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Isn't it about time you folks put the same amount of Mystic Clovers rewards found in WvW and PvP tracks into the Dungeons and/or Fractals runs?

Most people would prefer to do them ABANDONED dungeon runs over WvW and PvP if there were better rewards...aka...mystic clovers.


Putting Mystic Clovers in them dungeons would revitalize DUNGEONS.

Putting mystic clover rewards in OTHER aspects of the game would only be fair.


At the current rate wvw and pvp players crafts legends 5x faster because crafting materials are rewarded just for playing 2 modes of the game that others find unappealing.


No I do not like getting CHEATED by the "upgrading/conversion" of the mystic forge to create Mystic Clovers. I would rather post here for Mystic clovers to be distributed evenly in all modes of game play.


Dump some on them dead Dungeon runs.

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> @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

> No I do not like getting CHEATED by the "upgrading/conversion" of the mystic forge to create Mystic Clovers. I would rather post here for Mystic clovers to be distributed evenly in all modes of game play.

at first this is not cheat. You can easy convert you gold to mystic clover. Also you can choose yourself what way you more like.


>would revitalize DUNGEONS.

why we need do it ? I see each day dungeons runs. Yes, people from my guild don't take randoms players, only members. So If you see empty lfg - this is not mean that no one do that.

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There will always be a small % that does anything and everything.

I am just using Dungeons as an example. Put some in open world Meta Boss events, would be even better.


I did not say that using the Mystic Forge was cheating. I said It cheats players ... with the requirement to lose mystic coins and other items.


Also note you said " I can use my gold to pay for it" when wvw and pvp do not use their gold to pay for mystic clovers in track rewards. Put some in open world Meta Boss events, would be even better.


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> @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

> I am just using Dungeons as an example. Put some in open world Meta Boss events, would be even better.

don't see an y reason to do that. People who want leg - can buy it on TP, wihtout any meta or dungeons, or etc.


> I did not say that using the Mystic Forge was cheating. I said It cheats players ... with the requirement to lose mystic coins and other items.

requirement only one - gold. And this is great.




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Hmm I must be a total newb for not knowing this


"requirement only one - gold. And this is great."


Can you post detail on trading 1 gold for 1 mystic Clovers? Again why should I pay for it when wvw and pvp gets it FREE in reward tracks.


Can you put some in world events for pve-ers? As in guaranteed drop like in guaranteed reward track and not some super duper random luck.

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> @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

> Also note you said " I can use my gold to pay for it" when wvw and pvp do not use their gold to pay for mystic clovers in track rewards. Put some in open world Meta Boss events, would be even better.



Not sure if serious...


So, while we add Mystic Clovers to PvE content, do we also reduce the gold gain in PvE to the levels of WvW and PvP?

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I wouldn't know about gold farming, sorry.

I don't farm gold.


So I'm fine with it if you think pve makes more gold, balance it out and reduce the gold.


I would rather everyone be happy AND have mystic clovers in pve land - BUT -


Wvw and pvp makes up for the gold with SKINS and other stuff too like GIFT of BATTLES, Memories of *stuffs*...etc. SO that already balances out the gold part...no?

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> @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

> I wouldn't know about gold farming, sorry.

> I don't farm gold.


> So I'm fine with it if you think pve makes more gold, balance it out and reduce the gold.



I don't think pve makes more gold. I know it does.


> @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

> I would rather everyone be happy AND have mystic clovers in pve land.


I'd assume most players would prefer having the higher gold reward and no Mystic Clovers, given that MC see only use in legendarys and most players do not craft those. So going by your wish: let's keep it the way it is.

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You assume pve makes more gold.

You assume most players do not want legends.


BOTH can be wrong, especially the legends part.


As far as the assuming pve makes more gold...if they farm like a d*g ... I don't mind reducing the gold drops if devs make guaranteed SKINS available too for pve - like wvw and pvp skins rewards.


It's all about "BALANCE"!

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> @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

> You assume pve makes more gold.


I don't assume, I know because unlike you, I know which content provide how much gold. Both via own experience as well as participating in all content and having been active in this game for nearly 8 years (and actually using tools like the gw2efficiency farming tracker).


> @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

> You assume most players do not want legends.


