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Zoltar MacRoth.7146

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Posts posted by Zoltar MacRoth.7146

  1. In the spirit of how the candy corn node in your home instance can be upgraded to King-sized, how about some quests to upgrade the HOT airship/exalted chests in the home instance into their larger counterparts; i.e. Airship cargo -> Large airship cargo; Exalted chest -> Great Exhalted chest.

    It would be something for completionists and node-collectors to enjoy and yet another way to bring people back to HOT maps.

  2. > @"VanWilder.6923" said:

    > It is quite easy if most of the players know what to do.

    > For finding Zealot, I usually leave squad and turn Mentor tag on to locate the found Zealot and call in map chat. Then rejoin squad, must easier to locate apple tag than saying at SW something.

    > Phase 2, 5 players at each Zealot, Prioritise CC, Dps is not important here, the Rest Zerg Kill each Zealot clockwise start from North, this zerg need to deal a huge DPS, Help Cc if available.

    > Phase 3, Cc, dps, spark and done.


    > The phase 2 CC subgroup at each Zealot need to know their professions CC are.


    > This Serpent is a whole group effort. So spread the words to others when doing this event


    Personally, I think the margin for error in this meta is too small and stage 2 is too final. Either one of those can be a fun challenge but together they create a disheartening experience. Octovine has a good mechanic where a failure at the burn stage isn't an immediate fail but a setback, allowing the players to try again immediately and inspiring them to do better. That's good design.

    Stage 2 of Serpent's Ire could do with something like that: instead of outright failure, take the meta back to stage 1 where the zealots need to be found again. It's just annoying enough to increase determination, without having to reduce the difficulty of stage 2. After all, isn't the point to attract more players to do these things?

  3. You need at least 5 players per zealot in the second phase, and there are 5 zealots so 25 players. I've done this meta probably half a dozen times now with groups of various sizes and levels of coordination and have yet to beat this one and complete the various collections/cheevos dependent on it. I will keep trying but not a satisfying experience by any means. Good luck to you, KazModan.

  4. 1. Personally, I'd find it very useful if GW2 had a 'quick stack' option like Terraria has to move items from your inventory into your bank (the bank bank, not the material bank) if those items are already in there. For example, my bank contains tomes of experience, scrolls of experience, black lion chests, etc. Over time, these drop into my inventory as loot. Currently, I visit the bank every once in a while and manually move these items from my inventory to my bank, onto their respective stacks.

    What would be useful is a feature I can click somewhere that would automatically move all those items to the bank if they already exist in there. I wouldn't mind if it were part of the 'Deposit materials' option or a separate option on the inventory options menu, or an option on the bank, as long as it were an option somewhere.


    2. Speaking of depositing materials, I also wouldn't mind if there were an option to automatically deposit all materials from my inventory AND compact the inventory in one step, as these are the two most frequent actions I do in managing inventory and I always do both. Currently, it's click-options-menu-then-click-deposit-then-click-compact. A simple icon on the inventory header that does all three clicks in one would save me from an RSI riddled future.


    4. Or, alternatively, if there were a flag I could tick (defaulting to off) which would always compact on deposit I'd be happy with that.


    3. Or, building on the above, it would be even nicer if there were a flag (off by default) I could set to automatically deposit and compact on ANY materials coming into inventory I'd give you my firstborn. I know others are happy to see the loot in there, but I'm fine with watching the loot scroll up the side of the screen to see what I've received.


    4. Building even further, it would be fabulous if there were an option to automatically consume luck if MF < 300, defaulting to off. I'm working up to 300 MF so I'm constantly consuming any luck that drops.


    5. Do the bank tabs have any compact option? I don't remember seeing one. It would be incredible if the bank could be compacted. Once you've got half a dozen tabs it starts to get hard to keep track of how many stacks of what items you have.


    6. And, of course, when you click F near the bank vendor the bank should take precedence over any common NPC standing nearby whose only line of dialogue is "hello". If I ever want to talk to Mr One-Word-Vocabulary, I'll select him.


