations.

* **Bandit/pirates**: the higher the value of your trade routes, the higher the chance and more powerful bandits that might attack you.

* **Escort contract**: Not really good at combat? You can create a contract with other players to escort your caravan (with gold as payments). The escort will be able to inspect the trade value. The contract ideally have some requirements like the escort have to be within the range of the caravan and cannot be further away for a certain time limit, otherwise the contract is nullified. Once the caravan made it to the destination, the contract will be honored.


The reward for the trade expedition don't always have to be gold, could even be a currency for furniture or whatever. But the goal really is to add more variation into players' rotation, and while we have tp flipping, I thought trade expedition like this is more engaging and immersive because you get to travel and interact with the world again since waypointing is not possible during the expedition.


Phew, these definitely stuffs that I just pulled out of my mind and not something that I've been thought of since the announcement that has been keeping me from sleeping :lol:


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Im sooo excited for the new expansion and i wish they add these things to the game

New Race

New Class

New Raids ( there are only 7 in all these years ) maybe 20 man raid content

New Dungeons ( make them alive again )

New Mounts ( i really like to see a phoenix in the game )

New Fractals

Open world PVP ( Duels at least )

New Elite Specializations ( add some cool looking animations to abilities )

i always wanted some eastern map in the game so i think its happening anyway i hope they make something big bcoz we really need it


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> @"Albione.3894" said:

> I've a Necromancer who'd love a Ritualist spec, however thinking about it Guardians also have a somewhat legitimate claim to a Ritualist themed spec. The Sea of Sorrows book mentioned their connection, and with a [dev already pointing out some of those](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/38103/guardians-and-their-origins); you could have the Virtues become spirits (Spirit of Justice and so on), ultilities would be some new form of urns/ashes, and the weapons would be main hand dagger/off-hand dagger, or both since the Spellbreaker got two of them.

Frankly, there's no way an elite spec to any class can do a Ritualist justice. Adding just one type of skills (but keeping the rest), one weapon and tweaking class mechanic won't be enough to make anything better than a poor mockery of that class. You'd have to create a new class from the ground up for it.

Incidentally, ritualist os one of the GW1 classes that fit the current class paradigm best - depending on specialization you could easily go dps, support and/or healing on it.


Notice, btw, that whilewe seem to have the class roster full with 3 classes each for light, medium and heavy, in fact it is _still_ incomplete. While both light and heavy armor category have classes for low, medium and high HPs values, medium armor has only 2x medium and one low HPs. There's no medium armor high HPs class. Consequently, there's also no second medium HPs class for low and high armor groups. That allows Anet to create 3 more classes to fill the pattern.


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I hope Revenants get a new elite spec featuring a Legendary Asura, such as Snaff or Zinn. We already have Shiro who is Canthan, and we have important figures from other races such as Kalla (Charr) and Ventari (Sylvari). Having a Legendary Asura stance would open up possibilities of using magitech-inspired skills on revenant. Meanwhile a norn legend (e.g. Jora) would sound too similar to the Dwarf one i think.

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> @"ErickDntn.1847" said:

> Thank you for sharing this wonderful news, even if it's this early and you guys don't have any detail to share yet!


> Human for me has always been the most interesting race in the game, which usually is not the case for me when it comes to other video games. I love the fact that the game lore can take inspirations from irl cultures that are non-western, flesh them out, and make unique adaptations yet still relatable without turning the human-centered elements into something else, for example, a bunch of walking talking pandas :tongue: .


> But in all seriousness, even though Cantha is largely based on East Asia, as a Southeast Asian I can't wait to see what the Cantha-themed expansion will bring. I hope this will be a great opportunity for the dev teams to diversify human character creations similar to that before PoF released, as well as armor sets that look, and music that sounds native to Cantha. And obviously, one thing that I like about PoF was that the elite specs that are so well integrated to the lore then, and hopefully will be the case with the next expac.


> So good luck and have fun for the devs working on the expac!




