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Posts posted by Jellybean.3475

  1. As someone previously mentioned, my guess is it's a way of transferring gold quickly to an alt account.


    1. Main sends item to alt.

    2. Alt lists on TP.

    3. Main buys item.

    4. Alt collects gold.


    I used to use this method in SWOTOR to get creds fast to alts (on the same account, but mailing creds directly is impossible if not subbed).


  2. Hi,

    If it's your first play through I recommend that you go back and play your story, then go through the expansions, living world etc in order.

    Stories, characters etc will be much more enjoyable and make a lot more sense to you as you progress.


    A bunch of stuff happens in the Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire that will make absolutely no sense to you if you've not experienced the earlier stories. The same goes for Living World episodes.


  3. Hi,

    Up until a few days ago I used to swing by and read the forums wthout logging in. But in the last maybe week or so, no Forums, sub forums or messages show at all if I click on the Forum link at the top of the website without being logged in.


    I initialy thought maybe the forums were down for maintenance, but eventually tried logging in, and lo and behold there everything was as normal O_O.


    Is this a recent intended change? Or some bug? I've not noticed any mention of it anywhere.

  4. I don't think rentable mounts in Core Tyria maps are a good idea. You lose the feel of scale in maps that were designed solely for foot travel once you get mounts. I had no probs getting around on foot. I already owned HoT and PoF, but wanted to experience everything in order.


    Seeing people gliding and riding about was a good incentive to keep me going.


    Delayed gratification has it's benefits! :)

  5. > @"Halbarz.3854" said:

    > I voted YES, as I do not believe a DPS meter is required to play any of the current content in the game and in its current form are not healthy for the game.


    > I will say this: I would not mind it if I could only see my own damage and if it was built by Anet. This would still give people the option to use it and optimize their build if they cannot figure it out on their own.


    > Anet should with this: Restrict the usage of it, to reflect only your own output!

    > Also the Poll is missing an option, No but should be restricted to personal output only




    This ^^

    So, YES in thier current form :)

  6. I recently completed the Henge collections and had no problem finding groups to do the two big bosses. The other collection requirements meant I'd be spending quite a bit of time on the map, so just keeping an eye on map chat for boss groups forming as I went about my business was all that was needed.

    For things like the Webby Mother etc, just switching on the Apple and letting people know it was up was sufficient.

    The map is far from dead in 'primetime' at least.

    I'm a newish player, and there seemed to be more than enough people around, many even newer than me.



  7. > @"Kanok.3027" said:

    > I'm fine with this. If I need additional slots, I can either use my debit card, or farm gold. Either way, I'm covered. People want everything for free, but forget that Anet is still a company with employees that need to be paid for their time and effort. If people really want to moan about it, perhaps Anet shouldn't even release this content because people are just going to meow and moan that they shouldn't gotten it all for free anyway, since day 1. Believe me, I saw the Twitter post and the amount of entitled posts about how it should have been free from day one with unlimited slots and so on was headache-inducing.


    > You don't want to use the new build/equipment templates out of some misplaced principal? Fine, however, don't be surprised if arcdps's build templates don't work anymore (and no, not because Anet is going to disable that). I read what deltaconnected says and they said they aren't really going to be supporting build templates much longer, if at all, after release of the official so offset the workload. If you blame Anet for arcdps build templates not working after release because delta doesn't want to work on them anymore, which is understandable, then that's on you. People were already talking about how Anet is somehow going to disable the ability to run arcdps...even though they've never made any plans to do so. The amount of tinfoil hats being made is staggering.


    > Either way, I'm looking forward to this. Fully support it. Don't like it? Don't use it.


    Agreed. :)

  8. Reading this thread just makes me think that Anet have done a great job making the mounts interesting and enjoyable to use :D

    I only have the four basic mounts unlocked so far, but I really enjoy using all of them.

    I often find myself using any of them for basic getting about just because it's fun at the time O_o

    That said, I do find the Skimmer very effective when travelling through mob rich areas, as someone already mentioned, it's got a pretty much permanent dodge effect.

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