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Posts posted by Automaton.2751

  1. > @"Knight In Shining Armor.1708" said:

    > Heart of Thorns was notorious for putting champions on skill points that were virtually impossible to kill solo. PoF did it much better. I never had a problem getting any single skill point there. What helped me a lot was buying the unobtainable skill points from the WvW vendor. You need a certain map currency but at least that was obtainable all by yourself.


    See, now this is another problem I have with it. *Buying* your skill points because it's too hard to do solo and no one will help? If you have points that are too difficult to solo and no one will help, buying them just takes the fun away. - Not that there *is* much fun when that's the case. But if you can simply *buy* skill points. Why have them? Why not simply say, "oh, here's some extra currency, go buy your class points." why have hero points at all if you're gonna give people the option to just bypass it entirely?

  2. > @"Biff.5312" said:

    > I've done that HP on a number of toons, and have only occasionally had any difficulty. 1) you can ask for help, especially if one of the dailies is events in Malchor's Leap; 2) you can try kiting the boss away and sneaking back to the HP (using pets, etc.); 3) you can wait until someone else draws the boss off or kills it and just walk in. 90% of the time one of these three is a viable approach. Very rarely you'll have to pass on that HP for the time being. Good thing there's more HPs than you can possibly ever use.


    Kiting with "pets etc" is only available to some classes "waiting until someone else kills it and then grabbing it" is exactly what I was complaining about and asking for help only works if there are people willing to help plus that's *also* exactly what I was complaining about in the first place. - Not being able to do these things solo...

  3. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:


    > The old way to get them was by buying them in the gemstore, which either required buying gems with real world money or ridiculous amounts of gold. Perhaps you’re wearing nostalgia goggles If that’s your complaint.



    > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > I have to agree; are you remembering Town Clothes as being free? The only ones that were included at no charge were the race-specific Starter Town Clothes (which are inexpensive to acquire, again).


    > You can check out the old prices for the Town Clothes individual pieces and sets here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Town_clothing

    > (You can follow the links to some of the item's discontinued pages, or use the 'History' option.)


    Yes, I am remembering them as, not oso much free, but as something bought cheaply with gold, as I know I had more than 1 set, but I've only recently made my first gem store purchase (that wasn't free) to get the living story. And I have that as a checkable history right back to the day1 celebratory hat we were given for having pre-purchased the game way back when.

    So if I am remembering incorrectly then fair enough, and I guess nostalgia isn't always what you think it was ^_^

  4. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:


    > Having a toggle-able outfit which does not require inventory commitment and is available to every character is a strait upgrade.


    You're clearly focusing on the wrong things here. I didn't say I had a problem with that. In fact:


    > @"Automaton.2751" said:

    > now as an outfit it would be much the same as it usd to be,


    Clearly showing I don't think the old *system* was better, just the acquisition. Just that I wish I was still able to get town clothes in the same way as before, instead of having to pay ridiculous amounts of gold, or real world money to acquire them. - Which *is* very much worse than before.



  5. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Automaton.2751" said:

    > > All my characters were created fresh after I came back cause I didn't wanna jump into the game with a high level I had no idea how to use.


    > So this is more about you being disappointed that you lost out on value.


    > The new system is far more convenient especially with the wardrobe system in place. From a pure game play perspective it is superior.


    No, this has nothing to do with lost "value" this has to do with wishing they had kept the old system. If I had the gold to spare I'd buy up a bunch of the town clothes right now. I don't give a sod that they're expensive now and weren't before. Once again someone that's missing the point.


    > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > OP, you can contact the CS Team and request your deleted character(s) that were holding Town Clothes restored. Keep in mind that restoring a character requires an open Character Slot and that the name is still available. Or, if you have proof of purchase, just the items restored.

    > Also, as noted above, older characters are eligible, each year, for Birthday/Anniversary rewards/gifts.


    > Good luck.


    Don't have any spare slots and depending on when they were changed I may not have those toons. I've had 2 major breaks, one that was a year, then another that was 4. Each time I started from scratch. As such I'm on my third generation of toons. Besides, as stated, I no longer have spare slots. I make 1 toon of each race each time I play.


    It was also pointed out above that I probably mis-remembered the town clothes being automatic, which, of, sure, so now as an outfit it would be much the same as it usd to be, t's just gettin gsaid outfit now after all the changes that's the problem. With so much stuff being monetised or simply removed form the game. But I can clearly see that I'm in the minority, on this forum at the very least.

  6. Thanks for the help @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015", Though I did know about the keys. And while it might be nice to regain some of the outfits in the past, it's not about that. It's about the fact that they took away that mechanic in the first place. It's not like it was in the way, or interfered with anything else. Even with the current changes they could have easily just kept the town clothes tab as a separate entity, just one more tab to add to the plethora we now have. I mean, mail carrier tab? glider tab? Outfit tab? I really feel they could have condenced all of these into a simple "Cosmetics" Category or "Wardrobe" as is and hed them all in the same place inside drop down tabs like the dye lists in the dye tab.

  7. > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > You seem weirdly hostile about something that isn't really that big of a deal.


