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Makarow.3028's Achievements


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  1. Hi @"hugo.4705", [i bet you remember my mega Guild & Guild Hall improvements topic, since you commented there](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/104003/suggestion-guild-and-guild-hall-improvements-updated-16-feb-2021#latest,) - I've covered most of your ideas there in my topic, except: 5 - that would be kinda cool to have 'guild collection (achievements?)' to unlock some stuff for Scribing. NPCs as 'decoration' could be nice to have as well. 6 - Making 'rewards' for JP be tricky part and probably would be 'abused' (like instant gather at starting WP). And about other points: 1 - I agree with removing long-chain-decoration crafting. My idea was to at least disable Assembly Queue waiting time (Decoration crafting should be auto and instant). 2 - Asura Gate is not needed - we have Guild Portal, which would work perfectly for it (and possibly could be 'upgraded' to better version to have more destination options by this). 3 - Crafting Stations could be holograms like in EotN @ Workshop near Assembly Device. 4 - Deco limit raise up - yes. Rotation and scaling could be doable, but requires fiddle with legacy code in hard level. I also would add UI option for players, to set level of details for displayed decorations if ANet want avoid framedrops with decorations overload (for example very low - display 500 nearest decos, low - 1000, medium 1500, high 2000, ultra - no limit). 7 - Examples you saw in my topic (also moved them to separate trello board too, except 'cultural' packs as upgrade in GH) :) 8 - In my topic I shown some examples for Gliding and Mounts PvE missions, so you can check them. Recently also added ideas for Racetracks for Gliding and Mounts (so you can check my mockups for UIs). Designed idea for "Battleground Mode" (GvG) too (mockups also has been made :P ). P.S. I hope you don't mind if I add and expand idea of NPCs as decorations in my topic? (I'll credit you on my trello boards! :) )
  2. > @"medivh.4725" said: > Yes the handful of missing Guild weapons. > Some weapon collection are merely a colour scheme overlay with no design work put into them. Suggest to redo and get in designers to give them a look at. For instance the 'Dark Asuran' weapon sets are merely blue flip red. 'Golden Wing' weapon set are silver flipped to gold. > 1 suggestion is to instead of flipping colors, you can strip the effects the weapon it will still look as cool and desirable. Sometime a weapon with too heavy effects or colorful visuals are not most ideal. Windswept Haven kinda misses his own Guild Weapon Set. So could be desert themed. Atm a bit too busy so cannot sketch whole set of weapons. :P > @"Garfried.7295" said: > That beetle/griffon race idea is really something i would love to see in game. Being able to host time trial competitions for our beetle racing guild would be so amazing! That was kinda idea & purpose, so people could be able to make a time tracking how fast they are. Still need to think about Leaderboards UI (todo on my list). > @"medivh.4725" said: > Training area for bots and AOE attack? Can you do a area for heals training? What about a weapon preview room like the one in Lion's Arch Training area could be manageable, question is if it's really needed? We kinda have Special Forces Arena in Lion's Arch Aerodrome. Miiiight add it, not sure. Weapon preview room probably would be hard to code and I don't see much usage of it. And here I bring new UI mockups and description of feature: * Guild Hall Battleground Mode (Guild & Guild Changes trello board -> War Room column) * Example view from player's side: ![](https://i.imgur.com/Db5M5w3.png "") * Conquest Mode Settings: ![](https://i.imgur.com/N2ONK12.png "") * Team Deathmatch Mode Settings: ![](https://i.imgur.com/DNmpfp3.png "") * Monetized it with additional slots for 'Mode Templates' - so you can quickly prepare specific game mode settings ready with 2 clicks once template is created. **Link to Trello board with Guild & Guild Hall changes/reworks/features™:** https://trello.com/b/PUKUbeIY/guild-hall-further-upgrades-guild-updates **Link to Trello board with ideas for Guild Achievements:** https://trello.com/b/47fFm1do/guild-achievements-work-in-progress **Link to Trello board with ideas for Decorations:** https://trello.com/b/LLXfaWsp/guild-decorations-suggestions
