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Posts posted by Gryxis.6950

  1. > About **"french arogance"** one more screen (see english part **Lo Be N**):

    > **Situation:** our commander create public WvW tag with invite link to Discord (speaking english, optional to join). I only sent link discord invite link to squad chat. And this was response.

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/KgUCedl.png "")



    How's that arrogance ? The dude is just being informative, there's always plenty of people on the jade sea teamspeak and most won't join a discord as it's rather incovenient typing the discord address and such (especially if it's an english speaking discord, listening to people you do not understand isn't what's the most fun thing to do when you can speak to other people you understand on teamspeak). And it's not like you can't join teamspeak or speak english in there either. Teamspeak is much more suitted for wvw than discord is, and is pretty big in jade sea so people there are even more relucant to use discord.

  2. Many french people (including those on jade sea) do not talk english. And Jade sea is a french server, they went on it because they wanted to talk french. You can still ask stuff in english, plenty of people will answer to you in the right language, and usually relevant info is in english. The screenshot you showed is just a few people having friendly banter, they do not have to do that in english, just like we're not asking you to talk french. If they turned on you for talking english well that would be wrong but they're not doing that, and it seems that's kinda what you are doing here

  3. > When it comes to mesmer, you never know if the character is in stealth, if he's one of the clones, if he's even still there or if he teleported super far away... Now it might just be manageable if all of these parameters didn't change literally every few seconds. Everytime the mesmer spawns new clones, you have to guess which one is the real one, or if the real one is even visible.


    Spawning a new clone doesn't remove targetting. Unless the mesmer is a mirage and is actively trying to look like one of his clones, it's really not that hard to detect him. And if he's actively trying to look like one of his clones, he loses quite a bit of damage and a lot of mobility until he stops. I think you just need to train yourself against mesmers a bit more, it's clearly not the hardest class to face anymore (but not the easiest either i'll grant you that)


  4. To justify why i think false oasis is better, while mirror does have a lower cd by far, the heal from false oasis is twice as strong (about 8.5k with the five pulses), gives vigor which is essential on a mirage and a mirage mirror (so basically a free dodge). Also the cast time is really decent for a heal skill, while mirror takes a while to cast (especially since you have to cast it more often).

  5. The rune definitely needs a change. If you really want the 25% movespeed, then the rune of fireworks would pretty much be perfect for this build. If you don't mind having some condition damage, the rune of adventurer has a really strong effect for low cooldown heals (especially since mirages make such a good use of dodges).


    Also I do not think the sigil of strength is all that useful on this build. Depending on whether you stay a lot on your greatsword or not you either do not make much use of it, or you should already be able to keep 25 stacks of might (especially if taking the rune of fireworks). I think sigil of energy or sigil of cleansing might be better choices.


    I haven't used much mirror as a heal skill so don't take this at face value but considering you already have reflect on dodges, and that false oasis is such a strong heal (probably one of the best heal in the game if you ask me), maybe you should try false oasis to see if it fits better.


    It is kinda hard giving you another advice as I don't really know the playstyle of your build (I'm guessing it's a shatter build and you're running axe and illusionary ambush in order to make it easy to hit your shatters) so I don't have any other advice.

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