    7. P.S. It would be useful to be able to consume a number of tomes of knowledge in bulk, as I do when I do a key-run. Currently, you double-click each one and have to respond to the dialog that pops up. If there were an option in the Tome's drop-down menu like "Use " that prompted you how many you wanted to use (or for simplicity just an option like "Use 10" because level 10 is what a toon needs to be to get that black lion key in the personal story) and it used up that number of tomes with only one confirmation prompt, that would be AWESOME. Of course, I'd still have to go through all the level-up prompts from those icons that build up just above the map, but at least the process would be a little smoother.

  5. > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

    > > @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

    > > > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

    > > > > @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

    > > > > Personally, I find that with a constant 250+ ping by being in Australia and all, it is very difficult to complete this puzzle because the liquid tends to catch up on me too quickly. Like, I have completed it before but it takes more time than it is worth to try and do it because the liquid is just too quick and suddenly the grabby hands take you.

    > > > > Personally, I feel that the Wintersday puzzle is a little kinder when it comes to ping issues.

    > > >

    > > > ^ Same here. Then again, the biggest pita with this jp is the waiting and waiting to play. It's the epitomy of non-active gameplay.

    > > > If it weren't for the waiting, we could at least throw ourselves repeatedly at the tower and maybe with persistance eek out enough of a lead to overcome the ping.

    > >

    > > The catch to being able to allow the puzzle to do that would be removing the liquid and opening the gates and just saying "go ham". And like I would love that but those who love the challenge may feel a little ripped off. Maybe there could be an easier version that still counts for dailies and achievements? That way it has an easier option like the Wintersday puzzle and that would make a lot of people happy.


    > It should count for its own daily and achievements, with a diminished reward equal to the significantly smaller amount of effort and skill required to complete it. Like, say, half a fragment of candy corn. Also players unable to complete the entire puzzle as originally designed must sit at the back of the bus.


    I'd be happy with a "training" version where there's no slime and the gates are permenantly open so you can practice the route before tackling the real thing. There would be no cheevo or reward for finishing it, since it's just training. That would suit me.

  6. > @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

    > Personally, I find that with a constant 250+ ping by being in Australia and all, it is very difficult to complete this puzzle because the liquid tends to catch up on me too quickly. Like, I have completed it before but it takes more time than it is worth to try and do it because the liquid is just too quick and suddenly the grabby hands take you.

    > Personally, I feel that the Wintersday puzzle is a little kinder when it comes to ping issues.


    ^ Same here. Then again, the biggest pita with this jp is the waiting and waiting to play. It's the epitomy of non-active gameplay.

    If it weren't for the waiting, we could at least throw ourselves repeatedly at the tower and maybe with persistance eek out enough of a lead to overcome the ping.

  7. > @"Fearless.3569" said:

    > I would like to see ANet put in Low Priority queues to the game. That way when players display unsportsmenship-like behavior in PvP. They can only queue onto teams, that has teammates in the same situation. At least until they get a certain amount of wins, to get out.


    > I would also like to see ANet enforce more serious punishment, on repeat offenders.


    This suggestion doesn't really fit in with the OP's original post, and is probably a better fit for the QOL ideas sticky. Arguably, the OP's suggestion should also have been in that sticky, but given it's depth it's probably useful to have it in its own post for discussion.

  8. > @"Schierke.5217" said:

    > why is it nicknamed Steve?


    He's an actual player named Steve who was sucked into the game in the first Halloween because Anet forgot to enable the safety interlocks on the holodeck during the event. As the food in the game doesn't have any nutritional value (being only empty stats and upgrades) he wasted away until he was nothing but bone. Since death isn't permanent he keeps respawning and getting angrier as his continued torturous existence drives him insane. Somewhere along the way, he found a chainsaw and has been attacking other players ever since, jealous that they have the option to leave the game in which he is stuck forever... forever.. ever... r....

  9. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > My issue with it, has never been so much the difficulty (trust me it's not that hard), but the fact that you have to wait so long for it to restart. That's what causes the frustration, even if people don't realize it. In most JP, including Winter Wonderland, it's all about the timing, and if you mess up, you can start over pretty soon, if not immediately with your error still fresh, and keep some of the grasp on the timing, which allows you to improve. The Clock tower can make you wait minutes for it to restart, which means everything is gone, and you'll be more frustrated and less focused by the time you get to start over.

