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Posts posted by Jagblade.4627

  1. I have only been lurking this thread but out of all the games (particularly MMOs) I've played in the last twenty years I have never before seen so many people actively argue against additional content or the refinement of content already in place, holy kitten. Keep the acquisition of the mount the way it is but I see absolutely no problem with allowing the Warclaw to at the very least run as fast as the Jackal or Raptor does. It doesn't need any special flare in my opinion, but if they see fit to add something that's fine too.


    I really don't see how someone wanting a mount they worked for to be not useless outside of WvW affects anyone else at all. Let them have their cake, or their flavor mount in this case. I imagine that if the Warclaw was exclusive WvW only and couldn't be used outside of it these people would argue against allowing its use in the open world at all. In fact, I'll bet that these same people threw a hissy fit when they heard the devs were devoting resources to allow the skimmer to be used underwater.


    I do not have a Warclaw nor do I want one, but why does it hurt anyone if the mount's PvE use is **slightly** buffed if they still have to work just as hard as anyone else to acquire it?

  2. > @"Josiah.2967" said:

    > Does this address the wings that are causing the huge hit in performance across the glove. They use an optimized fire effect that is only used on the new wings and the Skycale which is reaching havoc on FPS. This is incredibly noticeable in group events. The new area is not the problem..it's all the new wings killing performance in it that is causing the issue. This could easily be resolved by changing the flame effect to the Primeval effect or old flame effect.


    This explains a lot. I was wondering why my FPS was so low and was beginning to think my GPU was dying or something. I played back in later 2018 / early 2019 and was getting decent FPS even in Lion's Arch and Divinity's Reach with (almost) maxed graphics, but now I come back and struggle to exceed 25fps in any somewhat populated area with all these glowy wings, armors, and mounts.

  3. The base game will take you from 1 to 80 and give you plenty more adventures even after the fact. Heart of Thorns expansion introduces the mastery system and Gliders, Path of Fire introduces Mounts. The Living World Seasons are just continuations of the story and a useful means of acquiring mastery XP and new items. They all also include new maps, gatherables, currencies, etc.


    So in my opinion? Stay with the base game until you hit level 80, if you are really enjoying yourself, make sure you get both Path of Fire (Heart of Thorns will be included with this for free but make sure to double check) and Living World Season 2 (if you care about the story.) Complete the very beginning of either Path of Fire or Heart of Thorns to unlock the mastery system and then continue doing whatever content suits you. All content in the expansions and living world (story wise) take place after the "end" of the base game, you won't miss anything if you wait. On the contrary, it's designed around that.


    Edit: The only thing you and a lot of people will miss is Living Story Season 1, which was designed as an ongoing realtime event. You can't go back and redo it but there is an NPC you'll meet that can recap what happened to you. All the other Seasons and Expansions can be played repeatedly at any time on any character but again, story wise they take place after the base game.


    GW2 -> Living World Season 1 (unplayable) -> Living World Season 2 -> Heart of Thorns -> Living World Season 3 -> Path of Fire -> Living World Season 4 -> Icebrood Saga

  4. Definitely need to increase the damage (or increase the speed) of Hundred Blades, mobility while in use would be nice as well. As it stands there really isn't much reason to use greatsword over dual axes. The damage output just doesn't come close especially when you throw Berserk and Whirling Axe into the mix. I only speak from a PvE perspective mind you. I personally prefer the aesthetic of a greatsword to two axes myself but it's just not viable in later areas when you need to be constantly moving and dishing out large amounts of damage, especially on groups of highly mobile and ranged enemies.

  5. Multiple times throughout the day while playing an error message will appear telling me that the game client is unable to access the log in server at this time. This is usually accompanied with a few moments of lag, a freezing of the trading post, inventory, and skill bar UI, and the error code **42:1001:9001:4457:101** which does not show up under the list of error codes beginning with 42 in the knowledge base.


    I have already ensured all ports are properly opened both ways in my router, GW2 has been added to the firewall exceptions, and I even added a rule set for GW2 under the advanced settings of the firewall to make absolutely sure the necessary ports are open both ways there as well, yet this still happens every day. GW2 is the only game in which I experience any issue like this. The game for the most part plays just fine and this is only an occasional inconvenience, but I'd like to try getting it squared away all the same.


