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Sinful Mustache.3589

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Posts posted by Sinful Mustache.3589

  1. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    >That's not the issue people have with the fractal though. This is not about "how can we get it done" for players. It's about how can it be done without to much hassle.


    Mhm. So it is all about clearing instance ASAP? Expirienced stuff..

    Not breaking bars doesnt mean you cant get the DwD, right?

    For example, we are not elite speedrunners, but we are still able to "turtle" through that CM =)

    Not a heartbreaker, but I will miss the cons anyway. Bad, bad idea to remove them

  2. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > Linking a 30 minute video, which by the way is out of date since the changes shortly after, is hardly helpful. Also it's not the boss breakbar you need to break, it's the SORROW's breakbar which does the aoe kill attack, which in this video is countered with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infuse_Light, the Heralds heal. Not all classes have access to such a heal.


    This is how questions work in this world. I said "im not into 100 cm, that is why i ask question".

    The video is probably outdated. That is why i asked a question. And the question is **not** about breakbar.

    It is about possibility to **absorb** the Sorrow blast

    with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infuse_Light

    or with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/A.E.D.

    or with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Renewed_Focus

    or with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mist_Form

    etc, etc, numerous invulnerabilities

  3. 1. Why is there so much bothering about breaking 100 CM Sorrows?

    Does the damage absorbing skills not work any more? Like the engi's heal kit or herald's dragon heal skill.

    What about various invulnerability skills? Im not into 100cm, so I dont know. Just asking.

    Cant you absorb and skip those Sorrow blasts on different classes?


    2. Removing fun little options is a bad idea. Anet, you know what? There are multiple skips in fractals that we perform every day.

    That is a very very much unintended way to play. Waiting for you to put invisible walls everywhere to prevent skips.

    Why not banning the portal devices and choya tonics? Please do your best in flattening and dubming down the gameplay to the ground.

    I can only repeat what was said many time already. Veterans can find little tricks funny and pleasuring.

    But clueless devs dont know what is fun and harmless in their game (things that dont need "fixing").

    They prefer to screw veterans forcing them to play the only narrow "valid / intended" way, instead of letting them have fun with items/mechs.

    Let your playerbase have fun (no bug abuse or exploits involved) or force it to play the only way you want..

    This is not even a question for Anet, as we see

  4. We have the same 4 major MMOs to choose from for years. All of them are very old and stable, and i doubt EOD will change this picture.

    Neither "excessive grinding" nor "lack of content" is true according to GW2. Just take a look at.. pretty much any other game beyond the top 4

  5. Seriously. You barely can find any ppl who know about shovels in regular T4 pugs. Consumables only emerge in CMs.

    Why bothering about feature that has been here for so long, and only used by a bunch of hardcore veterans?

    Why did they feel the urge to upset those **loyal veterans**? Noone except veterans got hurt by this change in any way.

    This only means more time for clearing instances. And more frustration

  6. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > Fake Li linking is a thing mate


    That is why we always ask to spam links. Though as a programmer i for sure know how to fake spamming links.

    But we never actually saw anyone trying to fool us. Usually spamming LI to chat is enough to verify :)

    If those arcdps haters are really faking spammed links and sneak into skilled squads just to get kicked.... That would be a hardcore rofl

  7. > @"serialkicker.5274" said:

    > Because we are talking about third party tool that is quite obviously not needed and only provides opportunity for people to abuse it


    It quite obviously provides not only opportunity to abuse it, but also a ton of profit. Just like **any other tool** in this very universe.

    I know, total vanity. You, offended casuals, dont care about reading and thinking about what veterans are trying to teach you on 7 pages already.


    Also knifes, scissors, wrenches, hammers, cars and bottles provide opportunity for people to abuse them and eventually kill other people.

    Lets ban all these tools, yes? Your pure logic

  8. > @"knite.1542" said:

    > What is the negative impact of AFK farming?


    Botting itself?

    Creating a not healthy image for the game?

    Dropping mats prices on TP?


    Encouraging others to afk instead of actively playing the game which is "designed to be played actively" ©?


    And yes,

    > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > The longer you stay on one map, the less rewards you get

    This doesnt seem to work, otherwise bots wouldnt stay on a spot for hours and days in a row


    > @"knite.1542" said:

    > Please share why you can't enjoy the game because (**you think**) someone is afk farming.


