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Posts posted by JustTrogdor.7892

  1. I had not played WoW for about a decade. I decided to give classic a go as a change of pace from GW2 and joined a medium pop server. Things I like about WoW were still there. Drops mean something, not being handheld, having to pay attention to what quests tell you, and even the cartoon like graphics. I messed around with various classes and found one I figured I would play for awhile. As I started out I made a few acquaintances and we did the early quests together. It reminded me of years ago where even simple quests encourage playing with others. Then something bad happened. I logged off, took the dog for a walk and made dinner. After dinner I figured I'd play a little more and hopefully meet up again with some of the people I'd met earlier. Log in, "You are number 2567 (or such), approximate wait time 43 minutes." Yeah no... I forgot that was a thing after all these years. Approximate wait time for my next WoW subscription payment 999,999,999 years. :D

  2. Physical activity is a reward and one that should be valued on its own. Instead if something like that were to be implemented it should be "You have not walked enough today. Your account is locked until you complete the required number of steps." Step counters can be cheated anyway so it would all be a waste of time. Then of course there is also the issue of players with disabilities or people without smart phones/fitness trackers that would be unhappy. So yeah, won't work.


    Just go outside and go for a walk or get other forms of exercise (if physically able). It doesn't take much to get started and if you make it a routine then soon it becomes a habit and the rewards present themselves. :)

  3. Teapot seems like a nice enough fellow. I have to admit I am not really a Twitch viewer and even I watched a bit of his streams over the last few weeks out of curiosity due to all the posts here and on reddit about what he was doing. It seems he has done a good job driving awareness to his brand/stream over the last month or so on his way to other gaming ventures with the finale being marketed in my opinion kind of along the lines of, "ERP 3, the raid tournament players love and Anet doesn't want you to know about!" Maybe some of my opinion on that had more to do with others and the way they talked about it though and less to do with his actual feelings on the tournament.


    Either way, I think the whole thing, as far as I have followed it, has had some positives. It brought more discussion about the game, the community, and the people that represent GW2 via streaming media for better or worse. Even though I don't often watch people play GW2 I still understand that there is value to having people that do take the time to stream while providing feedback on their gaming experience. Like it or not Twitch and other streaming formats are as big as they are because there is a significant number of people that do watch people play video games. As a fan of GW2 I wish more people would get in to streaming it because I think even if in small numbers of viewers at a time, it brings more attention to a game I very much enjoy and want to see prosper.


    So, I wish Teapot good luck in his future gaming and streaming. He's done a good job marketing what he does. It certainly won't be the end of GW2 by his leaving but it would not hurt the game if he stopped back time to time to stream a little GW2. :)



  4. If you are new, the best way is to play the game. Pretty much everything gives you exp from killing mobs, to doing story, to harvesting nodes, crafting, exploring etc. If you are indeed new I would suggest not being in a rush to level. It happens through play and that is where you will learn more about playing GW2 than trying to level as fast as possible.


    I actually have a good example of that, sort of. When I started GW2 in 2013 I rolled a Ranger and about 20 levels in I decided to take a shortcut and use crafting to speed level my character to 80 back when that was a thing. I played the Ranger for a bit but got frustrated by not being very good at it. So I shelved it and played other professions for years. A few weeks ago I decided I wanted to try something new. So I created a new Ranger with the rules that I could not use my scrolls or tomes to level it, can't buy any gear off the TP, can't craft and just have to level normally. Granted I know a lot more about the game now than then but I wanted to kind of go back and start over so to speak. I've learned more about playing core Ranger by doing so than I did with the one I speed leveled and it has been a lot of fun. It also made going back to the lower level maps fun again instead of just blasting through them with an instant L80 character.


    So tl;dr Don't stress about leveling and don't rob yourself of the experience that leveling a character from 1 to 80 can provide via exploring and game play. Find something fun and go with it. This game isn't a race to an end point it is about finding what you enjoy.

  5. I think parts of the collection have to be done on the same character once you get started but I can't recall exactly.


    Edit: Here is more explanation from Danikat a few months ago:



    >When you get to the time-gated steps, where you need to wait for mail from Gorrik to unlock the next collection, you will need to log into the character who started the first collection to get it. But once the collection is unlocked any character can contribute to it because they work like normal achievements.

  6. Do you happen to be using Avast as your antivirus? The reason I ask is because I have a 1660 Ti also and few months ago I was having the same problem. Through my trouble shooting I uninstalled Avast and went back to Windows Defender and the problem went away. So I think somehow Avast was causing my problem. I have not tried going back to Avast to see if the problem came back though. If not you could also try rolling back your driver to an older version.

  7. Thanks again for those that have provided feedback and support for the suggestion.


    While thinking a bit more on the topic I thought of another way the postcard system could benefit Anet. When they send mails to players to announce something Anet could have their own unique postcard that would appear on the screen. I think this would draw even more attention to the topic they are trying to get people to notice. Imagine a postcard appears on screen when opening the mail announcing a new event or something similar with cool artwork dedicated to that. I think that would grab more attention than what we see now.


    So we could have postcards we can choose from with artwork or even a selfie (if possible) and Anet having their own to use to make mail more personalized and interesting.


