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Posts posted by Caitybee.3614

  1. > @"LanHouse.3497" said:

    > Dear Developers of GW2,


    > I the Elementalist Alan Medeiros, one of the founders of the Fat Pig Guild, come through this message, bring to you, noble and creative Developers the requests and cries of the Latin American Guilds!


    > We all love GW2, mainly because it is a game that allows the evolution and the accomplishment of tasks of shared form between friends and players of the whole world. It is the differential that keeps us connected to our friends and partners, whether in fun or in battles! Keep it up!


    > My goal here as well as my friends is to bring to the developers and art directors some suggestions for improvements that would be greatly appreciated by all of us gamers. (Possibly not just us Latin Americans, the proposals would surely captivate everyone)


    > Here are the suggestions below:


    > * Include the possibility of dyeing skills, new effects and impressive animations;


    > * Increase the amount of skills;


    > * Include the possibility of selling account bound, soul bound, etc. items among players;


    > * Create masteries that allow you to load other players, both in Glider and in Mounts (it would be an incredible experience to give this support to other players on the map);


    > * Create masteries to breathe underwater (depth should be an evolution)


    > * Add an Elite Specialization editable (so that players can choose the elites skills that most identify themselves Ex: Druid + Soul Beast)


    > Legendary weapons must be more attractive, should allow the player to edit their skins, animations and steps with the subjects water, ice, fire, air, thunder, earth, mineral, vegetable, crystal, death, stiletto, etc. ..for all types of weapons. And you could still include a temporary elite skill that significantly increased the attributes of that weapon. (Investigate the Bleach anime, where the character's swords temporarily evolve into "Bankai" mode, it's incredible);


    > * We would like to see in GW2 more hair options (even longer and with different hairstyles), faces, physical types (fat and dwarfs). * Use hair references from musicians of Heavy Metal, Pop, Indie Rock, Gothic or sportsmen (from skateboarding, surfing, etc);


    > * More emotive animations (with keyboard shortcuts);


    > * Bring the Dwarves back to GW2, there are thousands of fans of this race and friends of mine who are not playing on account of this;


    > * Do not limit the skins of the Elementalists, Necromancers and Mesmers to Robes (we also want to wear covers, pants, light metal armor, or leather and stylish hats);


    > * We also want to name the thumbnails;


    > * We want dyeing options for weapons.


    > For now these are our top expectations! We would be very happy if they could meet some of our wishes for improvements to the Game.


    > Thank you!


    > Best Regards


    > Alan Medeiros.


    If anything, we need a way to turn skills off all-together. I'd LOVE the option to do this so my computer doesn't have a heart attack during certain meta events - especially in Thunderhead Peaks and Istan.

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