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Legendary Equipment and Templates - [Merged]

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> @"bardir.2746" said:

> Personally I think this is a great idea. That way, people will be motivated to work towards getting more legendaries, especially if they are alt crazed like I am.


> I do have some concerns though:

> * will it transfer basically the same item with the skin and color that is currently applied, if transmoged?

> Overall I am excited about the update and it sounds really cool. Can't wait to see it in the game!


Technically it Cannot keep the same skin. I don't claim to know what Anet has planned for this aspect. However, once you consider the that some people will for example have Sylvari, Char, Asuran races for 3 light toons and could use cultural armor on one or all of them which are not cross race compatible; It becomes clear that skins will HAVE to be dealt with separately somehow.


I would think based on what the OP says that this will be a change made to the core system and as such would not be a gemshop purchase, but I would think they will still want to sell extra templates as they presently do. I would speculate they hope this will improve the willingness of players to buy them. Also I would think it includes all legenary items, BUT yea devil is in the details.

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Since this only applies to account bound legendaries it would make the most sense to simply be a window where people can pull out unlimited copies of legendaries they have unlocked. This wouldn't require integration with anything, and you could still have multiple sets per character if you wanted. This solves all the fashion concerns, and issues covering classes that want two of the same legendary (ie Axe/Axe with ofhand Axe/Axe for Berserker).

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> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > > > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > > > @"Flomix.3982" said:

> > > > > I actually don't understand why people complain that they want a refund. It is a cool feature for everybody. I bet the same complaints were done back then when legendary weapons were made Accound bound instead of soulbound, and there were also no refunds for people who bound one legy multiple times before. And still nobody would want the old times back.

> > > >

> > > > So you are saying you don't understand the desire to recoup the thousands of gold and many hours spent farming for materials? I find the capacity of some people to see what's right in front of them amazing. Yes of course it is a cool feature. But unlike maybe one or two weapons you had to make 6 pieces of armor multiple times for each character. That's a lot of time, effort and money that is now potentially wasted due to this feature. I for one would have only made one suit of each type if this were introduced at the time of legendary armor release. Do you understand now?

> > >

> > >

> > > You didnt buy Teamplates , because they where overpriced and they where not account bound to share among your other characters .

> > > So instead you created multiply sets to , to fight against it .

> > > What is again the problem ?

> > > Still Legendaries Templates , will have the same free spots as normal Teamplates .....so having more legenderies gear remain more beneficial , and you dont have to unlock anything else from the Gemstore

> > >

> > >

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1124740#Comment_1124740

> > >

> > > Heibi.4251

> > > December 24, 2019

> > >

> > > > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > > After the holiday break I would like to see an update and some possible answers to the multitude of questions and feedback you received, ANET:

> > > > Here are three core questions I'd like to see answered:

> > > > 1. Cost - Are you going to lower the cost of adding "templates"? The Vast Majority believe this feature is too expensive. If you are going keep it that way, at least make the purchases ACCOUNT WIDE. It makes no sense for people to purchase dozens if not hundreds of expansions to a feature for separate characters. I for one stopped at the primary characters I use and will not spend another dime/gem on templates at this time unless this is addressed.

> > > > 2. Legendary Equipment fix - Are you addressing the Legendary equipment problem when we swap in equipment? This feature was supposed make switching builds easier, but it does not do this.

> > > > 3. Are you going to lock the builds or give us a check box that locks the builds so that simply switching a piece of equipment or a skill doesn't alter a "saved" build?

> > > >

> > >

> >

> > Your post makes no sense. Legendary items had nothing to do with the build templates. I had multiple sets BEFORE the build templates, as did many others.


> Normally i would have asked , why you need multiply Legendary Sets ..when a Free addon called ArcDPS Teplates was around since Octomber 2017 and did the same job....but nvm ..you win


I don't use third party programs.

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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> We want to talk a little about our plans for the next update that will affect the suite of templates features, and gather your feedback about what you hope to see from it.


> We’re calling it the Legendary Armory.