No, I said most players do not CRAFT legendarys. I did not say they do not want them. Big difference.


> @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

> BOTH can be wrong, especially the legends part.


It's not for me to prove anything though, I am not the on in favor of change here. If you want to make an argument, feel free to do so.


> @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

> As far as the assuming pve makes more gold...if they farm like a d*g....i don't mind reducing the gold drops if devs make guaranteed SKINS available too for pve - like wvw and pvp skins rewards.


Yeah, I'm sure those around 30 unique skins in wvw and pvp measure up to the over 4500 skins in pve. Again, don't advocate for other players and them being fine with less gold rewards, because I can guarantee this: you are wrong for nearly all of them.

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I am sorry but I am not PRO like you.


And again you Assume that you are the only one that played 8 years and did all the contents. Ask any GM or Devs :) how long I've played and what content I've done and the legends I've crafted.


Players that don't craft do not craft them because of how hard it is to get the "mats".


As for the skins...do tracks get skin. 4500 skins...are for everyone.

This isn't about skins....you went off the tracks.


Not sure why you are against it. It is for everyone, especially the new players and less active players and less fortunate ones.

Maybe you don't like that it would level the playing field a bit....like the middle class don't like the poor rising up to middle class?


I'm just an advocate for fair play....I have all the legends I want already LOL.

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> @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

> I am sorry but I am not PRO like you.


> And again you Assume that you are the only one that played 8 years and did all the contents. Ask any GM or Devs :) how long I've played and what content I've done and the legends I've crafted.



I honestly don't care. If you assume pve doesn't make the most gold in this game, you are obviously wrong.


> @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

> Players that don't craft do not craft them because of how hard it is to get the "mats".



Mystic Clover are not hard to get. They are expensive, and while cost can be associated with difficulty, it can be circumvented with gold (or gems or real money). At the same time cost is also part of a function of an economic system, which Mystic Clovers are a part of here.


> @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

> As for the skins...do tracks get skin. 4500 skins...are for everyone.

> This isn't about skins....you went off the tracks.


I was making a point. I could go through all unique pve skins which are not available to spvp and wvw players, I just didn't feel I'd need to. I was not the one to bring up unique skins first.


But you know what: you do you. I really don't feel the need to continue this nonsense argument. Mystic Clovers and their implementation have been part of this game in a specific way. If you feel there needs to be new methods of acquisition (contrary to their main function right now: which is a drain on resources and wealth) sure, you can ask for that.

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Again you miss the point Cyn.




Wvw and pvp do NOT pay for it. They get REWARDED IT for just playing wvw and pvp.


PVE should get reward it for just playing pve too , no? make it TTT drop or Teq drop , no?



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> @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

> Hmm I must be a total newb for not knowing this

no problem, welcome !!


> Can you post detail on trading 1 gold for 1 mystic Clovers? Again why should I pay for it when wvw and pvp gets it FREE in reward tracks.

we gw2 have great wiki

use https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Clover


> Can you put some in world events for pve-ers? As in guaranteed drop like in guaranteed reward track and not some super duper random luck.

why we need this ? anyway pve players alsdo have guaranteed 2x per day. Vendor BUY-4373 BUY-4373 waits you! He sell me 500+ mystic clovers.

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> @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

> Again you miss the point Cyn.




> Wvw and pvp do NOT pay for it. They get REWARDED IT for just playing wvw and pvp.


> PVE should get reward it for just playing pve too , no? make it TTT drop or Teq drop , no?


> LOL.


PvE rewards more gold. That gold can be converted to Mystic Clovers IF SO DESIRED. If not, the player can decide to keep his gold. You are actively advocating to make the system worse for every player in pve who is not interested in Mystic Clovers.

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> @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

> It's all about "BALANCE"!

this is no any balance for me anywhere, no in drop, not any balance in class, or build, and I don't wait any balance and don't wait it also.

If you see some more profit from some action and you like do it - welcome. No one can stop you.

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> @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

> Players that don't craft do not craft them because of how hard it is to get the "mats".

This is secrets in gw2. This is Trading Post. On this you can buy any mats, or get precursors for that mats.

Use it.