    > It's all because it's treated like a pvp map, with you having to wait for the pvp session to restart. If that was changed, and you could either be switched to a new instance as soon as you fail, have a personal instance (because lets face it, having wisps jumping ahead of you brings nothing to the enjoyment of the JP), or simply re-script the whole thing so that it functions in a wave, like the wintersday puzzle, allowing multiple people to be completing it in different stages of the puzzle. Until they get rid of that enormous wait time, the difficulty will always seem greater than it actually is.


    This. Epic this.

  10. > @"Blue.1207" said:

    > I raise your no traits weekend and suggust a "No Elite Spec" weekend.


    > Before Maguuma collapsed me and a bunch of guilds had inhouse tournaments with core classes. Fun as heck.


    I raise your raise and suggest a No Armour, No Accessories, No Traits, No Elite Specs, No Utilities, No Boosters, No weapons weekend.


    That'll sort out the skritt from the Charr.

  11. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > I want these things to be the apocalyptic nightmares they've been promoted as since Gw2's main story was first revealed to the public.. and Kralkatorrik is finally doing it.

    > I want to fight him.. I want to lose.. I want my character to be completely overwhelmed, outclassed and rendered completely powerless by a walking hurricane!

    > And I want to see that we are the villain role come around fully as our character is forced to run away like a coward and leave countless people at the mercy of an Elder Dragon.. and when we finally return to take him down we'll be almost as despised as the dragon itself.


    Sort of a ..dark knight, you might say? I like it.

  12. > @"Zaoda.1653" said:

    > I think for the amount of junk that you get from thousands of ToT bags, I personally don't think it's worth it opening them. You get tons of toilet paper (useless), rotten eggs (useless), 1-use tonics (useless and unsellable). At best, you get candy corn which you can at least sell back to the trading post, and the skulls/fangs/whatever the other one is that you sell to merchants because they're also pretty much junk.


    > I hardly ever get any good drops from the ToT bags, and I've certainly never been fortunate enough to get a drop worth over 400g, despite opening 5-6k bags. I'd encourage people to just sell their bags because the drop rates on the good items are absolutely pathetic.


    I wouldn't say toilet paper is useless. I throw it at people and enemies at many events I go to. Nothing like a bit of tp to lighten a tedious event.

  13. > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

    > > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > > > Whether its raiding or farming, seems all a bit too elitist for me. I seriously prefer playing on my own terms.

    > > > >

    > > > > Once such things enter open world, be aware that you are always sharing the map with players who may not share your playstyle.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > You're right, this is a guide tailored to getting the most out of your and everyone else's time. If you'd prefer to do things your own way, to the detriment of those who are running with you, no one can stop you

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > If you're running with me though and can't follow the simple rules:

    > > > Take off trinkets

    > > > Don't mount engage

    > > > Don't open doors

    > > >

    > > > I'll happily kick you and lock squad so you can try your luck elsewhere =D

    > >

    > > If I may play Devil's Advocate here for a moment........ that seems like an empty threat. Sure, you can kick 'em out but what's to stop them from following your squad anyway? It's like saying: if you don't play by my rules, I'm going to give you a really angry stare.


    > That's why I lock squad. You only get loot if your party/ squad does 20% of the mobs hp in damage and you personally score at least one hit.


    > If you aren't in the squad you need to do 20% of the damage on your own, while competing with 24 other people for that damage. So you'll still get loot from maybe every 20th mob if you're lucky, but it's massively decreased overall. Which forces someone to either stay and get (comparitively) nothing, or move to another map.


    > You can't kick someone off the map, but you can deincentivize them from staying


    Aha! That's cunning. Thanks for the explanation.

  14. > @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

    > > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:


    > > Was, because after her appearance in the last LS episode, she's gone from tragic to despicable. She comes back from the dead (apparently a one-time thing only) and uses that brief moment to further emotionally scar her son. She shows no remorse, no regret, not even a shred of guilty or even the empathy to use her last chance to even pretend to her son that she loves him more than herself. She won't even give him that. Would it have hurt her 'legend' to show a little love?