    Example of an Anet postcard to promote things and bring attention to new stuff :)




    _Disclaimer: In the above example "JustTrogdor.7892 is amazing" was included by me for fun and is in no way a statement on behalf of ArenaNet or ArenaNet staff members._


  8. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

    > > So since I have not used on yet I have another question about this. The wiki says, "While bonded, any kill worth XP has a chance to reveal one of the Knife Tail Gang! Find them, and each bond will allow you to loot a piece of Recovered Black Lion Goods, which are yours to keep."

    > >

    > > So does that mean if I use one and kill mobs worth XP there is a chance based on RNG there would be no Knife Tail to kill and I don't get anything?


    > I’ve tried a couple. You click on the item and get a new icon above your skills that shows it’s active. You then kill things until a Knife Tail appears (seems to be random but it took several kills) then you kill the Knife Tail and he drops one of the loot boxes which has a guaranteed wardrobe item unlocked when opened. The buff did not disappear when changing maps. I didn’t log out or switch chars as I didn’t want to chance loosing it.


    Thanks for the information. I just tried my free one. I went to a spot with a lot of mobs and started the killing and after a bit the Knife Tail appeared. Fortunately I did some looking around during my killing spree because the Knife Tail wasn't designated on the map when it appeared (at least not that I noticed) and showed up behind the mobs I was killing. Had I not looked back I would have missed it. Like I said earlier with my luck when I killed it I got a mini red panda. But it was free so no loss there. :)

  9. > @"Batel.9206" said:

    > > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

    > > So since I have not used on yet I have another question about this. The wiki says, "While bonded, any kill worth XP has a chance to reveal one of the Knife Tail Gang! Find them, and each bond will allow you to loot a piece of Recovered Black Lion Goods, which are yours to keep."

    > >

    > > So does that mean if I use one and kill mobs worth XP there is a chance based on RNG there would be no Knife Tail to kill and I don't get anything?


    > Yes, but according to the [wiki's talk page](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Talk:Knife_Tail_Gang_Hunting_Bond "wiki's talk page"), it's a pretty common drop - chances are you'd find one of the Knife Tail gang within a dozen mob kills or so. (Of course, this is only the experiences of three people; it's unknown if that's to be expected or if these three people were *very* lucky. So take the sparse research with a grain of salt.)


    > Also thank you @"Danikat.8537" and @"Donari.5237" for confirmation about dyes and mount skins! OP has been updated :D


    Thanks for the info. So perhaps save them for something like Halloween where total kills are massive and easy to do in a short period of time to increase the odds?

  10. So since I have not used on yet I have another question about this. The wiki says, "While bonded, any kill worth XP has a chance to reveal one of the Knife Tail Gang! Find them, and each bond will allow you to loot a piece of Recovered Black Lion Goods, which are yours to keep."


    So does that mean if I use one and kill mobs worth XP there is a chance based on RNG there would be no Knife Tail to kill and I don't get anything?

  11. Nice info OP and helpful. I have not used one yet but with my luck when I do I'll just get a mail carrier or mini, both of which I don't care much about. Hopefully the dye kit being excluded isn't an oversight. I hate those things when I get them from when I farm keys and 10 times out of 10 get a dye worth a few silver at best. But it was a free key for a small amount of time so I suppose I can't complain too much when I get dye kits. :)

  12. For PvE I have mixed in a few pieces of Marauder and Valkyrie on my reaper for a bit extra vitality with everything else being Berserker and it works well for me. As I'm not the quickest player in the world it seems to give me a little extra wiggle room. However, I don't do T4 fractals or raids. Many would probably suggest full Berserker though. I suppose it depends on what you find works for you. So if you are struggling to stay alive a little extra vitality could help with the trade off of a bit less damage dealt. Once you improve at the game you may find you don't need that extra vitality. You won't find many places in PvE where there is a specific "requirement" for certain builds and will usually only run in to that more in T4 fractals and raids from what I understand.


    For PvP I can't help there as I only dabble in unranked from time to time for dailys but I'm sure someone will be able to assist with advice.


    Welcome to GW2 and I hope you enjoy your in game adventures. :)

  13. Thanks to those that have posted feedback so far. I won't pretend that I know anything about coding a game but perhaps the issues I stated as a con as far as the UI should be seen as a challenge or obstacle instead. :)


    As for the "selfie" version the first thing I did when I spent more time on the idea was to think about how it could be abused and how to avoid that. As I don't play much PvP I didn't consider it being used to rub salt in a wound. That would not really bother me if someone sent a postcard like that to me but perhaps if the concern is significant enough the selfie feature could be disabled in competitive game modes. Of course that would limit the full range of the idea since I think people that play PvP and WvW would still like to use the feature.


    The other area of possible abuse I discussed a bit in my OP. It would have to be set up so players could not upload images from their computer to add to their postcard. Instead the image would have to be taken in game and saved in game without going back and forth between the game client, Anet's servers and the player's computer. I also considered the possibility of someone making a naughty design with guild hall decorations and trying to use that on their postcard. I'm not sure how to avoid that but could be minimized to some degree by limiting the selfie camera option. For example it would be a true selfie facing the character and of course any players that wanted to join in as the only field of view. These safeguards probably make the idea even more complex to design but again I don't know anything about programing such things.