> Not sure why you are against it. It is for everyone, especially the new players and less active players and less fortunate ones.

if player new, or less active why we should give him leg asap ?? Ofc he can way buy gems, and concert it to gold. And again - No one can stop you !!


> Maybe you don't like that it would level the playing field a bit....like the middle class don't like the poor rising up to middle class?

yes, I agree whit you and don't like that too. Poor should be poor.


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Can you post detail on trading 1 gold for 1 mystic Clovers? Again why should I pay for it when wvw and pvp gets it FREE in reward tracks.


we gw2 have great wiki

use https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Clover



UMM.....bots are stealing MY mystic coin and 150 relic coins .... LOL that isn't even near free like reward tracks as mentioned above where the mystic forge STEALS my mystic coin too and others.


What you have against clovers being dropped in world boss events?

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I am only advocating for mystic clovers to drop in PVE land like they are guaranteed in REWARDS tracks, nothing else.


You and Lare however wants pve players to spend their gold and mystic coin and fractal relics and obsidian shards and whatever the other stuff that are required to PAY just to convert for a random chance in mystic forge - something wvw and pvp players get guaranteed and FREE.

- AND yes PAYING for it on the Bot in fractal is guaranteed...BUT still PAYING for it.


What/WHY you have against clovers being dropped in world boss events in pve land?

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> @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

> Can you post detail on trading 1 gold for 1 mystic Clovers?

yes, I do it in prev post. Ok, take one more


after read read again.

after that read this "Both Mystic Forge recipes have technically identical costs. Neither one guarantees a Mystic Clover; there is a chance that you will receive other items. Drop rate research suggests that both recipes have an equal chance of receiving Mystic Clovers, approximately 30-32%. "

After that take calculation from mystic coin by TP, and you will get you price.


>Again why should I pay for it when wvw and pvp gets it FREE in reward tracks.

You should not. You can choose. The rle is simle - don't like - don't do.


> UMM.....bots are stealing MY mystic coin and 150 relic coins ....

is make change 100% if you not need any others t6 mats. Also this vendor don't by pass. You can not trade if not like.. I buy it, and he sell me 500+ .. so I like this vendor.



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>What you have against clovers being dropped in world boss events?

yes, I not like if clovers being dropped in world boss events.

Also the clovers is not absolutely problem for players who play 4-6 years.

So the rule is simple:

Take a hard, play each day 8+ hours and you will get is also.

Don't have time but want leg? trading post waits you !!!

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> @"Fuzdom.6493" said:

> Cyn

> I am only advocating for mystic clovers to drop in PVE land like they are guaranteed in REWARDS tracks, nothing else.


> You and Lare however wants pve players to spend their gold and mystic coin and fractal relics and obsidian shards and whatever the other stuff that are required to PAY just to convert for a random chance in mystic forge - something wvw and pvp players get guaranteed and FREE.


The current PvE access to Mystic Clovers is balanced with how much gain and wealth a player can obtain from the game mode.


The Mystic Clovers in wvw and pvp as guaranteed rewards are balanced against those game modes wealth gain (and I guarantee you, I am very sure a LOT of pvp and wvw players would love to get gold instead of Mystic Clovers).


If you want a sure way to get Clovers in PvE, use the Fractal conversion, which comes out as around 2-2.5 gold per clover at 2 per day (with around 30-40 Minutes of daily fractals for the fractal relics). With an additional 10-20 gold in reward at the end of the T4 daily fractals (which comes out to another 3- 4 clovers at average 4.5 gold per clover)


Getting 2 Mystic Clovers from a pvp or wvw reward track takes around 6-8 hours of game play per track, shorted to around 4-6 hours with all buffs).


The way I see it, PvE players have it far easier to get Mystic Clovers while actively having a choice if they want them. Pvp and wvw players get the clover way slower and don't have a choice if they want them or not.


I'm still not seeing the issue here.

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If u convert gold/hour it looks like that. Wvw players get 2 clovers per 6-8h, and almost 0 gold .crafting 1 cover cost on avarage i think 5g? Open World farm gives u 30 g/h. Dungeons give... No idea, i dont play it, dungs were already dead when i started to play, but ye obviously thats forgotten content that need reward revamp. Which propably wont happen cuz of low populations.


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