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Posts posted by Haleydawn.3764

  1. > @"The Angle of Deth.2985" said:

    > Why are you doing this again?


    > Some years back a lot of us bought outfits from the gem shop that people complained was using a cultural armor mesh. It was taken back from those who had purchased it. And now Anet is reusing meshes from Legendary weps? What the kitten? Either meshes should not be reused or give us back the outfit that was removed from us that purchased it.


    > Be consistent.



    They are being consistent. Have you not seen the Wrapped weapons you get from Wintersday?


    >! The Wrapped Axe uses the exact shape of The Mechanism, which is a Gen 2 Precursor! There’s a few others which model other legendary/Precursors.


  2. Apart from the fact that Anet would have to post-pone new content indefinitely to remake LS1, I'd like to replay some snippets. Marionette, Battle on The Breachmaker, to name a couple, but I'd much rather have new content for everyone, not old content for the few who missed it.


    The LS1 recap ingame needs a rework, it misses a lot of info. But I see why they did it the way they did. If you didn't experience LS1 first hand the recap is telling you of *a* commander of which you have succeeded past. It's not telling you what you have done, because you didn't, you weren't there.


    It wouldn't just be a case of flipping a switch and popping it back into the game. Programming-wise, it's a big big task rebooting LS1, making it work with the new Hero/Story UI. Re-implementing story marker events into what we know as meta-events.


    I loved LS1 at the time, but there were a lot of complaints, mainly about the two-week cadence (a lot didn't like that once the two weeks were up, that's it. Over. Others didn't like how limiting two weeks was. Both were valid concerns at the time). But also about the events themselves, the depth of the story, the characters, the bugs, the map overflows (megaservers weren't a thing back then).


    There was a lot wrong. A lot of people look through Rose-tinted glasses at LS1 thinking it was the most amazing content Anet ever created and it must come back, so they can experience it first hand or second time round. When in actuality, Anet has consistently put out better content since LS1.

  3. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Considering that it is the mount with the least skins, of course they'd push a bunch of them at once. Plus since the journey takes far longer than the one for the beetle, getting a random skin before you even unlock it feels very scummy.


    That’s what people said about the the other Mount Adoption Licenses that have Griffon and Beetle skins. If you don’t have either mount, or have no interest in getting either, you can only avoid those skins by paying 1,200 gems for select licenses.


    Thematically, it was right to include branded skins in both the Warclaw and Skyscale bundle. The original set was for the core set of mounts, of which the Warclaw and Skyscale don’t belong to. People paid 1,600/2,000 gems for 5 skins. That’s what was agreed upon when you bought the pack of Branded mounts, and that’s what you got. Anet said they would not adjust previous Mount bundles, or add another skin to the mount bundle. They had this conversation when the beetle was introduced, and people wanted the Branded/Wintersday sets to be retroactively changed to include a Beetle version. Anet basically said no, but didn’t take off the table they’d use the same theme for other mounts.


  4. > @"Aru.4156" said:

    > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > Surely, the titles “Dark Traveler” and “Freebooter” would suffice for you then, no need to necro an old thread.


    > I disagree. The connotation held to the word "Traveler" is different from "Wanderer" as wandering or drifting is done comparatively aimlessly. (Granted there is irony present here as one would be doing something purposefully for a title) And Freebooter is concerned with the sunken chests and is more of a treasure hunting title than exploration.


    > Sorry for no clarification and necroing and old thread. I joined the game early this year and wasn't around when it actually happened.




    Freebooter may be obtained via sunken chests, but it literally means lawless adventurer, which seemed to fit your narrative of “I tell others I'm just enjoying drifting by and doing nothing in particular”.

  5. > @"Aru.4156" said:

    > Very late to this thread and bringing it back up because I joined this year, however I want to add a title suggestion as well.


    > I wish we had something along the lines of "Wanderer," "Drifter," or "Wanderlust" or something as that's what I enjoy doing in this game. I tell others I'm just enjoying drifting by and doing nothing in particular, just climbing ridiculous things, completing occasional events, and admiring the scenery so it'd be nice if I could have a title like that which fits the chara I do it most on. Just an add on to this thread


    Surely, the titles “Dark Traveler” and “Freebooter” would suffice for you then, no need to necro an old thread.

  6. I don't think anything should be changed.

    You can either, and I know you stated you think players exaggerate, learn to pull this off manually (it is easy to do). OR, use a macro, since Anet has allowed a macro for this purpose now.

    There's been a few threads, mainly over the SAB periods, that Dodge-jumps are unreliable, unfair, or can't be executed at all. This is not a global problem. A lot theorised that hardware could be the culprit (membrane keyboards for example).

    Personally, I can reliably dodge-jump, but it's rare I do so. Actually, I just spent a few minutes dodge-jumping around Hoelbrak just to see if anything had changed. It hadn't. I did this purely because of this thread.

    So, with that said, dodge-jumping isn't the be-all-end-all, and you can play the game without it.

  7. > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > "This event runs from 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) on June 11 to 1:00 a.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) on June 25. **After this time period, condensed ley-line essence can be purchased with gaeting crystals from Glenna in Ahdashim or from the Magnetite Exchange Operative in the Lion's Arch Aerodrome.**" ~ [The patch notes.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/79154/game-update-notes-june-11-2019 "The patch notes.")


    > Yeah, I know. Which is why I did not ask whether they were for sale. Rather, I asked whether they were going to do it again. I never raid, so I can't earn gaeting crystals.


    I doubt they'd use the terminology "After this time period", if the world boss event in this exact iteration would return anytime soon.There's a small possibility, but I wouldn't count on it.

  8. > @"alcopaul.2156" said:

    > > @"Omnicron.2467" said:

    > > So you get a key every 3 days, meaning 30 hours translates into one key. 30 hours of doing the same thing over and over, flipping camps and towers. I get a key once a week from 10minutes. I rather think the traditional key farm is a far better use of time, even though it is the same thing every week, WvW is not any less mind numbing and repetitive if you just flipping objectives. But like someone else said, this thread is not really about key farming but about how much gold you can earn from WvW, which is not a lot sadly


    > look at the old and the new picture that I just posted. it's almost 1 key per day. and that translates to 43 gold per day @125 gems.


    > by ONLY/MOSTLY doing WvWvW.


    > Which is like different scenarios everyday.




    But, you’re missing other people’s point. You stated this is 9-10hrs x 3 in WvW, for 43g to buy 125gems for one (ONE!) BL key. That’s less than 2 gold per hour ie not worth it to farm. Play WvW for fun and variety, sure, but if you want Black Lion Keys for gold, you’re better off finding a better farm, and playing the game modes you like for the fun of them, divvy up your game time. Give yourself variety.

  9. > @"Crystal Black.8190" said:

    > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > There are other reasons why the Ogre might be dead before the Fire Elemental. In particular, the two have no connection at all. None. You do not have to kill the Fire Elemental to trigger the Ogre; you just need the key from the four sources, which can be obtained at any time.


    > The remains of the fire elemental are needed to charge the key with fire.



    It's a little weird to state the two (Steam Ogre and Fire Elemental) have no connection, when the death of one is needed to (legitimately) access the other.

    There just needs to be an invisible bowl shaped, or even a cubed room barrier placed around the platform of the Steam Ogre spawn. Or increase the height of his platform by 5,000 units


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