    When you see same engis in same spot whenever you pass by, doesnt matter what time of day, you would think they are not afk?

    Really? Eh..

    Show me at least one player who would really really play this game by standing still on one place for hours, not being afk

  9. Can anyone explain me how actually those arcdps qqers get offended by "toxic elitists"?

    Do they join 200+ LI squads and get kicked for poor dps reason?

    (Because noone kicks ppl from "low LI" or training squads for that reason afaik. Only if your dps is lower than healers have)

    If so, do they actually have 200 LI to join skilled squads?

    If so, how did they manage to farm 200 LI and still remain poor dps casuals?


    I really dont understand how lazy casuals can even get in touch with skilled squads to get kicked.

    What a paradox

  10. I would agree on bad influence afkers do to game image. Go to Istan caverns and find there 20 afkers (bots?) at once.

    Looks really not healthy. Yeah, why play actively, why put efforts when you can safely afk and gain profit?

    Do they RMT or not? I dont know. But they for sure encourage others to do the same.


    Again, the simplest way to solve this task is curing the **root cause** of illness - spots of excessive mob amount.

    Reduce the mob amount, increase respawn timers in certain areas. Make afk farm simply inefficient. Thats it.

    No pushing lazy farmers, no bans, no mechanics change involved.


    You can find many such threads on forum since 2018, but nothing changes.

    Anet doesnt care, i presume. Though solution would be so simple

  11. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > This would serve to move the farmers from location to location. Otherwise, I have no problem with this solution other than some areas are farmed where kills are needed to complete heart quests. Reducing spawn times might make completing things more difficult?


    I personally know at least 3 places where amount of mobs is waaay too big and they respawn waaaay too frequently.

    Therefore it makes such places ideal for farmers. None of those places are needed for any hearts or quests.

    May be there are more places which i dont know about, as I havent completed the story line yet and didnt explore all maps

  12. There are not so much places in Tyria where farmers stay. All places are known.

    How do you like afk farming in Istan with a commander tag and 15 engis around?

    I personally feel that like an implicit statement from anet "we dont give an F about afk farmers"


    As a programmer i can assure you. It is incredibly simple to code a keystroking and mouse pressing bot for afk farming.

    You can never detect it by simple analysis of input and skill / moving activity.


    This is **NOT** a commercial, i hate RMT. And there are easy ways to solve the task

    1. Actually ban the reported obvious farmers for good

    2. Reduce the amount of mobs spawning in certain well-known locations and increase respawn timers to make farm inefficient

    No need to change game mechanics

  13. This pointless conversation seems to never end. Why pointless? Because the "arcdps is evil" adepts

    1. Have no clue what they are talking about in general

    2. They dont know any basics about combat data availability and privacy

    3. They dont know any basics about what is a "hack" and why arcdps is NOT a hack

    4. They dont know Anet approved arcdps

    5. They dont know the history of toxicity and the actual impact of arcdps on the toxicity level

    6. They dont listen to any objective reasons posted in this thread many times

    7. Worst of all, **they dont want to learn** anything beyond their ridiculous picture of world


    Being a noob is okay, telling complete nonsense is okay while one is a noob.

    Noobs can learn and one day stop being noobs.

    What is NOT okay is being completely ignorant noob who doesnt want to learn anything.

    This is almost disgusting and makes me wanna say - bois, let them go and live in their imagination.

    They cant be saved by your educational efforts. They dont want to be saved from dark and deep noobness

  14. > @"waxx.3619" said:

    > I mean they already have a system to measure your dps on the golem why not make it a full fledge feature.


    Why would they bother if it is already coded by a player and they approved that work?

    Official build templates replaced the known addon for arc because they monetized the feature.

    And there seems not to be any way to monetize displaying dps. Simple

  15. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > You don't need to pay 300g to use the golem, it's entirely free


    It is a reference to my mistake earlier in this thread.

    When i create a squad to enter training area I get tagged automatically.

    So i made an assumption that one needs a tag to get into training are. That appears to be wrong.

