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Merge Solar Focusing Lens and PBM


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> @cat.8975 said:

> The real issue with it being any sort of single-condi hybrid build is the 33% burn duration trait directly competing with the best power mod engi has. Unless that ever gets changed, we'll never see a hybrid build for engi.


That is a very good point about the firearms line.


Not really sure how that can be addressed. Both other tiers in firearms is pretty contentious in condi builds.

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> @guildabd.6529 said:

> Solar Focusing Lens should be: When entering Photon Force, all your attacks inflict burning for 2 seconds. Duration 4 seconds.


Took me a moment to parse what you were saying and why you weren't essentially proposing a better Dhuumfire. Essentially, you're proposing something that would be encouraging only dipping into holoforge for short bursts, since if you stay in holoforge longer than you absolutely have to, you lose the burning procs.


Could work!

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> @draxynnic.3719 said:

> > @guildabd.6529 said:

> > Solar Focusing Lens should be: When entering Photon Force, all your attacks inflict burning for 2 seconds. Duration 4 seconds.


> Took me a moment to parse what you were saying and why you weren't essentially proposing a better Dhuumfire. Essentially, you're proposing something that would be encouraging only dipping into holoforge for short bursts, since if you stay in holoforge longer than you absolutely have to, you lose the burning procs.


> Could work!


That's pretty much the way it works now except its 2 extra stacks applied rather than applying a stack on all attacks for 4 seconds.

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I feel me oriented for a supportive purpose, increassing sinergy with core skills and traits.


*Skill:* Solar Focusing Lens.

*Description:* Auras applied by you (the player) additionally grants the chance of inflict burn on each hit. Holographic Shockwave also grants fire aura to you and allies.

*Chance:* 100%.

*Burn appication delay:* 1s.

*Number of targets:* 5.

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I don't think you can upgr de a targeted specific PF skill in Major Adept since all Major Master traits do it too. Major Adept focus on engaging/disengaging by providing buffs, wether you enter or quit PF. Personally, I feel like being stuck 6 seconds in PF is far too much for the engineer, who's supposed to juggle with his kits. If a trait could reduce this time, I will definitely play it.

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> @RedSPINE.7845 said:

> I don't think you can upgr de a targeted specific PF skill in Major Adept since all Major Master traits do it too. Major Adept focus on engaging/disengaging by providing buffs, wether you enter or quit PF. Personally, I feel like being stuck 6 seconds in PF is far too much for the engineer, who's supposed to juggle with his kits. If a trait could reduce this time, I will definitely play it.


Kits shouldn't be a must for engi though.

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I partially agree. In the state the engineer is right now, it's impossible to rely exclusively on your only weapon set. I think there's a deep problem of design concerning this profession, it wouldnt have been a problem if elite specs didn't exist but now it starts to be really annoying. I think I'll post a thread about it one day.

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> @RedSPINE.7845 said:

> I partially agree. In the state the engineer is right now, it's impossible to rely exclusively on your only weapon set. I think there's a deep problem of design concerning this profession, it wouldnt have been a problem if elite specs didn't exist but now it starts to be really annoying. I think I'll post a thread about it one day.


I agree, IMHO kits shouldn't have AA that's better than the weapons. Also IMO each kit should be streamlined to be good only for one function - condi dmg, power dmg, ranged dmg, defense, healing, etc. Single-skill utilities can hardly compete with 5-skill bundles when they don't offer any upside to picking them instead of kits. Exceed skills are IMO a step in the right direction but their impact should be bigger.

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