    Thank you for any help anyone can provide!

  6. The subject of the Ebonhawke Treaty and the gritty politics of the the Human - Charr Conflict has been a source of fascination for me since the game launched. Personally, I'd love to see this boil over into a new war between Bangar's group and Kryta and with Ebonhawke and the last Ascalonians thrown into the mix as well, maybe we'll actually get some indepth look at the Ascalonian Separatists beyond them just being nameless bandit NPCs. I love this stuff and would love a break from "yet another elder dragon threatens the world" story beats that we've been doing since the game launched in 2012 (Scarlet was a great reprieve from that.) Let's dive more into the governments, politics, and races of the land. Let's actually live in the world we inhabit for a while instead of playing fantasy hero. That's just me though.


    Have to say as well, IC my human main is from Ebonhawke and is someone who for a time fought for the Ascalonian Separatists, is very leery of Charr, etc. Though I absolutely doubt it would ever happen I'd love the option to side with a less terroristic sect of the separatists in future storylines and see where that takes us.

  7. > @"Mil.3562" said:

    > You call that grinding? Wait till you try to get the mount Skyscale. It's kind of ridiculous to lock a mount under such intensive grinding thus discouraging many veterans from getting it. They could have made it much less 'grindy' like all previous mounts and many more players will make an effort to get it, and ANet will definitely sell more skins for the dragon. Win-win. **I wonder who is their marketing head.**


    > Now almost every thing is grind-to-get. Even LWS, these days playing through the story is not good enough. You have to grind for mastery points, grind for days or weeks in order to get a long list of achievements required to unlock the new stuffs from the story.


    > Grinding is content in GW2. Yes, it's in this state now. The last leg.


    I haven't kept up with this (the bolded) at all, but is the head of the cash shop still that lady who once did the same thing for Nexon? I remember people having a good laugh about that back in the day.

  8. > @"Astyrah.4015" said:

    > > @"Jagblade.4627" said:

    > > masses of dreads or ponytails


    > would love a simple ponytail though.. but yeah i dont wanna see more dreads (we got a lot with the elonian styles that came with PoF) or 1-side shaved hairstyles.


    > more simple hairstyles would do, either long or short, for either gender and for all applicable races




    I also wouldn't mind a simple ponytail, I just also don't want a huge mop, comb over, or mass of spikes on my head to accompany it. I think I just want at least semi-realistic hairstyles that aren't exaggerated. I realize that taste is subject, but would a sleekly combed and tied back pony-tail be too much to ask? A simple business part> Maybe some bangs but not a full on emo-cut? Simple and sweet stuff would be nice. There is one hairstyle with a ponytail that is perfect but the sides of the head are basically shaven down unfortunately.

  9. I'd definitely like to see some more hairstyles that aren't either anime or masses of dreads or ponytails. While we're at it though, and slightly off topic, can we also fix the human faces? Especially the male ones? The vast majority of them look like something you get when hitting "Random" in the Oblivion character creator.

  10. > @"Phantom.7903" said:

    > At this point, I'd be down for Sword to just copy/paste Axe skins over and be a prettier alternate skin for Axes.


    Same at this point. As powerful as Axe/Axe is I don't like the way it looks. I have trouble divorcing an "in-character" perspective of how my character fights from what I need to be useful and viable. I'd rather run Sword/Axe or at least have that look.

  11. Since I'm only just back after having not played since launch I don't have a paragraph to write. Simply put, let warrior be straight DPS again like it used to be and stop trying to force it into a more supporting role via banners. Both routes should be viable. I speak mainly in terms of PvE since I don't participate in GW2 PvP.

  12. > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > > > > Honestly after seeing some further clarification regarding Axe Mastery (so you get 120 ferocity anyway? Up to a maximum of 360 if you have axe/axe?), I don't feel so bad about the changes made there. Full Counter nerf is just horrible though.

    > > >

    > > > Nah, I think it's only 240 with axe/axe, but if you swap to your other weapon set, you still get 120, at least that's the way I interpret it.

    > >

    > > It clearly says "120 per axe" and 120 regardless of weapon, so 360 with 2 axes.


