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What class fits me and i should choose?


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I want a class that could burst anyone quickly and applies boons to myself, i especially want quickness, I tried necromancer very fun but in my own opinion i find it lacking, I most especially want a class that can apply boons to itself continually whilst bursting characters, i also tried guardian very bland in my opinion, not my cup of tea. if you have question about what class i find specifically just ask in the comments.

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Based on what you're looking for I'd suggest revenant. It's a combination of thief and warrior. It can continually provide itself and others with boons, has (or had, not sure since the event patch) good burst damage, has access to quickness, and skillful play begins with managing your resources and timing your attacks. Admittedly, it's the only profession I suck with, since I didn't get a grasp of the flow of managing it's resources like I could with thief and often found myself out of the ability to attack - good players with it though seem to rarely have this issue though.


Edit: Ranger is also the king of quickness, not sure why it slipped my mind since it's my main.

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> @"WeirdoManiac.9726" said:

> I want a class that could burst anyone quickly and applies boons to myself, i especially want quickness, I tried necromancer very fun but in my own opinion i find it lacking,


You just have to go back in time 1 year and play power Herald. I guess current Ranger could work to some extent, but take in consideration that average joe is currently way tankier than before the last month megapatch.

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