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Aveneo.2068's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. ~~Noticed my Luminiferous achievement wasn't complete so I went and did all the light puzzles again. Could have sworn that I had done several of these in the past already.~~ ~~Today I was at 10/11 and all I had left was "Lighting the Hidden Tower". Completed both light puzzles in that jumping puzzle and I saw a message pop up. Went to open the chests expecting my achievement to hit 11/11 but nope. Still at 10/11 as if I never completed the puzzle. Do I need to do this 3 times before it actually counts or something? All the other light puzzles counted the first time I did them.~~ ~~Went back in a second time and did the light puzzles again but apparently you can only do it once and I still didn't get my main achievement done because for some reason it's not counting the one inside the jumping puzzle atm.~~ ~~This really sucks as I'm currently starved for Mastery Points now that ArenaNet put them behind achievements. :s ~~ Don't mind me! I was doing the wrong puzzle!! There was another one south of Eagle's Shrine (the one with the strong winds) that had 3 stages (spiders and skelk). At first I only did the top two stages but then noticed there was poison and skelk down below. Completing that got me the Luminiferous achievement as well as the Hidden Tower 1/3. :p
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