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Sinful Mustache.3589

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Posts posted by Sinful Mustache.3589

  1. 1. We are not dumb here. OP can not fool anyone.

    The only reason behind all this chatter is originally **"allow me to kill, teabag and humiliate pve casuals and / or those who are weaker than me"**

    Like it is in all open pvp MMOs. Especially asian ones.


    2. I dont get the point of such threads.

    Doesnt matter how much you want to safely destroy pve casuals, you understand that this shall never ever happen.

    You understand most of playerbase are pve casuals who will abandon the game immediately if anet introduces open pvp.

    It would be a total financial failure


    3. The idea of competitive rewards in PVE "reward tracks" is really cool, i think.

    We can farm PVE dungeon tokens in PVP / WVW, but there is no way to get some cool competitive skins for PVE-only players


    4. Also i would totally vote for entire fresh content to competitive modes.

    I have gained only about 160 rank in wvw and it already feels endless self-repetitive running around the same maps just for rewards and dailies

  2. > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > There is nothing wrong with junk items. Sell them at vendors. It is designed to make you take up time to vendor or discard.

    So we have auto-loot feature to save our time from pointless activity.

    And we have trash loot to spend our time on pointless activity.

    Yeah, seems logical.


    What is the actual reason for tons of trash like broken claws to exist all?

    Why do we need to sell trash worth **3 copper**? Looks like a bad joke in the game where you need **thousands of gold**.

    I'd like to either not have those in drop list OR they should worth ~1 silver at least

  3. One more thing i can highlight.

    In this game there are literally no physical obstacles for anyone to play all the high-end content (except enrage timers).

    If you feel offended by "dps toxicity", go create your own squad and play happily with mates alike yourself. Just dont join demanding parties.

    What is the problem? I really dont get it.

    You post lfg "anyone with whatever crazy builds are welcome. we kick toxic ppl who dares to mention dps", and enjoy your gameplay.


  4. It is totally not about arcdps, but about certain level of desired player skills a group expects from you.

    With or without arcdps you shall **always** need to show **kill proofs** to join high-tier raids or fractal CMs.

    And KP nature can change over time. Whatever it be - ping Envoy gear, titles, cosmic essences.. Doesnt matter.

    Anyone on any class can join regular T4 fracs or low-kp training raids without great requirements and enjoy the game.

    Fine. You wont be kicked from regular groups/squads, which doesnt require meta performance.


    But those offended by arcdps cant understand one simple thing:

    if you perform 10-15k/s on dps class and you are ok with that.. Then **you harass other players right to enjoy the game**.

    Because they are forced to carry your lazy slacking body through demanding content. They have to deal with your mistakes.

    That is not fair, and you get kicked from high-skilled parties for good reason actually.

    Same applies to healers who fail to heal good enough, same for supports who fail to provide boon uptime.

    But this is not even related to arcdps and can be seen directly with your eyes

  5. > @"GummyBearSummoner.7941" said:

    > Guild wars 2 is the only game that gives me as much lag. All my other games have run perfectly smooth


    I can confirm that. Not a single game in my life ever behaved like this. While in other games there can be much more than 50 ppl on map.

    EU region (Blacktide) => when we have either WB Rush or dailies in especially Desert Highlands / Vabbi => skill-activating lag jumps to insane numbers.

    My comp is good enough, having 50-60 fps. But ping is jumping from 50 to 3000 at same time. That makes it clear.

    Nothing to do with graphics settings, but a hard server delay. For some reason certain maps are much more affected by lags then others.

    Nothing to do with ISP either. Obviously it doesnt cause long 3000 ping spikes

  6. @"Lasiurus.4067"

    No, no, Cello. Im sorry if you felt offended. I didnt mean to. And I watched the video, ofc. You are doing good job.

    This is all about one thing. You recieve absolutely no criticism. This is not healthy.

    Dont non-veteran players feel wrong when they watch your vids and think "huh, that is crazy, im gonna get rich in no time"?.

    But then they face the reality. Where non-veteran and non-TP-baron and non-cash-payer can not have more than several hundreds gold at most.

    I think, common player will struggle making his first lege. Nothing in this world is lazy or eazy if you are just a common folk.

    You have to invest much and much of your time and/or real money to become really rich in this game.

    That is my point of view. Peace \o/

  7. @"Lasiurus.4067"

    Thanks to your weaver passion I am enjoying this class now too.


    But let me explain, why this guide is **neither** Easy, **nor** Lazy. And why it doesnt apply to anyone except Veterans like yourself.

    I play for 1.5 years, and this is my perspective. Im not going to confuse people with fantasies about "EASY GOLD 2020".

    These are not tips for anyone who cant play 5-6 hours daily.


    1. Daily login.

    Absolutely more chances are non-veteran player buys trinckets for laurels or maybe T6 crafting bags. Latter are not for sale either.

    Non-veteran player also doesnt sell mystic coins, as they are much, much needed for at least your first legendary craft.