    Not hostile no, just disappointed at the change and annoyed at being told "just go buy it"



    > @"spartan.9421" said:

    > Well, the outfit can be worn even in combat. Common clothing tonic is the default town clothing. The town clothing we all started with way back when. And 179g isn't that expensive, considering how easy it is to make gold in GW2.


    > And yes, profanity is not allowed on forums. It is stated in the forum rules.


    Dude, I'm struggling to stay above 200. So yea, it's a lot. Maybe you been playing/grinding so long you got thousands. Me? Barely anything.

    And sure, the town clothes outfit can be worn in combat... You're clearly missing the point of town clothes. And while the Common clothing tonic is the default we all started with, I know I used to have one or two of the other's also. I specifically went and purchased them when I found the one I wanted on each toon.

  8. Honestly mate, it's all about your play style. While the rev is limited in the fact that he can only use the utility skills that are linked to that legend if you spec your armour and weapons to what you want to be you can do almost any "job" in the game. And whilst other classes do have their good and bad parts it's entirely down to personal play style. You want to be an elementalist who smashes people in the face with a lightning hammer? Go for it, spec for toughness and vitality and you won't be as squishy. You want to be a necro minion master? Go for it, just know that it's useless in high level dungeons and you'll need a backup build. You do what you want with your class mate. There are no "standards" or "jobs" for any of the classes, just build to boost your strengths or to cover your weaknesses. And most of all, Have Fun!

  9. Am I the only one that misses the old "Town Clothes" option? A set of clothes you could equip like armour in a seperate tab that would equip like a costume whenever you were in town.


    Ok, sure, they now have these "endless [town clothes name] tonic" That lasts for 15 minutes. What if I'm in town for more than bloody 15 minutes? Got to keep reapplying my town clothes? Why the hell is this better? Just add new town clothes to the wardrobe and change them as you want. Don't force me to use a tonic that I can't dye, have to specifically activate and have to keep reapplying if I'm in town for more than 15 minutes.

  10. I heard a guy complaining about someting, can't remember what now, and when the conversation turned to the history of the usage of certain terminology and th (now dead) latin language the conversation went to:


    Guy "But isn't Latino Latin?"


    Me "No, that's mostly for spanish people"


    Guy "Oh, I thought Latino and Latina were guy/girl variations of someone who spoke Latin"


    Me *Facepalm*

  11. > @"Syrus.2174" said:

    > Î just think that hero points are the wrong place to put that difficult group content. To me a hero point is always something that should be difficult to solo - but still be soloable. A challenge, yes. But not a group challenge. The main reason for that being, that you need them to advance your character. You might even need them to that proper build you are talking about.

    > Yes, you state that not all HPs are required - but in my opinion, it would throw any player off if there were some which are "nigh-impossible to get" while others are much easier. I just very much prefer to have other events, ones that always reward you, no matter if you did them before, offer the more difficult content intended for group play.


    > Besides, with how uncommuncative people are seemingly becoming lately in the game,...


    This guy gets it. Hero points should potentially provide a challenge, sure, they're points where you prove you're the hero, better and stronger than the NPCs. But champions? Even in HoT "new challenging group content" shouldn't mean hero points. As syrus stated, what if you need those points to make your build? OK, sure, be proud that you have a toon that can solo a champ in a 10 minute fight... But unless you're in a dungeon, or doing a world boss, I really don't think a fight should last that long. Beating on the same enemy for that length of time is tedious. At least with dungeon bosses and world bosses they vary the mechanics and what you do changes based on what's happening. A single champion in a PvE area doesn't. You would then spend 8+ minutes repeating the same moves, dodges and abilities again, and again, and again, and AGAIN. Not fun.

  12. > @"Zin Dau.1749" said:

    > if you want to solo the game, then make a powerful solo build that can solo any content, no matter how challenging.


    Sure... Let's make a Build that can solo champions... Not only does that mean that I'd simply have to be like everyone else, not caring for how I want to play, that's also only possible with certain classes. And also then just makes me another clone of everyone else that's done that. Thanks, but no.

  13. As title, the hero challenge in south-western ~~Malchor's Leap~~ Straits of Devastation to fight the Veteran Risen Spectral Guard has bugged, has been bugged for 12 hours that I'm aware of and is still bugged now. It is literally the last thing I need to be able to finish off Central Tyria exploration but I can't do it because it won't activate. The Mob is green with full health and won't fight.

  14. That's bloody ridiculous then. Anet needs to fix that. Ok, show me once that I can do it, or even once a day so I don't forget, but not every 5 bloody seconds obscuring my chat log all the time. Even if they simply made it a 30 - 60 minute snooze on the alert, I don't need this popping up in my face all the sodding time. Make it part of the "hide optional alerts" check in the options menu (I tried that already, it had no effect) I get it - I *CAN* spend points, I don't bloody well want to as I need 3 more for the skill I want to train!!!

  15. Practically every time I exit combat or close my map and various other things I get a popup on my screen telling me to spend mastery points. I have 5 points available right now, but I don't want to spend them as I only need 3 more to get the final part of the pact mastery and want to get that before I move on to another part of it. But I maxed my exp on all of the lines in the central tyria mastery as I figured there was no point letting *all* the extra exp go to waste, but now I have this god damned notification popping up every 5 god damned seconds! How do I make it STOP?!?

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