    > Yea, someone confirmed in-game that it gives 360 with axe/axe


    I think I'm bugged, read through some more information elsewhere but this isn't what's happening for me. Made sure I'm on the right trait. Will contact support.


    Edit to my edit: Turns out it was because I was running a mace with my axe without realizing it. I'm a retard.

  13. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > > > Honestly after seeing some further clarification regarding Axe Mastery (so you get 120 ferocity anyway? Up to a maximum of 360 if you have axe/axe?), I don't feel so bad about the changes made there. Full Counter nerf is just horrible though.

    > >

    > > Nah, I think it's only 240 with axe/axe, but if you swap to your other weapon set, you still get 120, at least that's the way I interpret it.


    > It clearly says "120 per axe" and 120 regardless of weapon, so 360 with 2 axes.


    That's not the way I interpret it.


    "Axe Mastery: The amount of ferocity that increases while wielding an axe has been reduced from a maximum of 300 to a maximum of 120, and warriors can now gain up to 120 ferocity for each axe they are wielding. Warriors now gain up to 120 ferocity regardless of what weapon they are wielding."


    So you can either end up with 240 by wielding two axes, or have 120 by wielding a single axe anything other than axes. It's not something that stacks. Note you have to actually be wielding the weapon (having swapped to it) so the highest you're going to get now is 240 ferocity assuming you're swapped to A/A. A Greatsword on Backup does not count as a wielded weapon until you swap to it, in which case you'll have 120 when you do.


    Again, you do not get a full 360 just by have A/A in one slot and then another weapon in another slot. They do not stack like that.

  14. > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

    > > @"Jockum.1385" said:

    > > > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

    > >

    > > > Well tbh if people arent willing to change their build to meet their team needs then raids just arent for them. And thats fine.

    > > >

    > > It isn't really about being willing or not. That's not the main problem. Actually tells a lot that you think so. Time and gold investment is a much bigger problem. I never had a problem with telling a warrior to run banners in GW2. Most warriors are willing to switch their build.

    > > I never had a problem in GW1 to tell another player to switch some skills., too.

    > >

    > > Asking for a new set of equipment is a bit much to ask for. For a more casual player this is expensive, he need to farm gold (if he is going full exo), buy runes etc. Often these players spend little time, like 1 hour per week ingame. Earning the gold for a raid try might take him weeks. Just to figure out after half an hour that he does not like raids? Without guaranteed successs or at least a good chance to succeed?

    > >

    > > "Raids aren't for them" is not fine. It would, if Anet would release maybe 10-20 dungeons with each expansion. They don't. With so little content released it means: there is no content for casual- or coregamer teams.

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > Solution is make raids easier for all make gear mean less


    I don't think it's quite that easy. Make raids easier across the board and you undo all of the work the more competitive players have put into it. Raids should have a version that exists as they are now, something difficult for players to enjoy who put in the effort. But there should also exist an easier version of all the raids for casual players to participate in without having to worry about limiting themselves to a meta build or full ascended gear. Having just one or the other isn't a good solution imo.

  15. From what I've seen, this supposed split is between people who just want to play the game and not necessarily be the best but are barred from content unless they run a "meta" build and anything else is regarded as worthless and a detriment. This isn't entirely a community issue as much as it is a mechanical issue. I think it could be solved if raids have categories of difficult like Fractals do. This way people with non-meta builds and punier gear can still partake in the raid content while still leaving the more experienced and competitive crowd with something far more challenging. GW2 appeared to be more of a casual MMO years ago but has been adding more and more "hardcore content." This in and of itself is not a bad thing but the casual and hardcore crowds will never be able to get along without avenues for both to enjoy content without taking away from the other.

  16. I do as well. Imagine my surprise when I who haven't really played since launch, who used to run GS/Rifle and perform great at both open world at dungeons, find out such a build is terrible now and that you're pretty much barred from raids as a warrior if you aren't running banners in some form or another. They took away our bleeding shot from rifle so now we're stuck with bows if we're running a condition build. When did my beloved Warrior as a DPS classed get so watered down and shoe-horned into a more supporting role? Guardian, who I recall as a more tanky / support class appears to have taken our place as the damage dealer. The world is upside down.

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