    2. Alt parking.

    None player who is not veteran and not credit card payer can afford 10 alts just for parking (like you) lol. I cant afford even having all class alts yet.

    As buying alt slots costs very much gold.

    3. Full home instance.

    One thing that is absolutely **no chances** for non-veteran and\or without heavy credit card. It costs insane amount of gold.

    Yes, you can try to find home parties to join.

    4. Guild hall.

    Yes, if you have a full guild, okay.

    5. Daily craft.

    Jeez. Nope again . You must first farm or buy mats for daily craft. You dont just have them from nowhere. I do daily cratfs for myself.

    And even if wanted to sell those, it is poor gold (if any at all). Depends on certain items.

    6. Converters.

    Yes, you can convert currencies or mats, but is so poor gold, I dont even want to talk about it,

    7. Pact daily supply agents.

    Yes, you can make some gold from them. But more chances are - you gonna store T6 mats for yourself. As you do much ascended crafting.

    Or your first legendary crafting. And moreover, you must do like **30.000** karma daily. Which is 1 million per month. That is definitely not lazy.

    8. World bosses.

    Okay, may be you get sometimes 1 gold or a pile of garbage from Teq. I never got even 1 ascended piece from him.

    9. Strike missions.

    Dont know about those. I prefer doing content in sequence. Hot -> Pof -> LW -> Icebrood. Okay, it is my personal way.

    10. T4 fractals.

    Do I even need to say it is NOT something that can be done by beginner? You must invest many, many time and gold on lower tiers before you are geared and ready.

    That means hundreds of hours and pain in pugs on T3. You only can hope for good party. It is not always good, thus you can spend all your daily play-time dying in fractals.

    From daily T3 you get about 16 gold, I think. It is not per hour, it is per whole run.

    11. Silverwastes, Auric Basin farm?

    Nope. Very poor gold. And very boring running in circles for poor gold. Moreover, you prefer to NOT sell all the mats you farm there.

    Idk about Dragonfall. May be it is really better.

    12. World completion.

    Very long and tedious. And Gift of Exploration costs NOTHING by itself. Absolute zero. You need to do all the legendary crafting routine to make profit.

    This is not for beginner.

    13. PVP

    Well, i dont like pvp much, and cant say anything about it.

    14. Magic currencies.

    Yes, sometimes you get something good from random bags. Sometimes you get pile of garbage. It is just another gambling. Not to be considered as a gold source.

    You can also go and gamble ectos hoping for luck. Meh

    15. Making T6 mats from T5.

    You absolutely must sit on the sites monitoring prices, or you gonna **lose** gold.

    Then you spend hours and hours buying T5 at good prices, spend hours and hours getting spirit shards.

    And that is called lazy daily routine? Oh, man >_<

    16. Weekly Black lion key .

    Why do we even consider that? It is not daily, very poor chances dropping anything good, not a viable gold source at all.

    17. TP speculating.

    Again. sometimes you gain, sometimes you sit and wait. This is very not beginner-friendly.

    I managed to make about 2k cash gold over the year from beginning, after i geared at least 1 alt. So I tried to flip a lege.

    And what? Nothing over the week. Not a single wep I could buy. Noone sold them on buyer prices. But you keep telling this is a "CRAZY GOLD making".

    It is not.


    Now @"Lasiurus.4067" come on, explain us. How comes that we see your videos like "giveaway all my gold" and a week later again "give away 10.000 gold"?

    Teach us to to make 10.000 gold per week. Or per month at least.

    You use your cradit card, dont you? People support you with donations, you buy gold and give it away to them.

    It is okay and fair, noone blames you. But IMO you cant farm 10.000 gold even playing 24\7 like a robot and doing all of your tips

  8. > @"Skiravor.1257" said:

    > I would very much like water content of all varieties as I live in the desert IRL lol.

    > Boats, underwater mounts, fishing, all of it.


    Actually underwater is the worst part of content. Noone likes Aquatic Ruins fractal, for example. Except you, may be.

    3-dimesional combat is something not comfortable with mouse+keyboard setup.

    It is good to have underwater for diversity, but making it the main content? No, pls.

    I would accept ABOVEwater, islands, ships, etc. But not UNDERwater

  9. After this morning disconnect I personally stood in Malchor's Leap informing people about the rollback.

    Just to let those unaware forum avoiders save their time and not play the game in a broken state.

    Dont know about other maps. But I think, the news about issue have spread over Tyria.

    One who continued to play must be ignorant of map chat, I assume.

    Anet truly messed up not making ingame notifications. But good chances are if you read the chat, you know about the problem and stop playing

  10. > @"Akari Kage.1403" said:

    > I am not saying they are more important, and **also the 3 days are not more important than my 2 hours**. They should have exactly the same importance. What I am complaining is the lack of in game information. And if there is no in game information then rolling back shouldn't t happen.

