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Terrible lags. Only in PVP

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Some of you might look at me as at idiot, who instead of l2p decides to blame the game for fails. But what is happening is just awful.

I can't play GW2 PvP. It's unplayable. I'm getting lags which makes me stuck in one moment for 10, 15, sometimes more seconds. I can see my character channeling one skill, and other players running into walls etc., it's just a lag. And I understand, lag can happen.

But it's only in GW2 PvP. I was doing raid, without any problem, then running around PvP lobby, spamming skills just for fun, no problem. But as I load to the PvP match, every skill i try to use is delayed. Sometimes it takes 2, 3 seconds after pressing skill to use it (and as I'm playing as engi with 3 kits, it mean i'm delayed for twice long, because I have to wait for swap then to use skill). And during fight I can just get a lag when I can't do anything for longer period of time.

2 weeks ago I was able to play with music from YT in background. I can still play other games this way without any lags and disconnects. If I'm on discord during playing GW2 PvP, voice communication is smooth, without any lags. Well, as I wrote above, I don't have any lag or skill delay even during raids.

Do you know what might be a possible issue and how to fix it? Anyone experience same issues?

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  • 2 weeks later...

They should really do something about this lag issue, for me its game wide not just exclusive to PVP, and I can confirm its GW2 side, at least for me, other games and services I am running are performing smoothly without a fuss.


Honestly the move to amazon servers negatively affected the quality of the game by a huge margin.. the effects since the change has been glaringly obvious


Also not all of us can afford/are willing to subscribe to a VPN, people buy the game expecting to be able to play it without any hiccups, they should really fix their kitten.

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Been noticing the same random terrible lag spikes - only during PVP matches. The rest of the game is fine. For the record, I live in SE Asia, play on EU and my normal ping is 180~220. I've been using a paid VPN service for years to avoid lag spikes, but for some reason, now even VPN doesn't help.

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