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Posts posted by Automaton.2751

  1. Last time I tried some kind of /stuck command it didn't work. maybe I just typed the wrong thing. Though while that is good to alert them of problems with falling and getting stuck, it doesn't alert them of these types of problems when a skill leaves you inside something as /stuck will only say I got stuck, not why, which in this instance is the problem. Though thanks for the info, at least now I won't have a problem next time. Funnily enough I ended up getting stuck exactly from falling in an instance just now and saw your response as I was ocming online to report it. Good job too, was near the end of a lengthy instance.

  2. This is the second time it has happened and I am gonig to have to quit an instance to fix, when using the #3 sword skill "Unrelenting Assault" as a revenant on a mob near scenery at the end of the animation I end up stuck inside said scenery, first time it was a tree, if I recall correctly, this time it was a generic rock that was about as tall as my character and I am now stuck inside that rock with no way out. I only wish I had my nvidea shadowplay on so I could cut the last few second off and post a video to link the problem. Luckily I had only just started the instance, so it's no big deal, but should this happen further in / near the end it would have been disastrous.

  3. Must admit mate, not a bug I'm familiar with, I've neither heard of it, nor experienced it. So I should have to suggest you're probably fine. I'd say give it a try and if you have the problem still you might also want to think of having your hardware checked as, to me, that sounds more like a problem with the gfx card than a problem with GW2.

  4. Yea, I get your point, but my point is that instead of assuming someone hasn't tried the absolute simplest solution to a problem and explaining it to them, it's probably best to think of the second solution, or at least ask first. I mean, let's change the topic for a moment, if I was trying to get help to start my car, and explained what was happening, would you assume I hadn't put the key in the ignition? Or even that it was out of fuel? No you'd start by asking what I had tried and only after exhausting other possibilities would you go to something that simple. I'm not trying to say I'm a rocket scienting or particle physicist, but I'm hardly a stupid man either, and it really, *REALLY* bugs me (Read as "effs me off") when someone assumes I need the simple solution explaining to me.

  5. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > There are some wonky triggers in the cave and it's unfortunately possible to accidentally miss them. There's a few spots that the NPCs seem to have to cross just so, or their dialogue doesn't initiate. In this case, it sounds as if Braham missed a check point inside the tunnels _before_ the chak pit, and that's why his dialogue isn't triggering. It might be possible to return to the start and slowly walk Braham back through.


    > These issues have been there since HoT launched pretty much, so they aren't "halting progress" so much as just making it horribly annoying to move forward. After encountering the bug a couple of times (relatively few, considering how often I repeated that section), I found it easier just to restart if Braham wasn't cooperating... and avoid trying to speed through the instance too quickly (as is my usual habit).


    > I'm 99.99% sure that will work for you, even thought it's frustrating to restart.


    > If your goal is to make sure ANet fixes it, then please be sure to use the in-game /bug reporting tool when you first notice the issue, because that gives the QA team additional diagnostic info they need. Try to be as specific as possible in describing what you did prior to noticing the issue... and what you've done to try to work around it.


    > And finally, consider not snapping at other players who are just trying to help.


    > _edit: minor corrections to clarify_



    Thanks mate, you actually had some helpful advice, haven't been back to that quest again since, but will certainly try that out if needs be next time, 3 more toons to run through with. Gotta admit, when I had problems with Braham I did literally just leg it through the dark tunnel, killing a few mobs and out the other side, so that just might have been it.


    And yea, I reported it via the in game bug report too, so it should have gone to the devs to look into at least, even if it doesn't get/can't be fixed.


    > @"Wubbbi.8172" said:

    > Well, then go on and figure your issues out by your own. With that attitude I am not going to help you any further in the future. Have fun playing the game, I don't care about your issues!


    To be fair dude, you weren't helpful in the first place, you just assumed I hadn't done something exceedingly simple and advised me to do that instead of getting more information on the problem. So next time you want to help someone, presumably not me going on what you said, instead of assuming the simplest answer is the *one* thing the person requiring help hasn't already done, ask first. Or just give a more highly detailed explanation of potential problems, like the other guy here did. That way you can increase your usefulness to other people in the future. :)

  6. Ok, so this is the second time in a row this has happened to me on the same character...


    I Enter "Roots of Terror" instance. I take a path, kill the chak, talk to the magister, but then when it comes to "Talk to Braham" he just starts following me around like a party follower and after a moment then just stands there and won't interact with me at all. I cannot complete this quest.


    Edit: I have reported this via the in game bug report also.


