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  1. Linken.6345 I think you misunderstood me. I was saying exactly THAT. That the tiers referred to in the text are **minor, major, and superior**. NOT the categories the other person in this thread (and the reddit thread I mentioned in my OP) was referring to. I.e. "the word "type" means that every sigil falls within one of these 5 categories: passive effect, stack on kill, effect on critical hit, effect on weapon swap, and effect on kill." Ashantara. 8731 I read the wiki only about three times before posting my question. I felt that even after reading carefully there was still some ambiguity about my very specific question. I would not have posted without doing the research first. In fact, I mention my research in my OP. There is still not perfect clarity on this topic, but I think after discussing it, we've gleaned what Anet intended with those words. thanks folks
  2. Okay. Well I'll refer you again to the sentence in red bold on our sigils: "Sigils do not stack with any tier of the same sigil type." Are there tiers in the sigil categories? No, upon contemplation and re-reading the wiki I've come to the conclusion that the word type indeed means base sigil with minor, major, or superior attributes. For example minor sigil of force, major sigil of force, or superior sigil of force. You can't combine these on a two-handed weapon or on a weapon set. There is one place where the categories come into play and that is with stacking sigils. You cannot have two active stacking sigils at one time. So, I'm done thinking about this. I'm just gonna play the game. I really hate ambiguity. Thank you to all who participated.
  3. > @"Vayne.8563" said: > The use of the word type in this context was around long before enhancement, pain and control existed in this game and have nothing to do with that. Nor does it has to do with minor, major or superior. It has to do with the basics of what the sigil does. You're right though, there should be some real clarity on stuff like this. As I said in my post, I've only played this particular game for 2+ years. so I couldn't know the detail about the symbols of enhancement, pain, and control. That does provide clarity--thank you. The wiki does say that you cannot pair the same sigil, i.e. a minor, major, and superior sigil of force, on the same weapon or weapon set. The wiki may not be run by Anet, but that part I buy. However, > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said: > > Type also refers to the stat stacking type sigils. You can't have both one that grants stacks of power and one with condition damage. This is stated nowhere in the game that I have seen. It may be implied by the word "type," but how many aspects of gameplay are we expected to believe "type" refers to? Either it refers to the base sigil--in our example that would be force: minor sigil of force, major sigil of force, and superior sigil of force. Two of these three could not be applied to a two-handed weapon or set of weapons. OR it refers to the category of a stacking type of sigil. The word "type" cannot be used to mean both. We ruled out elements and these two are left. So which is it?
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