> Here’s a quick description of how it will work—when you bind a legendary item to your account, it will be added to the Legendary Armory. Any legendary item that is added to the Legendary Armory will become available for use by all the characters across your entire account at the same time. This removes the need for you to swap legendary equipment between characters through your bank or shared inventory. This feature will also come with updates to Equipment Template functionality to make it easier to copy the configuration of equipped legendary items from one Equipment Template to another template on the same character.


> Here are our goals for the Legendary Armory feature:


> * Make it feel more valuable to earn and use legendary equipment, while also making it easier to use legendary items with the Equipment Template feature.

> * Remove the need for players to swap account-bound legendary items between characters.

> * Make it easier to copy the configuration of equipped legendary items from one Equipment Template tab to another template on the same character.


> Let us know your thoughts in this thread. Thank you all!




Wow. Just now reading about this. Sounds amazing. Might actually start pursuing some of the last few trinkets I need now. Not sure how the transmuting and armor appearances will be handled but it sounds like a great qol addition.

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I like the ways this feature sounds, and I'm excited for it to come to the game. I also think guys should make it so Legendary Armor, and weapons can be sold for the people who have more than one. Luckily, I am not one of these people and I'm not sure why people would make the same set over again unless they're a truly **lazy bastard**. I feel bad tho about buying the max number of shared inventory slots because I use them to move all of my gear to another toons. Hopefully I can find a better purpose for these slots.

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> @"Manny Lennix.4236" said:

> I like the ways this feature sounds, and I'm excited for it to come to the game. I also think guys should make it so Legendary Armor, and weapons can be sold for the people who have more than one. Luckily, I am not one of these people and I'm not sure why people would make the same set over again unless they're a truly **lazy kitten**. I feel bad tho about buying the max number of shared inventory slots because I use them to move all of my gear to another toons. Hopefully I can find a better purpose for these slots.


I recommend using converters, salvage kits, portal tomes and such in those slots. It's nice because then you don't have to remember to go to your bank every day to get the free stuff from the ley-line converter, etc. each day.

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> @"Kami.8342" said:

> Since this only applies to account bound legendaries it would make the most sense to simply be a window where people can pull out unlimited copies of legendaries they have unlocked. This wouldn't require integration with anything, and you could still have multiple sets per character if you wanted. This solves all the fashion concerns, and issues covering classes that want two of the same legendary (ie Axe/Axe with ofhand Axe/Axe for Berserker).


No imo you still need to craft 2 legendaries if u want to dual wield or have them on weapon swap and so on.

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> @"tim.4596" said:

> > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> > We want to talk a little about our plans for the next update that will affect the suite of templates features, and gather your feedback about what you hope to see from it.

> >

> > We’re calling it the Legendary Armory.

> >

> > Here’s a quick description of how it will work—when you bind a legendary item to your account, it will be added to the Legendary Armory. Any legendary item that is added to the Legendary Armory will become available for use by all the characters across your entire account at the same time. This removes the need for you to swap legendary equipment between characters through your bank or shared inventory. This feature will also come with updates to Equipment Template functionality to make it easier to copy the configuration of equipped legendary items from one Equipment Template to another template on the same character.

> >

> > Here are our goals for the Legendary Armory feature:

> >

> > * Make it feel more valuable to earn and use legendary equipment, while also making it easier to use legendary items with the Equipment Template feature.

> > * Remove the need for players to swap account-bound legendary items between characters.

> > * Make it easier to copy the configuration of equipped legendary items from one Equipment Template tab to another template on the same character.

> >

> > Let us know your thoughts in this thread. Thank you all!

> >

> >


> I understand that it will greatly improve the QoL of players, however I would argue against it for the following reasons:


> 1. I can't foresee the future, however I have the feeling that it will most likely kill raids and WvW even more, as there won't be any need to repeat those content to craft more than 1 set of legendary armor. Of course dedicated WvWer and Raider will still most likely play those game mode. But a lot of other players won't.

> 2. What are veteran players going to do with all the excess LI and LD ? or Will there actually be a benefit having 2x the same set of legendary on multiple characters ? different skins etc...


