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[Technical] Model rendering & graphical performance for new PC build

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Good day,


I have begun the process of a hardware upgrade to my PC. It is long overdue as you'll see from the below specification:


CPU: Intel i7 2770k @ 3.5 GHz

GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 @ 2048MB GDDR5

RAM: 16GB DDR3 @ 1600Mhz

Board: Asus Maximus V Gene


Guild Wars 2 is my main game that I love and enjoy so I am looking to build my new PC around it. I am aware of the multi-thread performance issues that this game has so I am looking for the following:


1. A CPU that boasts excellent single-thread performance.

2. A GPU that allows for fast model rendering and reduced graphical lag.

* For this point, would two cards in SLi be better or can single cards handle it? I ask because I downgraded from 2x GTX 660s to a GTX 770 due to overheating issues and noticed a huge drop in my model rendering performance (understandable to have a drop but I wasn't expecting the level I've seen.) My board does not have a lot of space between the PCIe 16 slots so airflow was an issue.


The rest I can handle myself.


Budget: £750.


Any thoughts from the community would be much appreciated.


Many thanks in advance.

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