> **Feature Wishlist**


> Aaaand, though it's probably too early to talk about feature, that makes now a good time to chip in some ideas and aspiration no? Read sometimes Anet devs read through the post as well? what's wrong with dreaming anyway right? Right, so here goes nothing! :smiley:


> Assuming the next expac will open up access to Cantha as well as free access to previous expansions (for players who don't already have them), I thought trading, trade route, sailing, ports, and caravansaries (basically** trade expeditions**) would be a neat addition. Lore wise, since many of the threats and constraints that had disturbed trade connection globally has been eliminated, intercontinental trading began to become popular again as each continent have developed their own specialties. Basically, move goods from one place and sell it to NPC in another place. Not gonna lie, I like the trading skills when playing BDO. It's a chill and immersive way to make money with minimum combat, but still allow you to interact with the world. I came up with a few features that might complement the idea:


> * **Craft continent-specific products**: crafting stations in each continent will have access to different recipes and trade goods. These trade goods can only be moved via transportations. This will also give crafting more opportunities to be a means of making bucks and maybe more cross-discipline production chains (e.g. wooden crates from huntsman to safely store your chef trade goods).

> * **Life skills**: life skills usually refer to fishing, botany, animal husbandry, cooking etc. Already got cooking, so maybe anet can add some other varieties of these skills. I've seen some discussion about these skills being part of mastery as well. Regardless these can complement the production chains towards crafting trade goods, or just crafting in general. I mean, we got garden plots, spear and swimming, and mini-games already. Maybe this is also more the case for player housing too? :lol:

> * **Caravan and mounts**: since we learn about the domestication of large animals as mounts, and physics :lol: , caravans will be a mean of moving trade goods through the land. You can't waypoint while on a caravan, but you can map-to-map travel through the border portals.

> * **Sailing**: Since different continents are disconnected in terms of land connections, the sea trade route would an option. That means there will be ocean-only maps that connects between one port to another to sail your ship, and perhaps some pirates roaming around. You can only embark/disembark trade goods on designated port and similar to the caravan, can't waypoint around on with your ship. If you don't properly dock your ship, after a certain time or when the map closes, your ship will be transferred to the last port it's docked. Why not airship you ask to begin with? Well, uuh, it's beacuse..., airship leaves too much carbon footprint and according to the Grove Convention, its uses other than for martial and emergency purposes are banned. Yes. That's canon.

> * **Ports**: where players dock their ships. Places like Lion's Arch, Amnoon, Kaineng etc. Items stored inside the ships docked here will never lost. Maybe allowing other players to sell/buy the goods stored as well idk.

> * **Caravansaries**: caravansaries are basically trading outposts that are located somewhere in various maps, new or existing. These caravansaries have top 10 requested trade goods based on megaserver-wide-based supply-demand and it's updated every 10-15 mins maybe. So it's possible for players to stack up certain imported goods in their ships on a port and deliver it with caravans when the time is right. These caravansaries can be an existing PoI like Eldvin Monastery but with trade goods officer NPCs. They are the ones who buy trade goods. When you sell imported goods, you might also have the options to trade them with 'local trade goods' with fewer liquid gold payment. These local goods can be sold to other trading outposts within the region with price based on the said supply/demand, or even just straight artificial one.

> * **Trade routes**: basically gps system. You can pre-plan your trade expedition, sequencing routes for your caravansary and port destinations.

> * **Bandit/pirates**: the higher the value of your trade routes, the higher the chance and more powerful bandits that might attack you.

> * **Escort contract**: Not really good at combat? You can create a contract with other players to escort your caravan (with gold as payments). The escort will be able to inspect the trade value. The contract ideally have some requirements like the escort have to be within the range of the caravan and cannot be further away for a certain time limit, otherwise the contract is nullified. Once the caravan made it to the destination, the contract will be honored.


> The reward for the trade expedition don't always have to be gold, could even be a currency for furniture or whatever. But the goal really is to add more variation into players' rotation, and while we have tp flipping, I thought trade expedition like this is more engaging and immersive because you get to travel and interact with the world again since waypointing is not possible during the expedition.


> Phew, these definitely stuffs that I just pulled out of my mind and not something that I've been thought of since the announcement that has been keeping me from sleeping :lol:



I REALLY like this trading idea, like, this would make for an awesome new mastery mechanic throughout the game if they implemented it, and it would give excuses to older players to revisit older content, similar to how Zaishan Bounties were in GW1, and I think it would play very well for re-introducing Cantha (or even Tengu, should they decide to make them a new race) into the world of GW2. The deep sea dragons minions would be something that you'd have to fight on trade routes, and Luxon or other pirates might also be a problem to face as well, so it offers for some interesting interactions with the world we don't otherwise have at the moment, and it also allows newer players an easier introduction to getting some gold (I'd say not too much, maybe like 1-2 gold per route, given that much higher would probably disrupt the economy by quite a bit). I would love to see that implemented with some ties to Guilds as well, perhaps as part of the Guild Market, maybe providing a guild ship or something of that nature.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"WhatLiesBeneath.9018" said:

> > > @"Yasai.3549" said:

> > > > @"Varg Vikernes.7582" said:

> > > > the question is....WHEN?

