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Posts posted by Alchimist.4738

  1. The Deep Sea Dragon because I think it's a great dragon to explore more the sunken city aesthetic that they've touched with Orr, but go even further beyond, into an almost Lovecraftian territory.


    It'd be the occasion to explore interesting races like the Kraits and the Largos, but also the Margonites (Abaddon's followers) as they used to rule this part of the world (the Unending Ocean), and I'd love to visit the ruins of their civilization.


    And obviously the deepest part of the ocean is a fascinating subject, but can also be quite terrifying, which is something I'd love to see in Guild Wars 2.

  2. > @"supa suop.8026" said:

    > > @"Mea.5491" said:

    > > Guardian but it won't happen because there's no such thing as "bare fists" in GW2 (unless they introduce new "weapons" in the future) but I really wouldn't mind dual wielding Touch of Madness... ;P

    > >



    > I think the easiest thing for them them to do as to not waste too much resources is to just make focus into a melee weapon


    I agree, though I'm pretty sure dual wielding The Binding of Ipos would cause some clipping.

  3. I'd say start by using weapon and class specific skills with the keyboard, because those skills are closer in theory to your movement/interaction keys it doesn't require a huge dexterity, neither a huge memorizing, and the utility with the mouse, most of them have longer cooldown so it shouldn't impact to much your camera movement.

  4. > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

    > You made em so people solve riddles and such, but who's really doing that? One out of thousand of players? Most will be alt tabbed searching the wiki. How is this fun? How is this content?


    That's people's fault really, no one forces you to go to the wiki, I'd say some collection are more tedious than others and might drive people to go to the wiki, but others such as the Karka at Lion's Arch are actually fun scavenging hunts.


    > Everything new is behind collections aka chores. These same skins could've been implemented in challenging content made for team play (because its an mmo, and that's what you do in mmo's), but instead, they're made for you to be alt tabbed doing chores while watching youtube videos.


    You have actually quite a few skins locked behind raids and other end game contents, here again I'd argue the game needs more rewarding skins (fractals armour when?), but it exists and complement the collections.


  5. It's an interesting idea, but I don't think it's the right move, because statistical drawbacks are kinda boring, and in some instances having to sacrifice a third core trait line is already enough of a drawback, the solution lies in better balancing between the especs and the core profession, they need to avoid making the same mistake than they did in the past, meaning giving especs consequently more damage while having better sustain, and looking back to the core profession, for instance due to how Reaper and Scourge have completely unique interaction with the Shroud mechanic, I think it's a good opportunity to make the Death Shroud stand out, which isn't the case currently because it hasn't been touched in years.


    If the core traits and abilities would be better, and eventually some traits underperforming with certain especs, like what they've done with Dhuumfire, then the core profession would be more attractive, and if the especs weren't egregiously overperforming, then we would have less player taking them.

  6. At least we got better energy management, which is something they've improved since the changes made to Charged Mists.


    However they haven't touched Renegade, even though it's pretty good in PvE it doesn't change the fact that this specs was awfully designed to begin with, which is why it's unplayable in PvP. And I could understand if Kalla was only good in PvE, you could still play Renegade without her in PvP, but **at the very least** could they make the Shortbow not miss all the time in PvP, because it's baffling to see that they think the Shortbow is in an okay state right now, when you cannot hit anyone that is remotely awake.


    Or looked at Mallyx, which hasn't really been changed in years, and the last time they changed him they hastily reworked his entire design, and because of that we've a lot of traces of this old design that don't make any sense today, such as Pain Absorption which is a death sentence for yourself in most cases, and traits like Demonic Defiance, Bolstered Anguish, and Maniacal Persistence, that made sense when you could copy conditions with Embrace the Darkness, but today they're just high risks for almost zero reward traits. Mallyx really need to be looked at for PvP, but also PvE, and they need to ask themselves what they want this legend to be.

    Ventari could also have received few buffs, alongside Jalis which is never used anymore.


    It's a shame that Revenant is the only class that has **only one viable build in sPvP**, and in PvE you have condition Renegade, and the hand kite build (useful only for one boss), and that's it (still better than Necro though).


    _Edit: typo_

  7. The buffs to core condition Engineer are going in the right direction, but I'm afraid that Holosmith is still the best option, mainly because its rotation is far easier and because of that more consistent.


    I'm also disappointed that they haven't touched the sword.

  8. The changes to Beastmastery are nice, but won't make Power Soulbeast compete with the best Power builds any time soon, we need changes to the Greatsword, the Sword, and the off-hand Axe, for that to happen, alongside improving the pet's skills while merged in Beastmode, too many of them are trash tier, then we might see this build become a thing in Raids/Fractals.


    Otherwise I wholly agree with the feeling that nerfing the few good pets without buffing the countless useless ones is a huge mistake.

  9. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > So I do have to give it to the people that complained about torch. They complained about burning so much the devs completely missed most of what actually needed to change.

    > > Sword nerf? LOL why?


    > Doesn't the "OP mirage" build use sword? It's deserved


    It uses sword for the mobility given by the ambush while also using blurred frenzy to soak up damage, I like the duration nerf, the damage nerf wasn't needed though.