    > If rollback happens and they warn players beforehand no one should complain. If there isn't a warning, then it shouldn't happen and another form of compensation should be used instead of choosing some players over others.


    1. Yes, they had to send ingame mails to everyone. Or make a server-wide notification. So simple, yet they didnt. And it is very NOT user-friendly.

    2. Pfff. No, your 2 hours are definitely NOT equally important to thousands of people days. And tons of lost valuable stuff and progress. Not even close. Try to handle your ego

  11. True. Those fights with 3 not-even-full squads in Stonemist are sooo far more bad than i can handle..

    Latency spikes to **_10 seconds_** in the nightmare of hundreds of retaliations and condies and heals and fields everywhere.

    Not even mentioning fps drops to 10. That is it. **_10 fps and 10 seconds of latency_**. Impossible to have any large-scale fun.

    All you can do without lags is capturing camps in small group.

    Though I guess the issue can not be completly solved until game is totally reworked to a different engine :/

  12. Let me describe my personal wvw expirience as a **complete noob**.

    1. Entered the map

    2. couldnt understand a single word in chat (thats ok, need to learn terms)

    3. was destroyed in the very first encounter (thats ok, need to learn wvw builds, pve build is not more than 0)

    4. Was destroyed again and again and again.. It feels like only reason is the noob rank is displayed on me. Peeps get enraged and absolutely need to find me in a blob and backstab to death among all other players. Jesus, what the hell is that? Elitists feel bad when not annihilating a noob who just tries to learn the game mode? Disgusting, tbh. Either toxicity or ignore - that is what i found. Well, may be it were a bad time of day or a bad days or a bad lunar phase, who knows..

    One time i whispered to a boi announcing his guild. And what? Yes, got ignored.

    5. Warclaw issue cant be described in a polite words at all. Without mount a noob is dead meat and useless trashbag. It is so frustrating to run on feet when everyone drives quickly. Cannot escape, cannot pursue. Bah, what a pain!

    6. When I finally managed to overcome all the pain of collecting warclaw, there was no any remaining will to participate in wvw inside me.

    7. Exausted quit


    Dont take this post too close, just my point of view and personal expirience

  13. Sorry for reviving old thread, but i still fail to get the point after reading whole conversation.

    I see those 3 conditions that are required to be met **ALL together** to get you banned:

    **1. Using skill (1 or more) while AFK

    2. AFKing in a place where it is beneficial for your character to be at

    3. Unresponsive to interaction with GMs**

    But rangers and necros dont need to press or hold skill 1 or anything at all. They have durable enough builds to kill mobs while totally AFK.

    No macros, no bots, no cheats, no rubbers on keyboard involved. Its just game mechanics allowing them to farm with pet AI.

    But if condition #1 is **not the case** - than why afk necro farm is called "not ok"?

    The game allows one to gain benefits for an hour and then kicks for being idle. Well, kicking for being away for too long seems legit.

    Still necro can go and press "skill 1" once an hour to not get kicked. Mindblowing contradiction.

    It's a valid game feature, but using it is "not ok". Im not defending afkers or witch hunters, just want to understand.

    If a behavior is considered not legit - than make it not possible in game..

    For example, make AFK kicking timer 10-15 mins in PVE - as it is in WvW.


    Scenario number 2:

    I see a blob of 8 asura chars standing for hours and days and months in certain hot farm area at the very same position.

    All 8 chars enter the game at same moment, leave at same moment. They dont ever move, just refresh crazy amount of turrets and kill tons of mobs.

    I do believe all 8 accounts belong to 1 man. And he makes **thousands** of gold being afk this way.

    Peeps who think afk farming doesnt make significant profit - you are so wrong.

    It does make profit when you run 8 accounts and it does affect the health of normal trading.

    I dont believe he actively (or even lazy) plays this way on 8 chars at once.

    Seems like goldseller pushes tons of gold to RMT market. Even if its not a goldseller, just imagine making thousands of gold doing nothing

  14. I cant beleive, Anet. It takes you more than 8!! months to fix a single stuck risen?

    Yesterday I completed teh mission, watched cutscenes and moved with the squad.

    Then skipped cutscene on other charachter, and two times Ton is stuck near second blowed tower.

    8+ months after bug is reported. Unbelievable. The most boring mission is still broken and I have to replay it

  15. In Aion mentioned, it is a **default everyone's option** to hide player models on large events like sieges.

    Not every single player has a top high-end PC to handle those sieges with models turned on.

    Even without models on lowest graphic mode I barely could have 20 fps.

    We are talking **not** about playing singlemode MMO or abusing whatever.

    Its just

    1. Wanting to have some stable fps > 40 on large events!

    2. Being able to see whats even going on around you! And where you are moving


    For example, in Winter Wonderland 5-6 ppl running at same time the hard path. And there is no way to see my jumping model between them.

    Such a pain. And whats the problem? Just give us hotkey "**Hide other PCs**". Feature of both simplicity and life-saving importance in those cases

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