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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Starting to think we might as well report the new Pets in Path of Fire being bugged, we know its coming...
  2. Biggest issues for me are: Refusal to fix bugs Lack of communication with their playerbase Releasing more and more content that that players only play once instead of making old content like Dungeons more impactful and fun to play again.
  3. Sad to say it but it may be very likely. I log in everyday to see my giant Guild List/Friends List/Followers list with maybe 1 person on? Bare in mind all my Guildies and Friends have always been longtime fans. Arenanet has pretty much lost most of their REAL dedicated Fanbase. They refuse to fix bugs, and don't really communicate or listen to their playerbase at all, so its not really surprising. I hope they can one day change this, the game still has so much potential.
  4. > @"Leo.3428" said: > I see now. I'm coming back from the archives and I'm afraid we are going to get bugged panda pets in a year or two. > Then, if the Cantha expansion is very successful, maybe the issue will be looked into eventually... > I'll have a closer look at it when I run my ranger. Thank you for raising awareness, Johnny. Yeah thats what I fear :( Thanks for the support! Hope we get this fixed soon :)
  5. Keep up the reports and support to get this bug fixed guys! Hopefully we can get it done before they release a whole new set of pets that are bugged in the new expansion! https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/569/bugged-ranger-pet-attack-animations-disjointing-attacks-and-unaffected-by-quickness#latest
  6. > @"Leo.3428" said: > I was considering playing ranger again lately. If I understand correctly, I should stick to spiders and scorpions? Delightful... > Did ArenaNet ever acknowledge the issue, at least once? I cannot see this in the list of known issues. They have, but they're ignoring it like the plague :( thats why we're trying to get as much support as possible to report the hell out of it ingame and in here xD
  7. I really loved this game. Straight from the start of GW1, but the team has really been letting their fans down. They for some reason refuse to listen to their community and they wont even fix major bugs they know are in the game, its so frustrating.
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