  3. > @"Hades.8419" said: > i would love to see a guild vs guild mode in which you can capture the gh of other guilds... it should not influenz the ability to use the gh but instead have a ranking system with rewards. the defense of the gh should be done by upgradeable npcs and mechanisms like some kind of tower defense I have slightly other idea approach for it ([This link](https://trello.com/b/PUKUbeIY/guild-hall-further-upgrades-guild-updates), then scroll down column to "Guild Hall Open Battleground") - to make possible "enable WvW mode" in Guild Halls. You could decorate GH with few "Fortresses/Bastions" etc. (tho probably still using normal decorations, which would be indestructible). Guild Hall should have enough space for 15v15v15 fights (or maybe even zerg fights? I am not sure about player's limit on GH maps). Reason is, it would be way simplier to implement such feature. Your idea actually would require way more coding and testing stuff. I mean, "wvw" obstacles or defense structures like walls etc. would be cool, but it could lead to spaghetti development and probably issues for QA testing feature. About leaderboards/ranking system, I think it would be also a weird code to handle. I think better solution would be to have just 'internal' GH counters on UI like: * Current team (Red/Green/Blue) score * Killed players * Points controlled by teams * Timer (so you can set "X" minutes skirmish - for example 15 minutes, then all counters are stop after this time) So people would be able to self-set rules (for example, captured point gives you +1 score each second or something, two captured +2, killed player gives +3 points, finished +5 etc.). Of course there would be an also NPC or UI option to reset them. About rewards, like above, it would be hard to develop I think. Possible gamemodes for it (Red vs Blue (+ vs Green, optionally) 15/10/5 players per team): * **Conquest** (capture points / kill players, team who scores 1000/1500/2000 points first wins, or timer terminates the game, players can spawn on set spawnpoints over map). * **Team Deathmatch** (kill enemy players, if you die you need to wait to end of skirmish, last remaining team wins, or timer terminates the game) About tower defense mode / upgradeable NPCs mercenaries: again, issues with coding. It would actually require navigation mesh for units, and ensure there would be at least one path which is accessible for them to reach destination (remember decorations can be obstacles too!). Tl;dr, it would be -pain- to redraw and calculate navigation mesh each time you update decorations in Guild Hall. Thanks for feedback, I will try invent something with it and I'll credit you on trello board for suggestion with capture mode. :)
  4. Hello, **Recent changes in project (Guild Hall board):** * New category with suggested Guild Missions: ![](https://i.imgur.com/CXOjhb5.png "") * Created prototype of UI for Guild Racing Tracks (Gliding + Mounts): ![](https://i.imgur.com/bVGqr0Z.png "") * Created concept art for for banners starting Racing Track: ![](https://i.imgur.com/LEnYSUJ.png "") **Link to Trello board with Guild & Guild Hall changes/reworks/features™:** https://trello.com/b/PUKUbeIY/guild-hall-further-upgrades-guild-updates **Link to Trello board with ideas for Guild Achievements:** https://trello.com/b/47fFm1do/guild-achievements-work-in-progress **Link to Trello board with ideas for Decorations:** https://trello.com/b/LLXfaWsp/guild-decorations-suggestions
  5. Hello, Recent changes in project: * Added third trello board to separate stuff and clean up visualisation: Decoration suggestions: ![](https://i.imgur.com/QXomnwc.png "") * Added idea for related decoration reward for incoming expansion. * Reworked [G]uild panel first tab: ![](https://i.imgur.com/SzK32Rs.png "") **Link to Trello board with Guild & Guild Hall changes/reworks/features™:** https://trello.com/b/PUKUbeIY/guild-hall-further-upgrades-guild-updates **Link to Trello board with ideas for Guild Achievements:** https://trello.com/b/47fFm1do/guild-achievements-work-in-progress **Link to Trello board with ideas for Decorations:** https://trello.com/b/LLXfaWsp/guild-decorations-suggestions
  6. I like these designs, would be nice to see them implemented in game. Well done! :)
  7. Thank you! :) I will probably work more on this project in December.
  8. Hello, updated trello board with new ideas! :) OTHERS tab: ![](https://i.imgur.com/1GWKWO3.png "") NOTARY tab: ![](https://i.imgur.com/YbaAZ0O.png "") **Link to Trello board with Guild & Guild Hall changes/reworks/features™:** https://trello.com/b/PUKUbeIY/guild-hall-further-upgrades-guild-updates **Link to Trello board with ideas for Guild Achievements (Work in Progress!):** https://trello.com/b/47fFm1do/guild-achievements-work-in-progress
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