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Balancing Patch when?


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What difference does it make? Will you get more enjoyment if you know the nerf hammer will hit 1 week from now?


There is some very obvious outliers which will likely see readjustments (both positive and negative). If you can't deal with balance happening to those classes, play a different class.


Better yet, play a class you enjoy, no matter how strong it is. That way you always win, no matter what happens balance wise.

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Yeah, no I hear you. With the talk on the forums being that certain classes are way broken, it almost feels like you have something hanging over your head. I don't know when they will be patching but I will say that they have vested interest in keeping the game great for ALL of its players. The patch, ideally, should make the game even more enjoyable for everyone. All that to say, go and have a blast with the new content and come what may : )

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> @Ryouzanpaku.1273 said:

> Do you think we can expect some balancing tomorrow? I somehow cannot enjoy playing if I do not know what is going to happen when nerf hammer will start to hit ...


I get this. I don't want to devote time or effort toward anything that will be useless, either. I'm more interested in what the changes are than when they'll happen, though. It's a major investment of time to work up any new build. I've been playing roughly a year, so I don't have thousands of gold and countless boxes of ascended gear to swap builds at will.


I learned my lesson from the Viper Horror nerf after working to build up a Necro. Never going through that again. If something is going to be junk in the foreseeable future, I'd rather know so I can shelve it before I waste time on it.

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> @mygamingid.5816 said:

> > @Ryouzanpaku.1273 said:

> > Do you think we can expect some balancing tomorrow? I somehow cannot enjoy playing if I do not know what is going to happen when nerf hammer will start to hit ...


> I get this. I don't want to devote time or effort toward anything that will be useless, either. I'm more interested in what the changes are than when they'll happen, though. It's a major investment of time to work up any new build. I've been playing roughly a year, so I don't have thousands of gold and countless boxes of ascended gear to swap builds at will.


> I learned my lesson from the Viper Horror nerf after working to build up a Necro. Never going through that again. If something is going to be junk in the foreseeable future, I'd rather know so I can shelve it before I waste time on it.




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