> I simply can't see how it will be a good thing. I mean repeatable legendaries are probably the only "try hard things" left in the game, since having multiple legendary armors or multiple WvW backpieces demonstrate a strong dedication to one of the gamemode. If that's removed what else will there be?


The Legendary Armoury would be good because it encourages players to build Legendary items instead of the considerably cheaper Ascended items. It'll mean a massive sink on the economy (which is always good for the game).


Let's remember that Legendary armour is per weight, so not every character can use your HEAVY legendary armour, you need to make the other two weights to cover every character you own, and that's before you start on Leggy Runes, Weapons and Trinkets.


It'll be a long time before the player base is done with all of that, and even then Anet can always consider the dreaded "Next tier"!


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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> We want to talk a little about our plans for the next update that will affect the suite of templates features, and gather your feedback about what you hope to see from it.


> We’re calling it the Legendary Armory.


> Here’s a quick description of how it will work—when you bind a legendary item to your account, it will be added to the Legendary Armory. Any legendary item that is added to the Legendary Armory will become available for use by all the characters across your entire account at the same time. This removes the need for you to swap legendary equipment between characters through your bank or shared inventory. This feature will also come with updates to Equipment Template functionality to make it easier to copy the configuration of equipped legendary items from one Equipment Template to another template on the same character.


> Here are our goals for the Legendary Armory feature:


> * Make it feel more valuable to earn and use legendary equipment, while also making it easier to use legendary items with the Equipment Template feature.

> * Remove the need for players to swap account-bound legendary items between characters.

> * Make it easier to copy the configuration of equipped legendary items from one Equipment Template tab to another template on the same character.


> Let us know your thoughts in this thread. Thank you all!




Now if you could make a way to preview infusions, as well maybe a wardrobe for them? So that way they function like gear and can be shared account wide in appearances, This is a good step in the right direction but I feel like Infusions being visible and preview-able as well having their own window would be excellent.

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I would just like to second the questions about skins and dyes on the gear, and how this will interact with the different characters. To me, personally, the character's uniqueness will take priority over the convenience of the legendaries.


Thank you for making this update, and for being so communicative lately! :D

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> @"Nick Kaedalus.9526" said:

> I would just like to second the questions about skins and dyes on the gear, and how this will interact with the different characters. To me, personally, the character's uniqueness will take priority over the convenience of the legendaries.


> Thank you for making this update, and for being so communicative lately! :D

Technically, isnt that a requirement for its functionality?


I mean if you have a Charr warrior with a full legendary armor set, using the T3 Charr look...


And you have it on your Asura warrior at the same time but it doesnt support different skins...


You'd either end up with a very funny looking Asura, or a broken technical implementation.


I am *fairly* confident Anet thought this out.

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> @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > @"Zok.4956" said:

> > > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > So you are saying you don't understand the desire to recoup the thousands of gold and many hours spent farming for materials?

> >

> > I do understand, why some (rich) players, that have multiple legendary sets, think that they are entitled to some form of compensation to become richer.

> >

> > However, because Anet is not taking anything away from these players, there should'nt be a compensation in gold/currency etc. . I think some title/appreciation for those players should be enough.

> >


> I know many players who aren't "rich" who save up money and farmed mats to make extra sets of armor.


A player who can make (or has made) several sets of legendary armor is already rich.


>And wanting to be compensated for a massive change like this is after working hard to create those sets is not a sense of entitlement.


What (financial / gold) does the game take away for which you want to be compensated?


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> @"Zok.4956" said:

> > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > @"Zok.4956" said:

> > > > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > > So you are saying you don't understand the desire to recoup the thousands of gold and many hours spent farming for materials?

> > >

> > > I do understand, why some (rich) players, that have multiple legendary sets, think that they are entitled to some form of compensation to become richer.

> > >

> > > However, because Anet is not taking anything away from these players, there should'nt be a compensation in gold/currency etc. . I think some title/appreciation for those players should be enough.

> > >

> >

> > I know many players who aren't "rich" who save up money and farmed mats to make extra sets of armor.


