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How satisfied are you with druid?

Aleksander Suburb.4287

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I hate druid. It seems very strong if you concentrate totally on healing. The druid could be so more powerful. He could create big distant aoe with cc, healing areas or buffs. But its clunky mechanic the fact, that half of the skills of druid is absolute underwhelming to use.

In addition the clunky avatar mechanic is so bad. Needs years to charge without healing and least just a few seconds. The avatar skills are easy to interrupt.

It has the potential to be a cool class for wvw zergs, but it isn't :bawling:

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It brings a more engaging style of play to a healing class, skills are fun to use and gaining astral force seems properly tuned. Staff skills are alot of fun and have very specific uses, there's always somewhere where you'll use them. I've been very please with druid since HoT launch and I think anet will have a pretty hard time ever making a better healing spec on the other classes lol

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Druid was the perfect addition at the time to what core Ranger lacked; which was the utility to compete with other classes for team composition roles across the multiple game modes.


However, as the game was continually polished headed towards PoF, the core Ranger kit didn't receive the balances it needed to keep up in regards with the offensive options it provides for players, and instead ANet added tons of overlap with the core Ranger options utility which only ended up hurting the concept of specializing to be a Druid (as far as self-utility is concerned anyhow).


What Ranger NEEDS is combat options so that every conceivable build isn't stuck doing the same predictable rotation to try to do damage, from a PvP perspective, and in PvP it needs the numerical damage numbers on those builds/options to compete.


Unfortunately, neither elite spec provides the offensive combat options needed to be an "alpha" threat in optimizing a team composition when aiming to be that damage powerhouse role.


Druid was perfect for what it was though, and still is. It's just failed to keep pace with the rest of the game minus the PvE utility it brings.


I'd love to see the implied desire changes through a polishing update to the core Ranger kit, personally.

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I think the spec is decent. I am not a fan of the lacking synergy between druid and ranger and there isnt much of a synergy in between druid traits. I like a third of the glyphs (Tide and equality), but the others could use some buffs. It has a fantastic GM (ancient seeds)and nice CC capabbilities. I dont like the lack of offensive capabbilities in CAF except of the nice CC it offers.


Overall its decent, but its not hypable in any means IMO.

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I still play druid over soulbeast for anything competitive. I think it is still a very solid elite. I lost my favorite druid build to date with the boon nerf update patch from 8/8 which killed my build over 2 different traitlines, so I voted displeased. The update basically makes wilderness survival the must have, and it ultimately gave me more survivability with my current build but a kitten ton less damage.

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