    > It depends on what you read into the delivery, but for me, I did hear a little remorse... but only a little. She's a hyper-focused character who doesn't do well with distraction at the best of times, and what she spared for Braham, she tried to use to encourage him to let go. Holding on to her has been doing him, and the people around him, more harm than good. She wasn't remotely tactful about it, of course. She _is_ still a bad mother in my book. But she recognized that too, and in that situation, encouraging Braham to look elsewhere was an act of caring.


    > > And let's not forget she also took the opportunity to bully Aurene. No pep talk. No charisma. Just you-kill-kralk-now. Apparently, Eir wasn't content with scarring one living being on her brief hiatus from the afterlife. Are we sure Kralk is the real villain here?

    > I'll chalk that up to stress and a very tight time limit, since it wasn't particularly in-character for Eir, but yeah. Methinks Glint may not be a great parent either.


    Good points.

  15. > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > > Whether its raiding or farming, seems all a bit too elitist for me. I seriously prefer playing on my own terms.

    > >

    > > Once such things enter open world, be aware that you are always sharing the map with players who may not share your playstyle.

    > >

    > >


    > You're right, this is a guide tailored to getting the most out of your and everyone else's time. If you'd prefer to do things your own way, to the detriment of those who are running with you, no one can stop you



    > If you're running with me though and can't follow the simple rules:

    > Take off trinkets

    > Don't mount engage

    > Don't open doors


    > I'll happily kick you and lock squad so you can try your luck elsewhere =D


    If I may play Devil's Advocate here for a moment........ that seems like an empty threat. Sure, you can kick 'em out but what's to stop them from following your squad anyway? It's like saying: if you don't play by my rules, I'm going to give you a really angry stare.

  16. > @"Rauderi.8706" said:

    > > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

    > > The waiting time is what is keeping so many people away even from just trying it. It should be changed to a 1-player-instance with instant restart after you die.


    > This, this, this. Clocktower violates the principle of Fail Faster. I don't mind difficult. I *do* mind having to wait a ridiculous amount of time in the event of a minor failure.



    Perfectly said.

  17. > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > > @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

    > > > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

    > > > None of that matters next to the truly horrific fact that Eir is an atrocious parent.

    > >

    > > Eir: I wasn't what you needed. I know that. And I'm sorry, but... I had to be true to myself. I had to follow my legend.

    > > Eir: I didn't want to leave you behind. Believe me. I knew the cost. But if I'd stayed...what good to you would I have been?

    > >

    > > Bunch of BS excuses. What Braham needed was HIS MOM.

    > > Totally agree, terrible parent. Comes back from the dead to say, basically, "sorry not sorry kid, I had better stuff to do"


    > She is a Norn. That a Norn makes not a good mother is the entire point.


    If that's the point, it's not a good one. It's accusing an entire race of being bad parents which is not only falling back on the planet-of-hats syndrome of the early Trek shows but not statistically likely. There are bound to be good Norn moms and dads. There are bound to be those who defy their cultural conventions to do their own thing.

    Eir happens to be of the type to put herself first, which is fine. That's the majority in her culture and she servers an important role in representing that and the archetype of a bad parent. She is... was... a tragic figure.


    Was, because after her appearance in the last LS episode, she's gone from tragic to despicable. She comes back from the dead (apparently a one-time thing only) and uses that brief moment to further emotionally scar her son. She shows no remorse, no regret, not even a shred of guilty or even the empathy to use her last chance to even pretend to her son that she loves him more than herself. She won't even give him that. Would it have hurt her 'legend' to show a little love?


    And let's not forget she also took the opportunity to bully Aurene. No pep talk. No charisma. Just you-kill-kralk-now. Apparently, Eir wasn't content with scarring one living being on her brief hiatus from the afterlife. Are we sure Kralk is the real villain here?


    Anyway, does this make the plot bad? Not at all. It explains a lot about Braham and makes me feel for him. It shows that he's a much better person than his mom, caring more for those around him, especially Taimi. He succeeds where his mom failed. That's actually motivational story writing, especially for those of us who've experienced parenting like Eir's ourselves.

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