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Posts posted by Aveneo.2068

  1. ~~Noticed my Luminiferous achievement wasn't complete so I went and did all the light puzzles again. Could have sworn that I had done several of these in the past already.~~


    ~~Today I was at 10/11 and all I had left was "Lighting the Hidden Tower". Completed both light puzzles in that jumping puzzle and I saw a message pop up. Went to open the chests expecting my achievement to hit 11/11 but nope. Still at 10/11 as if I never completed the puzzle. Do I need to do this 3 times before it actually counts or something? All the other light puzzles counted the first time I did them.~~


    ~~Went back in a second time and did the light puzzles again but apparently you can only do it once and I still didn't get my main achievement done because for some reason it's not counting the one inside the jumping puzzle atm.~~


    ~~This really sucks as I'm currently starved for Mastery Points now that ArenaNet put them behind achievements. :s ~~


    Don't mind me! I was doing the wrong puzzle!! There was another one south of Eagle's Shrine (the one with the strong winds) that had 3 stages (spiders and skelk). At first I only did the top two stages but then noticed there was poison and skelk down below. Completing that got me the Luminiferous achievement as well as the Hidden Tower 1/3. :p

  2. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"Aveneo.2068" said:

    > > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > > > @"Aveneo.2068" said:

    > > > > I also found a tonic that I can't seem to add to the tab. It's the **"Endless Dragon Emblem Clothing Tonic"**.

    > > >

    > > > I'm pretty sure you can exchange that at an NPC by the LA TP to get it as an Outfit.

    > >

    > > I already exchanged it a long time ago when they turned all 'town clothes' outfits into tonics so this endless tonic is all I have now and it won't allow me to add it to my other endless tonics. :(

    > >

    > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/ObHcVZF.jpg "")

    > >

    > > Unless none of the old 'town clothes' tonics can be added or something as I never bothered with the other ones.

    > >


    > Town Clothes were converted into tonivs a, looong tine ago.

    > Relatively recently, they added a way to convert Town Clothes Tonics into **Outfits**. Head to LA and do that!

    > Still no mix-and-match, but you can dye them and they're account *unlocks*!

    > Also, no timer and you can fight!


    Hmmm, I see. Guess I'll have to scour LA and check in with vendors to see if I can find where I can do that as so far I only found the old vendor at the TP that converts it into tonics (the one that also has those boosters). Thanks!! :)


    EDIT: Well, that was easy. It was the Asura merchant standing right next to the tonic one. :lol:

  3. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"Aveneo.2068" said:

    > > I also found a tonic that I can't seem to add to the tab. It's the **"Endless Dragon Emblem Clothing Tonic"**.


    > I'm pretty sure you can exchange that at an NPC by the LA TP to get it as an Outfit.


    I already exchanged it a long time ago when they turned all 'town clothes' outfits into tonics so this endless tonic is all I have now and it won't allow me to add it to my other endless tonics. :(


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/ObHcVZF.jpg "")


    Unless none of the old 'town clothes' tonics can be added or something as I never bothered with the other ones.


  4. I was waiting at the MK2 Golem for 30mins, killed it and got the item for my saddle as well as the achievement popup, then got disconnected 20s later with 'network error' and now when logging back in the item is gone and I have to do it again. Waiting another 2+ hours for another attempt (which will likely result in another disconnect).




    Next time could you like do me a favor and not hide this stuff behind massive group events which are already prone to system issues?

  5. > @"Dara Potocska.8196" said:

    > For players unable to gain the item who have revived more than 10 people while the recorder is in your inventory:


    > We are investigating a fix for this. Currently the Medical Aid Recording is given to players who have an invisible buff applied to them when they purchase the Recording Device from the vendor. It only applies to the character that purchased the item currently. Until we have a fix, you can either:


    > (1) Use the character you purchased the item on to revive allies to get the item.

    > (2) Purchase a Recording Device with the character you want to use for reviving players to get the Medical Aid Recording so that character has the buff the game is looking for.


    > Thank you for your patience everyone!


    Thanks for the heads-up. In addition to the Medical Aid bug you guys might also want to look into an event that's also a requirement for this collection.

    The event is called "Rescue refugees forced into labor in the Zephyrite mine" at Glint’s Legacy in Crystal Oasis and is frequently bugged; often stopping at 0/6 or 5/6 with no way to continue until you are lucky to find a map with the event not bugging out. It seems the npc's have issues either spawning in properly causing the event to stall indefinitely or not registering when rescued.


    EDIT: Finally found an unbugged event and started rescuing the refugees. Event completed but I received NO recording because the game decided to give me yet ANOTHER Medical Aid recording (up to 3 now!!!) somehow even though I DID NOT revive anyone at all (I even stopped reviving the lone downed refugee so another player could get credit)! THIS SUCKS as I now have to go buy even more recorders because the game keeps giving me these stupid medical recordings even when I'm not even reviving anyone. And now I have to find yet another 'Rescue Refugee' event that won't bug out on me just so I can finally get my inventory space back!!!


    And all that for just another stupid ascended backpack while I still have tons of unused ascended backpacks in my bank already.


    Seriously, please fix this issue as I tried to be polite but this is getting annoying now. Thank you.

  6. While I appreciate it that ANet had decided to address the issue and has agreed to change in the future after their (imo) despicable lootbox gambling scheme failed, I sincerely hope they don't expect me to pay €25 for a single skin now.


    400-600 gems for a skin would be a good price, but if you think you'll just charge 2000 gems (€25) per skin from now on my wallet still remains shut. I'd just spend that money on a full game someplace else.

  7. I would have gladly paid 400-800 gems for individual skins, or even 1600-2000 gems for a pack of Fire-themed or Star-themed skins (like you did with the Spooky Mounts Pack) but I am not going to spend money on a RNG lottery with 30 skins when only 6 of them look interesting (referring to the fire and stardust/starbound versions).


    So I'm sorry ANet but just lost out on the €30-€60 that I would have been more than willing to pay as I sure as hell am NOT going to pay **up to €120** on RNG lootboxes just to get the 6 skins I'd actually want.


    Also, you **STILL** haven't made the Jackal skin I want most! **MistFire Wolf!**

    ![](https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/241437/Mistfire-Wolf.png "")


  8. Is there an option to remove avatars completely? I mean this limited selection and lack of personalization doesn't really add anything in my opinion. If no such option exists maybe it's an idea to add one (like you did with the 'hide signatures')? Personally I find these 'avatars' pretty pointless and would rather have an option to have them not visible at all.

  9. > @PetStain.8924 said:

    > In the new branded area in Domain of Vabbi there is a graphical bug with the purple "fury of the brand" overlay around the screen.


    > A solid black line passes through the lower half of the screen when it is active and fades away when it goes away. I've linked videos reproducing it.


    > This video I leave the UI on to show the black line coming and going with the fury of the brand debuff.

    > https://streamable.com/wlcix


    > Second video I turn the UI off and the problem goes away.

    > https://streamable.com/sm9z0


    > Running a GTX 1070 @ 1440p


    Same issue for me. I'm including a screenshot of the issue as well here:


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