> A player who can make (or has made) several sets of legendary armor is already rich.


> >And wanting to be compensated for a massive change like this is after working hard to create those sets is not a sense of entitlement.


> What (financial / gold) does the game take away for which you want to be compensated?



The armors post this update will be useless, ppl want compensation because smth that was a legit mechanic of the game (crafting multiple armors) has now left them with multiple useless sets.

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This is a great idea and I was actually really frustrated that this wasn’t implemented previously when they developed build templates. The fact this wasn’t implemented meant I felt I had to make a new legendary light Armor set since I couldn’t easily switch between characters without destroying my equipment templates each time.


While I don’t believe I should be “compensated”, if this was implemented it would be nice if I was able to swap my now defunct extra legendary light armor set for a medium or heavy one as a one time thing.


Overall though I think this should be introduced.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Zok.4956" said:

> > > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > > @"Zok.4956" said:

> > > > > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > > > So you are saying you don't understand the desire to recoup the thousands of gold and many hours spent farming for materials?

> > > >

> > > > I do understand, why some (rich) players, that have multiple legendary sets, think that they are entitled to some form of compensation to become richer.

> > > >

> > > > However, because Anet is not taking anything away from these players, there should'nt be a compensation in gold/currency etc. . I think some title/appreciation for those players should be enough.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I know many players who aren't "rich" who save up money and farmed mats to make extra sets of armor.

> >

> > A player who can make (or has made) several sets of legendary armor is already rich.

> >

> > >And wanting to be compensated for a massive change like this is after working hard to create those sets is not a sense of entitlement.

> >

> > What (financial / gold) does the game take away for which you want to be compensated?

> >


> The armors post this update will be useless, ppl want compensation because smth that was a legit mechanic of the game (crafting multiple armors) has now left them with multiple useless sets.


Again, the game will not take any gold, item etc away from you. So there is no legitimate claim for compensation.

And: The fact that other players may get the same functionality with less effort in the future does not justify claims for compensation


The players that are already rich still want more gold. I get it. And that's OK. :) A lot of players want more gold. But it is still not justified compensation.


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> @"Zok.4956" said:

> > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > @"Zok.4956" said:

> > > > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > > So you are saying you don't understand the desire to recoup the thousands of gold and many hours spent farming for materials?

> > >

> > > I do understand, why some (rich) players, that have multiple legendary sets, think that they are entitled to some form of compensation to become richer.

> > >

> > > However, because Anet is not taking anything away from these players, there should'nt be a compensation in gold/currency etc. . I think some title/appreciation for those players should be enough.

> > >

> >

> > I know many players who aren't "rich" who save up money and farmed mats to make extra sets of armor.


> A player who can make (or has made) several sets of legendary armor is already rich.


> >And wanting to be compensated for a massive change like this is after working hard to create those sets is not a sense of entitlement.


> What (financial / gold) does the game take away for which you want to be compensated?



Um, they had to save up the money, just like I did and had to farm the mats, just like I did. I wasn't rich and the money was spent to make the armor - poof - not rich again. You seem to be jealous of people who can work hard to create something. So, those of us who have worked hard and played hours and hours to EARN the items we needed to make the armor/armors are asking ANET if they will take this into consideration when the plan goes into effect. It doesn't hurt you in any way, so why should you care?

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> @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > @"Zok.4956" said:

> > > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > > @"Zok.4956" said:

> > > > > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > > > So you are saying you don't understand the desire to recoup the thousands of gold and many hours spent farming for materials?

> > > >

> > > > I do understand, why some (rich) players, that have multiple legendary sets, think that they are entitled to some form of compensation to become richer.

> > > >

> > > > However, because Anet is not taking anything away from these players, there should'nt be a compensation in gold/currency etc. . I think some title/appreciation for those players should be enough.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I know many players who aren't "rich" who save up money and farmed mats to make extra sets of armor.

> >

> > A player who can make (or has made) several sets of legendary armor is already rich.

> >

> > >And wanting to be compensated for a massive change like this is after working hard to create those sets is not a sense of entitlement.