  10. Renegade needs a rework before becoming viable in PvP, as long as the summon can be killed Kalla will be useless, and even if they make them invulnerable, it won't change the fact that Kalla brings no condition removal, a stun break that costs a lot of energy, no real movement ability, and no real utility outside of an alright AoE daze, which is even worst because you want to play Kalla alongside Mallyx, both being oriented towards condition damage, and Mallyx doesn't make up for Kalla's weaknesses, Mallyx which also needs a rework in my opinion, particularly for Pain Absorption.


    The shortbow also needs a rework, because Spiritcrush cannot fire without a line of sight, unlike Citadel Bombardment, which doesn't make any sense to me, moreover they need to speed up the animation on Spiritcrush, but also Scorchrazor, both being way too easy to avoid right now. Then they need to improve the tracking on Bloodbane Path, because it currently misses way too many shots on moving targets. After that they need to add some sort of ground effect on Sevenshot, when Path of Fire came out someone on the forum (don't recall their name) suggested that Sevenshot should leave frost trails, similarly to the trails left by some Heart of Thorns enemies, because Sevenshot is **never** going to hit any decent player in it's current iteration. At last they need to add a shadowstep follow up skill to Scorchrazor, in order to give a bit of mobility to the shortbow.


    Then you also have some traits that need to be either buffed or reworked.



  11. Just bring to me GvG and I'll be happy, the game has small scale engagements with Conquest and large scale ones with WvW, but lacks the medium scale, and GvG would be perfect for 10v10.


    However the developers have shown no interest in it, I can partially understand the reluctance because you'd have to create a separate leaderboard, which would itself be divided between the best guilds and the best players, you'd also have to find a way to make 10 men pre-made coexist with soloQ teams, alongside smaller pre-made, and obviously 10v10 would require more time to find the right players, and I don't know if the sPvP community is big enough to support both Conquest and GvG, obviously Stronghold should be removed.


    Moreover after the failure that was Stronghold, even though it failed in my opinion because it was never really supported, as none of the original issues have been fixed and the mode never was made very visible, the devs are probably more reluctant than ever.


    However I'm pretty sure another game mode, or a completely reworked Stronghold, is what sPvP needs to be revitalized.


    That being said sPvP also needs a feature that's been missing for far too long, which is **Build Template**, why, because it allows you to save and swap build quickly so you can adapt to your team needs, I still somewhat enjoy Conquest, but sometimes you're just grouped with a team that has no synergy whatsoever with your build, and this is beyond frustrating, and let's be honest changing your build manually in just tedious, alongside that we also need an option to check what kind of build our teammates play, and now we'd have a much more enjoyable soloQ experience, has team composition would actually be something that you'd want to care about, and not a random mess, because it'd be supported by those two quality of life features.


    edit: typo

  12. > @"Dace.8173" said:

    > > @"Elric.4713" said:

    > > > @"Dace.8173" said:

    > > > @"Elric.4713" I am warming up to the idea of a ritualist.

    > >

    > > That is if they don't decide to make Assassin and Ritualist NPC only like they did with Dervish and Paragon, tho I feel like it would do wonders for the Revenant community after the atrocity that the Renegade ended up being.

    > >

    > >


    > Awwww whats wrong with Renegade?


    Shortbow has no utility, most of its abilities miss moving targets.

    Kalla has no survivability skills, all of her skills are wells that can be killed, making them beyond garbage in sPvP/WvW, and all of her skills behave in the same way, unlike other legends.

    The unique specialization abilities are consuming way too much energy, which is something the Revenant already struggle enough with, and are kind of boring when compared to more imaginative specialization, such as the Weaver.

    Most of the traits are also kind of useless.

  13. Unfortunately the short bow is a terrible weapon in every game mode, most of its skills are easy to dodge, or can miss simple moving targets, the second ability is particularly garbage because of that, and the weapon offers zero utility.


    I'm afraid if you want to play a competitive cRenegade you need to play Masse/Axe, as nothing else is worth it.

  14. As expected they still don't understand why Renegade isn't viable in PvP, and in some extend in PvE, it's not a question of damage, it's a question of wether or not my skills can hit my targets, Bloodbane Path misses 50% of the time on moving target, Sevenshot is just an horrible skill to use on moving target and you cannot use it in melee efficiently, Spiritcrush cannot be used without a line of sight, when you can with Choking Gas/Cluster Bomb, and Kalla is still useless there as they still haven't decided if she was supposed to use wells or phantasms, and I'd rather not talk about the lack of mobility skills with her, or simply diversity, as her skills have the same use across the board, and also half of the traits are kind of useless too.

  15. I like the new changes, though I have to notice that they haven't done anything to Renegade, yes they buffed condition duration on the short bow, but this doesn't answer the fact that most skills miss moving targets, that Sevenshot is horribly designed, or that Spiritcrush cannot be used without a line of sight, unlike Choking Gas for the Thief which is also an AoE, and of course nothing for the Renegade stance or traits which are another mess in themselves.

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