> > >

> > > I don't see it coming till 5 years later... if the world doesn't end by then.

> > >

> > > Icebrood Saga is just ramping up with the latest episode, and unless they are prematurely ending Icebrood which is going to be a waste, they shouldn't be working on Cantha anytime soon.

> > >

> > > I'll give Anet credit for making nice Expansions chock full of content, and usually it takes even the best studio 3 - 4 years to finish an Expansion and release it.

> > > I just hope that Anet is **ALLOWED** to take their time with the expansion after wrapping up Icebrood Saga, because this is their one chance to win over all current and past players with one big amazing Expansion.

> >

> > It does not take 3-4 years to make an expansion. More like 1-2 years.


> Yeah, Path of Fire came 23 months after Heart of Thorns so it took about 2 years of active development. With that in mind my guess is that we can expect it somewhere between Q4 2022 and Q2 2023.


Actually its confirmed PoF took them 18 months to develop, thats 1,5 years.

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> @"Elric.4713" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > I'm a big fan of gothic architecture, I just read on the wiki that kurzicks had an architecture very inspired by that movement. I will stay a lot around the gothic structures to take screenshots if it's true.


> I hope they do them justice in GW2.



That's.... beautiful.... thanks for an helpful sharing. By chance, do you know names of some places using that gothic architecture?

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> > @"Elric.4713" said:

> > > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > > I'm a big fan of gothic architecture, I just read on the wiki that kurzicks had an architecture very inspired by that movement. I will stay a lot around the gothic structures to take screenshots if it's true.

> >

> > I hope they do them justice in GW2.

> >


> That's.... beautiful.... thanks for an helpful sharing. By chance, do you know names of some places using that gothic architecture?


[Echovald Forest](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Echovald_Forest) is a zone with Kurzick cathedrals built in and around it's huge trees.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Charming, I'm impatient to discover the Echovald Forest, hope they render it well.


Im hoping it, and the Jade Sea have returned to their normal state. Not the state from the Jade Wind. normal state being the forest is alive, and the sea a sea.

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In the lore and GW1 timeline, the forests where Kurzicks lived + the jade sea where Luxons lived were impacted by the events of the [Jade wind](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Jade_Wind), currently in GW2, it's more than 250 years after events of GW1, the deep sea dragon awoke, and the sea should be back to normal, as [Cantha](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Cantha) consisted of one of the first human colonies, it's named as empire of the dragon as they were benevolent creatures that watched over the sea and empire, these included dragons such as [Kuunavang](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kuunavang), you help to free the dragon in the mission [unwaking Waters](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Unwaking_Waters) in the 1st game, several new game mechanics were introduced back then:


- Player vs Environment vs Player (Competitive missions): seen in [Fort Aspenwood](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Fort_Aspenwood) and [Jade Quarry](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/The_Jade_Quarry), 1 side with 8 players guards multiple Luxon [siege Turtles](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Siege_Turtle) with NPCs while advancing against a Kurzicks Fort with 8 players on the other side, if walls are breached, Luxons win, if timer runs out, defensive was successful, Kurzicks win, and you get rewards for helping 1 of the factions which can be used to buy weapons and armor etc.

- Storyline Players (from Kurzicks faction) +Players (from Luxons faction) together vs Environment, seen in [unwaking Waters](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Unwaking_Waters)

- Elite (Hard Mode) missions, repeatable

- Alliance Battles

- and more that I may have missed

- It was one of the top selling games at its time due to its innovation, lore, and design

- They literally pushed the Graphics to its limit with the tech at the time

- Focusing on Cantha this time around means they'll be retracing past designs, there's hope!

- It'll be interesting to see what they can come up with this time using the GW2 engine :)


More lore from wiki: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/An_Empire_Divided


**Fort Aspenwood Game Play Mechanics example:**


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I really wonder how Bangar revolution will continue to spread. Just thought of something, what if Bangar is aiming for woodland cascades in the view of going to divinity reach? What if he wants to destroy DR and kill Jennah? During e1 there was some renegades brewing, and in core you have the separatists... At least imho Bangar cares of nobody apart blood legion and he wants blood.

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