    So i said "my bad". But this small mistake doesnt change anything in my posts :)


    Technically i dont know how can i enter training area without a com tag on me (when **no one else** in squad)

  16. > @"Hyrai.8720" said:

    > For example, said casuals love to descriminate good players because the only explanation how they got so good must be that they have no friends, no family, no real life, etc. /s


    Once after chill T4 dailies we did lower recommended frac dailies with some newb.

    He told us "we are bad and we must git gud" because we do every shortcut and skip trash instead of brave facetanking.

    Funny moments. But so far we are not toxic and didnt kick him for being a kittenbag.

    Just finish dailies, block him and forget

  17. > @"yann.1946" said:

    > Isn't exactly the opposite true? a dps meter allows those players who are competent on non meta build to be allowed instead of being kicked before even starting?


    Sure it is. For example me and my teammates are not elitists. We use arc to have an understanding on what is going on.

    We run with ~150 LI req and we dont care what classes fill dps roles and what builds they use.

    While we dont hit enrage timers and dont wipe it is okay if bois play dps scourges or daredevils or mirages.

    Whatever they like. But we also welcome those who understand meta performance and can stay on 30k/s.

    Because that is polite behavior and saves time for whole squad. And that also ultimately means they understand every encounter mechanics

  18. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > Most players aren't so forthcoming about their toxicity. I'll just block you in advance. Thanks for the heads up!


    If i was a part of administration team, i would ban him right now preemptively.


    > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > but don't worry i will keep kicking bad players who dare to talk about dps on my party, at the last boss.

    Because this kitten behavior obviously violates user agreement and steals someone's invaluable lifetime.

    Therefore should be banned permanently.

    Yeah, thanks for heads up. Everyone reading this feel free to block the **SeikeNz.3526** for your good

  19. > @"ASP.8093" said:

    > Also worth noting that a lot of groups try to phase-skip, which usually is essentially a different DPS check as well. This isn't a "speedrun vs. casual" thing, either, because a lot of casual groups would much rather just avoid certain complicated mechanics.


    SeikeNz.3526 blames others for that they learn to, and work on, skipping mechanics instead of...

    bravely dealing with all those, facetanking with toughness builds, dodging, etc etc =)

    It is okay to be wrong for newbie. What is NOT okay is being completely ignorant newbie and not listening to veterans who try to educate him.

    Well, it is his own problem. Let them go enjoy their brilliant off-meta self-made tactics

  20. > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > i love how people make assumptions if someone is against them, "he want to be carried", "your dps is too low", "You need to learn to play", "you refuse to learn",

    > i use arcdps to check my dps and im against it, because everyone that use it against other people are toxic and most of time the bad ones.


    > people go glass cannon to get more dps, because they can't do mechanics, so they need to kill it fast before they die, 90% of the times the dps chat talkers are the ones failling mechanics, not evading boss hits, making the party die to ress him and trash talking about how the dps is low and that's why it's failling.


    > one time a guy started trash talking about how my friend dps was too low, i was using it too, i don't know if his arcdps was bugged or what but my friend was doing more dps than him, we just kicked him without thinking.


    > what me and my friends do when someone talk about dps? we kick them at the last boss just like they deserve, i hope more people start doing this so we can get a better community.


    3 pages of explanations, but you still cant get the point.

    The most toxic source here are you personally.

    Your posts are ridiculous nonsense and a proof for everyone reading this to kick you immediately for good


    > @"Rhiannon.1726" said:

    > You don't need a tag to enter the Special Forces Training Area. You can make a squad without having a tag.

    Oh, i didnt know that. Ok then, my bad

  21. There is a F2P experience about mounts. New player gets a time-limited abstract "horse" as a gift.

    Same idea, in whatever form of "time-limited mount rental / trial" might be implemented here.

    May be even a "glider rental" like a teaser for HoT feature.


    But this imo shouldnt be available on starting maps.

    Let ppl explore the game, take their time a bit, without rushing on raptor

  22. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > How many newer games are based on 10+ year old spaghetti code, built in-house by devs who are no longer with the company?


    Where can i read about gw2 legacy code?


    As it was mentioned many times already, there are only 4 main graphics settings that impact performance very much

    1. Dont use "Ultra" shadows

    2. Dont use "All" reflections

    3. Set both character limit AND quality to Lowest

    Done. This ads a LOT of fps yet without lowering every other setting

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