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Why do NPC's CC, IMMOBILIZE and blind you?


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Dear Anet,


This is a PvP mode, and NPCs should act more like players. I think the guards being able to move away from my AOEs and use skills other than autoattack is too unrealistic and suited for pve because real players don't actually do this. I usually run with 2 firebrands so this is rarely a problem but due to bad population balance sometimes I only have one and the game is unplayable. Sometimes there are other non-essential classes like rangers or something but due to social distancing concerns I cannot play with them. Please fix now.

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Honestly, the npcs (at least the guards), should hit 3-5x harder. They should also use the better AI the game has and move with superspeed all the time. No, this isn't sarcasm. The fact that I can run up to a T3 camp, aggro and LOS them, and cast a few aoes while they melt standing in it is ridiculous.

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> npc’s other than lords in wvw are so easy to kill I don’t understand the issue.


Did i say they were hard to kill? Nope. It's just annoying that these NPC's CC you out of the blue when you are trying to fight someone aka pvp but i guess most people here are PvE players. My bad.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > npc’s other than lords in wvw are so easy to kill I don’t understand the issue.


> Did i say they were hard to kill? Nope. It's just annoying that these NPC's CC you out of the blue when you are trying to fight someone aka pvp but i guess most people here are PvE players. My bad.


So... you fought someone near an objective they owned? That sounds like bad positioning.

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> @"kiri.1467" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > npc’s other than lords in wvw are so easy to kill I don’t understand the issue.

> >

> > Did i say they were hard to kill? Nope. It's just annoying that these NPC's CC you out of the blue when you are trying to fight someone aka pvp but i guess most people here are PvE players. My bad.


> So... you fought someone near an objective they owned? That sounds like bad positioning.


Positioning? lol what??? most people in this game hide in their ppt objectives all day so i guess i should just log out.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> Honestly, the npcs (at least the guards), should hit 3-5x harder. They should also use the better AI the game has and move with superspeed all the time. No, this isn't sarcasm. The fact that I can run up to a T3 camp, aggro and LOS them, and cast a few aoes while they melt standing in it is ridiculous.

Also give every NPC 3 sand lion pets.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > npc’s other than lords in wvw are so easy to kill I don’t understand the issue.


> Did i say they were hard to kill? Nope. It's just annoying that these NPC's CC you out of the blue when you are trying to fight someone aka pvp but i guess most people here are PvE players. My bad.


I generally used to think of them as a hazard.

It may feel like garbage dying to someone who is..camping...a camp...but it feels 2x better when you kill someone doing that too. That just comes with experience knowing how to take a fight and how yolo you can get.


The npcs need a little cc or they might as well not exist. And yes, they do need to exist for a small list of reasons.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > npc’s other than lords in wvw are so easy to kill I don’t understand the issue.


> Did i say they were hard to kill? Nope. It's just annoying that these NPC's CC you out of the blue when you are trying to fight someone aka pvp but i guess most people here are PvE players. My bad.


I wasn’t really trying to insult you so I don’t understand your cheap shot. My wvw build allows me to kill npcs easily. They don’t really seem to factor into a problem when battling an enemy unless they are a lord.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> Honestly, the npcs (at least the guards), should hit 3-5x harder. They should also use the better AI the game has and move with superspeed all the time. No, this isn't sarcasm. The fact that I can run up to a T3 camp, aggro and LOS them, and cast a few aoes while they melt standing in it is ridiculous.

The camps become hard to cap when you do the hylek, oger, dredge event because these npcs add strong buffs. That's how it is meant to be. These events should make a difference. 90% of the players won't be able to cap a T3 camp that is guarded by the event mobs in a reasonable amount of time. So they have to end the event first and then flip the camp which is also very time-consuming.


And of course you can always put one or 20 omega golem(s) into the camp...



Scouts do blind and guards do immobilize. These are different mobs and I don't see any issue here.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"kiri.1467" said:

> > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > > npc’s other than lords in wvw are so easy to kill I don’t understand the issue.

> > >

> > > Did i say they were hard to kill? Nope. It's just annoying that these NPC's CC you out of the blue when you are trying to fight someone aka pvp but i guess most people here are PvE players. My bad.

> >

> > So... you fought someone near an objective they owned? That sounds like bad positioning.


> Positioning? lol what??? most people in this game hide in their ppt objectives all day so i guess i should just log out.


You can rally off NPCs, so you have advantages in that situation as well, but if you're so thirsty that you're going to charge into a group of NPCs to fight an enemy player, rather than rotate off and find another fight, or wait/bait them out, not much else anyone can offer as advice.


Maybe just aDaPt / dOdGe more?

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That's why yu take Guard Killer and Defense against Guards.

They trivialize t3 camps so hard it's almost funny when yu stack'em and delete'em in under 30 seconds.

Cleaving has always been a tried and true method to dealing with guards fast.


Mercs on the other hand though.... oooh boi, those guys are capable of dishing out alot of damage really fast.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"kiri.1467" said:

> > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > > npc’s other than lords in wvw are so easy to kill I don’t understand the issue.

> > >

> > > Did i say they were hard to kill? Nope. It's just annoying that these NPC's CC you out of the blue when you are trying to fight someone aka pvp but i guess most people here are PvE players. My bad.

> >

> > So... you fought someone near an objective they owned? That sounds like bad positioning.


> Positioning? lol what??? most people in this game hide in their ppt objectives all day so i guess i should just log out.


npc behavior is predictable, if you have problems with effects they apply then you clearly have some room for improvement, including the positioning. Pretty sure people hiding behind npcs doesn't negate what @"kiri.1467" said.



> @"Yasai.3549" said:

>yu take

>yu stack'em



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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> Get that PVE stuff out of our gamemode. Nothing worse then getting CC'd and IMMOBILIZED by stupid NPC's in a PVP gamemode.


If I had to complain about the NPCs, it would be the invisible smoke fields from the (human type) scouts. At least the bola from the Charr guard I can see, if I pay attention.

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