> >

> > What (financial / gold) does the game take away for which you want to be compensated?

> >


> Um, they had to save up the money, just like I did and had to farm the mats, just like I did. I wasn't rich and the money was spent to make the armor - poof - not rich again. You seem to be jealous of people who can work hard to create something. So, those of us who have worked hard and played hours and hours to EARN the items we needed to make the armor/armors are asking ANET if they will take this into consideration when the plan goes into effect. It doesn't hurt you in any way, so why should you care?


tbh id gladly by some of the sets if it was possible. :(

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> @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > @"Zok.4956" said:

> > > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > > @"Zok.4956" said:

> > > > > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > > > So you are saying you don't understand the desire to recoup the thousands of gold and many hours spent farming for materials?

> > > >

> > > > I do understand, why some (rich) players, that have multiple legendary sets, think that they are entitled to some form of compensation to become richer.

> > > >

> > > > However, because Anet is not taking anything away from these players, there should'nt be a compensation in gold/currency etc. . I think some title/appreciation for those players should be enough.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I know many players who aren't "rich" who save up money and farmed mats to make extra sets of armor.

> >

> > A player who can make (or has made) several sets of legendary armor is already rich.

> >

> > >And wanting to be compensated for a massive change like this is after working hard to create those sets is not a sense of entitlement.

> >

> > What (financial / gold) does the game take away for which you want to be compensated?

> >


> You seem to be jealous of people who can work hard to create something.


There is no need for personal attacks.


> asking ANET if they will take this into consideration when the plan goes into effect. It doesn't hurt you in any way, so why should you care?


There is a difference between "asking to consider something" and trying to argue that someone has some kind of claim/entitlement to get some compensation for some loss/damage. That's why I take a different view about this topic when players argue that they have some kind of a legitimate right for compensation.


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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"tim.4596" said:

> > > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> > > We want to talk a little about our plans for the next update that will affect the suite of templates features, and gather your feedback about what you hope to see from it.

> > >

> > > We’re calling it the Legendary Armory.

> > >

> > > Here’s a quick description of how it will work—when you bind a legendary item to your account, it will be added to the Legendary Armory. Any legendary item that is added to the Legendary Armory will become available for use by all the characters across your entire account at the same time. This removes the need for you to swap legendary equipment between characters through your bank or shared inventory. This feature will also come with updates to Equipment Template functionality to make it easier to copy the configuration of equipped legendary items from one Equipment Template to another template on the same character.

> > >

> > > Here are our goals for the Legendary Armory feature:

> > >

> > > * Make it feel more valuable to earn and use legendary equipment, while also making it easier to use legendary items with the Equipment Template feature.

> > > * Remove the need for players to swap account-bound legendary items between characters.

> > > * Make it easier to copy the configuration of equipped legendary items from one Equipment Template tab to another template on the same character.

> > >

> > > Let us know your thoughts in this thread. Thank you all!

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I understand that it will greatly improve the QoL of players, however I would argue against it for the following reasons:

> >

> > 1. I can't foresee the future, however I have the feeling that it will most likely kill raids and WvW even more, as there won't be any need to repeat those content to craft more than 1 set of legendary armor. Of course dedicated WvWer and Raider will still most likely play those game mode. But a lot of other players won't.

> > 2. What are veteran players going to do with all the excess LI and LD ? or Will there actually be a benefit having 2x the same set of legendary on multiple characters ? different skins etc...

> >

> > I simply can't see how it will be a good thing. I mean repeatable legendaries are probably the only "try hard things" left in the game, since having multiple legendary armors or multiple WvW backpieces demonstrate a strong dedication to one of the gamemode. If that's removed what else will there be?


> The Legendary Armoury would be good because it encourages players to build Legendary items instead of the considerably cheaper Ascended items. It'll mean a massive sink on the economy (which is always good for the game).



Yes, it also makes legendary gear more required. See my earlier calculation of ascended versus legendary armor. It makes nearly no sense to craft ascended armor at the current pricing of legendary.