    I didn't think about people that wanted to make a group photo for their postcard. I suppose in that case there would have to be an option between landscape and portrait style postcards. Again I think this adds some complexity to creating something like that.


    Overall I find the premade version more viable and think it would still be fun to use. But I have seen Anet do some pretty cool things so maybe the full scope of my suggestion isn't impossible for them to do. Of course that certainly depends on if Anet thinks the idea is good and also worth the time and resources to create something like that. Hopefully they at least see the suggestion and give some version of it consideration. :)


    Again I appreciate the feedback and thoughts on the idea.

  14. This is just an idea I have been thinking about so I thought I would throw it out there. While the mail system is handy for communicating with others, sending items and such, I feel it is kind of bland the way it is presented currently. I think a more personalized option would improve the mail system.


    My idea is for Anet to implement a system that would add some flavor to player to player mails. What I think would be interesting would be an optional postcard system of sorts. I'm going to present two separate versions. The first is more complex and probably not very likely due to that but I think it would be the neatest way to implement it. The second version is less complex and would still allow a more personal touch to be added to player mail. I'll present the two ideas with benefits and potential problems I can think of.


    **Version 1: The more complex version, a postcard with a player selected screenshot ("selfie").**


    This would allow players to take a screenshot in game that is "printed" on a postcard with a personalized message. When the recipient opens the mail a postcard will appear on screen with the message and any items and coin attached (like normal mail). I created an example and included it below. The benefit is this allows the sender to make the mail sent more personal and visually interesting. Adding images to the postcard from the player's travels and adventures would be fun in my opinion.


    However, I imagine this would be difficult for Anet to implement as they would have to design a system that would allow the player to take a selfie within specific dimensions. It would probably have to be a rather complex UI that allows the player to preview the selfie, crop, and reposition the image within the defined space. Additionally to avoid players adding thousands of screenshot "selfie" images to Anet servers there would have to be a limit or maybe even only one at a time where the image is overwritten should the player want to change it. This limit could be problematic as to what happens to the custom image in mails sent prior to changing it. I imagine it would have to change as well to again avoid Anet storing countless custom mail images on their server. Players may not find this limitation favorable.


    **Example of a postcard as it would appear on the screen:**



    Anet could sell a "selfie stick" for players to include custom in game screenshots on their postcard. Note only in game screenshots directly uploaded from within the game could be added to the postcard and no images uploaded from the player's computer. This would avoid players adding images that are against TOS.


    **Version 2: Premade postcards created by Anet.**


    In this version the postcard works as above as in it displays on the screen when the mail is opened but images would be limited to what Anet provides. With this the player could select from a group of postcards they have obtained. This would be like a skin for your mail. They would appear similar to the example above but with an image created by Anet instead of a player screenshot. The benefit of this version is that players could still add flavor to the mails they send but there would be no need for a more complex "selfie" system. So for example Anet could sell themed sets of postcards the player could choose from when sending mail. There could be seasonal sets, sets based on living story, etc. There could even be postcards you earn that pay tribute to certain achievements. As for problems, as with version 1, Anet would have to make changes to the mail UI for this to work and I don't know if that is possible.


    Additionally with both versions there would probably have to be a stricter character limit for text in the postcard mails. This is due to the image(s) taking more space. In this case there would need to be an option to send a normal mail, as is currently in game, or the postcard mail limited to less characters. Again this would make the necessary changes to the mail UI more complex.




    In a game where customization and imagery is so significant I find the current mail system rather bland and impersonal. I would like to see this changed to something more interesting and fun for the players. I feel some version of the above suggestion would be a benefit to players and Anet. Of course it could be monetized like mount skins, outfits, etc.


    Pros: More colorful and and customizable appearance of mail as selected by the player. Something Anet could monetize.

    Cons: Work from Anet to alter the mail UI to accommodate the postcard system. This could be a significant amount of effort and may not even be possible with the current structure of the existing game code. A potential more significant limit to the amount of text players could include when sending the postcard version of a mail.


    Lastly, I am aware that Anet has a lot of more important things to work on than what in game mail looks like. I don't even know if many players send enough mail to be interested in a more customizable appearance of the mail they send. But in my opinion it is a fun concept that some day could be added to the game if possible.


    _Note: To the best of my knowledge there is no actual player with the display name of Every GW2 Player.1234 Also no quaggans were harmed while making the postcard stamp._ :)





  15. Several years ago Anet rewarded people that bought gems over a certain period with a kite if I recall correctly. People raged over a kite given to people that bought gems and it was never done again. We can't have things like that anymore. Just like we can't have good April Fools pranks due to similar rage over something very minor. Now April Fools is just fake path notes (yawn). A legendary for buying gems is way off the mark for a lot of reasons.


  16. Elite specializations:






    If what you are crafting uses account bound mats or the result is an account bound item then you will of course have to craft it yourself. You will probably want to level up your crafts anyway. Use this site for efficient level crafting:



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