    Edit, Edit: After 10 minutes of doing nothing. Not interacting, not talking, just, nothing. he finally started to comment on the chak filled pit and progressed the story. But to have to wait 10 minutes for an npc to prob their dialogue is still ridiculous.

  7. > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > @"Automaton.2751" said:

    > >But from my experience of every time I've played any game in a competetive environment vs other people it has been full of the most arrogant, unhelpful, >beliggerant people I have ever spoken too.

    > Those ppl are just insecure. They need a hug. You should try hugging them. With your mace . . .


    haha, sound advice.


    And seeing as my last post and the post that got me angry have been removed and I've now been warned by mods, I think this conversation has come to an end. As such I will ask mods to lock the post, if they can do that here, as this is no longer getting anywhere. Thanks to everyone for either giving me a place to vent my frustration or for telling me to git gud, cause that's the only response some people are capable of. It's been fun.

  8. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > If we're in agreement that they don't need to go back and fix every instance of a champion on a Hero Point (because that isn't what you're demanding, right?), then what are we even talking about? The issue has been resolved.



    See previous comment. If you'd been paying attention to the whole message instead of small portions of you you'd have seen what we're talking about


    > @"Automaton.2751" said:

    > Mainly using it as a place to vent.


  9. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > It seems like such a minor thing to demand a change for.



    Who's doing what now?


    > @"Automaton.2751" said:

    > I never really thought it was going to get changed just by me posting on the forums. Mainly using it as a place to vent.


    I *LITERALLY* said I wasn't trying to get it changed, just venting my frustration at potentially being forced to come back or get help on a map that often has a low population. And maybe, just maybe, *if* anyone from anet actually see this, making them aware that it's bloody annoying so perhaps maybe they'll be more considerate in furutre expansions. Yes, it's an MMO but wasn't one of their big selling points "play your own way" and sometimes that means I wanna do it myself.


    > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > or... play WvW and get some heroics which will allow you to complete the ones you can’t manage other ways.



    Yea... I *literally* think WvW and PvP gives you cancer. The elitism and bad attitudes of a large portion of those who PvP/WvW is absolutely terrible.

    And before anyone says "Well I'm not that way, I'm friendly" Yes, there are a lot of nice players too. But from my experience of every time I've played any game in a competetive environment vs other people it has been full of the most arrogant, unhelpful, beliggerant people I have ever spoken too. As such I refuse to PvP. Ever. Yes, maybe that means I can't get some stuff in this game, or have to get equivelant gear elsewhere. But that's fine. I don't want to PvP, nor do I have to. Fair play to those who do, it's just not my scene.

  10. > @"Biff.5312" said:


    > Well, if the fact that it's easy to complete 90% of the time is enough to deter you, and you get upset about not soloing even though there's absolutely no requirement for you to complete this particular HP, I don't know what to tell you. Some people enjoy occasional challenges. It's not like you can't grab enough HPs to max out your specs without doing any that are difficult. You can.


    Well, firstly, that champ pops pretty ften, so at best I'd say 50% of the time, which still goes against my own personal experience. I've gone there on 4 toons and on 3 of them it was present, and more times than I care to count I've gone out to help other's experiencing the same problem because I know how frustrating it was for me.


    But you're basically telling me to just skip it because it's "not needed" Wha tabout map completion? loot, rewards. bonuses. It very much *is* needed. Just because I *can* spec without it doesn't mean I'm obligated to skip it because it's hard.

  11. Indeed. I never really thought it was going to get chenged just by me postin gon the forums. Mainly using it as a place to vent.


    On the subject of champions though. I recently just got 1hit kill from 98% health by the champ risen knight that is near the HP in douth-western Malchor's Leap. I was on my Berserker, 21,262 hp, 1,543 prot and 2,754 armour. Am I doing something wrong or was that overkill?

  12. > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > @"Automaton.2751" said:

    > > Challenging, yes, never said they shouldn't be. I just don't think they should be impossible to do solo.

    > The point in question in Malchor's actually is easy to do solo if the event isn't up. If the champ is in your way, just leave it and come back another time.


    I know mate, but that still leads straight back into what I was saying earlier. In about the 2nd or 3rd post. I'd rather not be told "try again later" on character building content simply cause they put a champion on top of a hero point, with the one in question being out of the way of anything else meaning the champ is put there deliberately to make this point harder. Vistas, points of interest, waypoints. Don't care about champs on any of these. Just don't think they should be on HP.