This also forces players into potentially game modes they might not enjoy, since as mentioned, the value proposition of legendary items is vastly increased.


Also the concern with LI and LD is valid. LD are already useless and do not justify remaining in the game (what ever their intent was, it was never implemented to its fullest).


Nor can one ignore the potentially "wasted LI" on additional legendary armors of the same weight class.


> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> Let's remember that Legendary armour is per weight, so not every character can use your HEAVY legendary armour, you need to make the other two weights to cover every character you own, and that's before you start on Leggy Runes, Weapons and Trinkets.



There is a huge amount of players without legendary armor, there is some players with some legendary armor, and more players with multiple sets. Any player who was interested in legendary armor and who has been a veteran of longer than 1 year has multiple sets by now.


> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> It'll be a long time before the player base is done with all of that, and even then Anet can always consider the dreaded "Next tier"!


The time-frame is insignificant. So what if it takes 1-1.5 years for a substantial amount of players to get legendary gear on top of those who have it now. The issue does not disappear that itemization for those players is removed, be it now or in x-months. This is what I was talking about earlier, this change needs to be implemented with a LONG-TERM plan in mind.


I personally do not mind that I have 6 legendary armors (2 of each weight class). What I personally am concerned is the game changing factors:

- ascended is certainly not something I need with 30 characters either in legi or full ascended with multiple sets, but it's still nice to see something drop. This becomes absolutely without value in the future

- trinkets, which I occasionally have to reacquire for new builds, even if I usually have enough map materials for 2-3 sets, will become meaningless. Currently I at least have to plan which trinkets I get from where to be efficient

- fractals and fractals drops will be gold only with 0 investment required


Also I am going to assume you were joking with the new gear tier because I doubt such a change will be received with a lot of enthusiasm by players who spent thousands of gold on legendary gear (which in the past was promised to always remain best in slot), so that option is literally unavailable (well it is available, but I doubt it's going to be implemented).



This change will have substantial effect on this games itemization, supply and demand of multiple resources (both short and long-term) with a chance at potentially alienating the most dedicated players while at the same time making legendary gear a near necessity, putting pressure on more casual players. Anyone who does not see the risk here if this does not get properly implemented is a fool.

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> @"Zok.4956" said:

> > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > @"Zok.4956" said:

> > > > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > > > @"Zok.4956" said:

> > > > > > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > > > > > So you are saying you don't understand the desire to recoup the thousands of gold and many hours spent farming for materials?

> > > > >

> > > > > I do understand, why some (rich) players, that have multiple legendary sets, think that they are entitled to some form of compensation to become richer.

> > > > >

> > > > > However, because Anet is not taking anything away from these players, there should'nt be a compensation in gold/currency etc. . I think some title/appreciation for those players should be enough.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I know many players who aren't "rich" who save up money and farmed mats to make extra sets of armor.

> > >

> > > A player who can make (or has made) several sets of legendary armor is already rich.

> > >

> > > >And wanting to be compensated for a massive change like this is after working hard to create those sets is not a sense of entitlement.

> > >

> > > What (financial / gold) does the game take away for which you want to be compensated?

> > >

> >

> > You seem to be jealous of people who can work hard to create something.


> There is no need for personal attacks.


> > asking ANET if they will take this into consideration when the plan goes into effect. It doesn't hurt you in any way, so why should you care?


> There is a difference between "asking to consider something" and trying to argue that someone has some kind of claim/entitlement to get some compensation for some loss/damage. That's why I take a different view about this topic when players argue that they have some kind of a legitimate right for compensation.



I'm just going off your wording(making an observation), that wasn't an attack. Just like how you say we are rich and acting entitled.

And for those who created extra armor sets we will have lost something upon the implementation of the announced feature. We would not have spent gold and materials if they implemented the system on the release of legendary armor. Now we are faced with the condition that our money was wasted due to ANET changing the game. Since it is not in place we are pointing it out to them and the effect it has. And since it doesn't hurt you or anyone else if they do compensate people for extra armor sets, it shouldn't matter one whit to you.

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