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leila.7962's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Because, why not? You can do achievements because: 1- It's something to do in between patches, that takes around 3 our 4 months to be released 2- Every 10k points you get some free gold and free gems to spend 3- It rewards you some special skins that are only obtainable by reaching a certain amount of points 4- Some are really challenging for the majority of the players and it's nice to do difficult stuff sometimes 5- Some achievements give you other rewards rather than just the points, like items, gear, skins, etc
  2. > @"Schimmi.6872" said: > > @"leila.7962" said: > > I'm not sure if it's intentional, but when I try to apply the Raven Ceremonial Garb on my characters, the pants also change to the same set style aka Raven Ceremonial Gown. If it's a separated piece, why does it keep changing my pants ?? My characters are all asura, idk if that happens to other races as well. Kinda sucks because it's a beautiful skin but I don't want to use it with the gown part. > > Guess you tried the medium garb, because light and heavy shouldn't have this problem? Sadly for medium, the gown is attached there, because that's normal for the medium armors - trenchcoats. Yea I tried on a medium, but still it shouldn't work that way since it's a piece that's separated from the pants.. I don't really like the gown :(
  3. VOPWAN - very old player walking amongst newbies You would get it by reaching at least 45k AP or achieving some really hard core stuff on every game mode
  4. > @"Alita.8142" said: > But in raids it's like this, many people do the raids in the first 1-2 days of week, and I don't see a problem, even on weekend there are still many people doing groups for raids. As I said before, I find it too repetitive to always do the same 3 fractal CMs everyday, while fractal dailies dont have that problem because they are rotating. If they were to change Cms dailies to weekly, rewards should also be incresed (x5, x7 or similar). > There's a weekly cap on currency and rewards that you can get on raids, but you still have to play them to get them all, it doesn't matter if it's all done in 1-2 days or if you took the whole week to do them. Besides that, if there were daily raid rewards, I'm sure people would do them every day lol ... Sorry but, getting 7 days worth of CM rewards but playing it only once a week? lol.. that ain't happening. It is repetitive because it was meant to be repetitive, Anet expects you to play other stuff in game rather than just one thing over and over every day. You have other ways to earn gold, you just choose not to do them, so of course it becomes repetitive and boring after a while. Also, if they made agony account wide, they would only make agony infusions worth less each day, since people would only have to get 150 AR once per account. The whole point of fractals is the replayability and horizontal character progression.. Last but not least, Anet is against showing any kind of KP, hence why they made the essences a wallet currency rather than something you can link to other players.. it would be nice if you could just check that without external sources but there's only external sources because Anet is against it. What they could do for the fractal community is to still increase the levels and difficulty, so people could still have something to go for. Rewards wise, i believe it's good as it is right now.
  5. > @"Linken.6345" said: > > @"leila.7962" said: > > I wrote a ticket explaining the situation and asked them to email me the item that Rakkan sells so I could proceed with my collection. > > That dont work since you have not done the thing so they cant help you. I wrote the ticket today and they already sent me the item lol and moved on with the collection.
  6. I wrote a ticket explaining the situation and asked them to email me the item that Rakkan sells so I could proceed with my collection.
  7. > @"Obtena.7952" said: > ... except those player slots are ALSO occupied by people NOT doing the meta as well. You realize by inferring that people in meta maps not doing meta are a problem ... you are implying people should play the game how you want them to? Should I explain to you why THAT is a BIGGER problem than the people you think are AFK leeching and slowing down your meta? > I don't know where you got to the understanding that I want people to play the game how I'd like them to play, that's on you. All I said is, having people afking in maps leeching rewards do slowdown the meta for people that are trying to do it. If you afk for a short time in WvW/PvP the server kicks you out, why not do the same thing in the open world? It's the same idea, people trying to accomplish things while there are people there just standing and not doing anything, occupying a player slot that could be actively playing. Of course there will be people minding their own business that won't mind the meta, it's more like a moral standard rather than a 'play it my way' thing, but I don't think anyone can explain to you how leeching off peoples effort is an issue.
  8. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > Why is this a problem? Do these players prevent others from achieving the rewards? The afkers occupy 'players slots' in the current instance. Instead of having more people to help, you have less people actually doing things while these people leech rewards. If the maps didn't have a player cap it would not matter, but since they do, leeching players do matter. Less people doing things will make the metas even longer to complete.
  9. In all honesty, after playing the game since the betas, DRM's were the first pve content that I could not find anything I that actually enjoyed. Still, I believe there are a few changes that could improve the DRM's and maybe make them less annoying to complete. **1. Pre events:** They have so much dialogues! For a repeatable content, it gets really tiring to listen to it over and over. Why not make it like in dungeons? Make these dialogues a generic cutscene that is **skippable**. Also, just like a lot of events on the game, they should give you a **shorter countdown timer** after all the tasks are finished, so it would cut off all the waiting / idle / boring time. **2. Combat:** Combat wise, it's just more of the same, no new mechanics, so no 'wow this is a cool fight' factor. The last bosses from each DRM are not challenging at all, it feels like core game 2012 kind of combat, we know Anet can do better than that. Back then it would have been cool but for a 2020 game experience, it is not enough. The trashmob fights are ok, but the last bosses surely could offer a better and more challenging fight. **3. Encounters:** They could also improve the encounters to make it seem more like an invasion. At some point the destroyers even uses the door to reach you!! What kind of invader uses the doors to invade?? Also, right now, you just wait on the next spot where they are going to pop. So basically, the encounters are really underwhelming, because they are predictable and easy. Randomness and volume would work better from a player perspective. **4. Rewards:** Needless to say that after a long mission people would want to feel that they are rewarded accordingly. I don't think that the Volcanic weapons should have a better drop rate, because they are supposed to be the best drop from the DRM's, but the common rewards really need to get better. The Tyrian Defense Seals rewards should be improved because it requires a lot of them to get low/underwhelming stuff from the vendors. **5. Vendors:** The vendors should offer things that people actually want. Right now the traders offer a bunch of recipes and we all know that a lot of the players don't care about crafting things. There are a few skins that they offer, which are ok, but once you bought them all, you have even less reasons to work for the Tyrian Defense Seals. Rewarding material boxes are also ok, but they cost too many tokens for a single box that offers a very little amount of mats, while you can get more materials on other maps doing metas and trading volatile magic for them. What could they add? Mystic coins for example, at a fair rate (15 TDS = 1 MC maybe). They could also offer ascended materials (deldrimor ingots, spirit wood planks, etc.). If they add valuable items on the vendor it would help fix the issue, so people wouldn't feel like 30 mins of game play were wasted on less than 3 g worth of rewards. IMO, it would be a good way to bring all the kids to the yard (people that are working on legendary weapons/armor, people that want to make quick gold, crafters, first timers wanting to make their first ascended items, etc.).
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