  13. Well, from what you say, the champ there was about the same as the HoT champs, which kinda means it is up there. ;)


    But still, I believe this discussion has about run it's course. It's mostly just people telling me to make a copy-paste build from meta or something so I can solo champs. That's not fun. I want to play my game, my way with *my* build. Maybe that means I can't solo a champion. I'm not ashamed by that. But I still feel that character building content while yes, should provide a challenge, definitely shouldn't be *that* hard.

  14. Well, for me, yes, soloing champs is very much beyond me. Maybe I suck, but that's still ok. As long as I have fun. But the point remains that it's still not good to force a person to get help for character building content. I mean, wanna go get that optional stuff over there? Go get a friend to kill this really hard boss. Wanna get this thing you need for your toon's progress? Sod off and get a friend to help.


    Don't get me wrong. As I said somewhere up there, I have nothing against asking for help. I'd just prefer to get stuff like that without it, and if it's at a slow time and no one is around, or no one that's willing to help at least. You are forced to wait. To come back later. That's not fun.

  15. I'm sure somewhere someone has pointed this out to you already, but I cba to read the entire thread so I'll just add my two pence here...


    > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > Raids: oh I'm an insanely good player, but i dislike working with others, oh you get nothing no raids or pve content for u.



    The term raid is defined as going in with other people. As such there has never, nor will ever, be a "Solo Raid"


    > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > I love teamwork and have meadiocre skill, - heres legendaries, thanks for showing up this week and chatting.



    Legendaries are from crafting, and sure some of the components come from raids, but a lot of it you get yourself. Plus if you're in a guild that goes into a raid and you have no personal skill, sure you may get carried, or the peopel you're in with will tell you how much you suck and kick you out.


    > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > Pvp - I have insane personal skill and destroy most players and hold most nodes.- oh you lose because someone is afk, no teamwork, 4v5 u lose.



    If you don't like it, don't do it. PvP, unless 1v1 arena based combat is specifically designed to be done as a team.


    > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > Wvw - I have very high skill and solo kill small teams as well as run supply and escort dolyaks and scout = oh no reward for you, no wxp, karma or loot.


    > I enjoy teamwork but have very low skill and I follow in a zero and press 1 = heres a ton of wxp, loot and participation.


    > Would be nice if individual player skill was measured, mattered and was rewarded accordingly, like teamwork is.


    Don't really know much about WvW, but I'm assuming it works on participation, like events. So if you really are so much more skilled than everyone else, I'm sure you're not getting "no wxp, karma or loot"

  16. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > There are no HoT HP champions that are impossible to solo. Difficult? Certainly for a player still unlocking their elite spec. But not impossible.



    I did recently address the HoT specific HP champs in my last message. They're champs in name only and not built like a proper champ and while harder than a vet, or maybe an elite, still not actually at champ level.


    > @"Quarktastic.1027" said:

    > Speaking specifically of that champion risen noble, (one of the more challenging core tyria champions imo) if my full glass viper renegade can solo it, I'm pretty sure any profession can solo it.



    Ok, so maybe you can do it, doesn't mean everyone can. Plus, if I may ask, what kind of gear do you have on this glass viper of yours? My guess would be ascended. I've only recently finished the story on a couple of toons, my best gear is some exotics I got on the market place, or a few I got in dungeons. My gear certainly doesn't allow me to kill a champion on my own. And not meaning any offence, but unless I see this champion killed solo, I can't honestly believe it. I will make any and all apologies requested if I see it myself, but until then I just don't see it. Same as I wouldn't believe you could solo the giant cat boss in arah if I hadn't seen the video for myself. (you can google that one)


    > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > @"Automaton.2751" said:

    > taking 40-50% of your health in one hit does not make them "impossible". Obviously, you're supposed to avoid that damage or reduce/remove the chance of the attack




    What if this attack is the enemies base auto attack that happens more often than you have dodge? Plus, you're only capable of staying at range in very specific circumstance. If, like in the HP I've been talking about since the OP it's a melee enemy, that's not possible. And being in a tunnel you can only kite it so far before it leaves for it's original position, or you have to run right past it, assuming the numerous orrian turrets in the tunnel haven't killed you already, and you can't effectively attack it while running away and you don't backtrack fast enough.

  17. Challenging, yes, never said they shouldn't be. I just don't think they should be impossible to do solo. And someone mentioned the HoT champion points. If they're champions that they deliberatly made easier than other's (like certain story-based champions) where they're champion in name only, sure. Put out a really hard enemy. But I'm meaning the proper champions that it is impossible to solo. The kind that literally do 40 - 50 % of your health in one hit. Like the one I mentioned in my OP.

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