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Happy Yes.1453

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Posts posted by Happy Yes.1453

  1. If you lend a friend some money and he says he'll pay you back "soon". At which point in time does this become a lie? That is debatable. PC gaming is a rapidly evolving business, not a charity, and they said "soon" over a year ago. In this context a reasonable time has past now. They can make what they want and as fast or slow as they want. As a player, the only thing I want is an honest timetable, so that I can make my own decisions as well. If they don't want to do this, fine, but I will draw my own conclusions based on logical arguments. I'm very sorry if this somehow offends you.

  2. By now we know the only reason why you are not posting a specific timetable is because the majority would uninstall if they knew how long this will take to implement. You have lost all credibility in the PvP community and you rather keep it that way than making a fixed commitment. It really makes you wonder. Is reality even worse than we think at this point?



  3. I've been watching this stream for half an hour and the only thing I know for sure is that they must have shipped the audience from North Korea. We have no new content but here's a t-shirt with the gw2 logo on it WOOOOOOOOO *crowd goes crazy*. First the 30 hour countdown timer for hype, followed by some of the best cringe material I have ever seen. Thanks, I really enjoyed this.

  4. Does anyone really believe they will give us expansion content but not ask for money? Why would they do this? The hints they gave was just a marketing strategy to keep you playing.

  5. > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > @"Happy Yes.1453" said:

    > > > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > > > @"Happy Yes.1453" said:

    > > > > What is the source of this kind of reasoning and is there more of it?

    > > >

    > > > Neither example actually touches on the core reason people say these things.

    > > > Point is that there is 0 reason to afk in a match unless you bite the dust at that exact moment with your face on the keyboard. **If you absolutely need to leave your keyboard, you log out and take the dishonor. It's the better option instead of letting your teammates suffer.**

    > >

    > > So what is it like living in disney land?

    > >

    > >


    > It's great. Mickey came over the other day, and brought some bourbon. Good times.


    > Being serious though, people that complain about toxicness in PvP and then proceed to afk in matches are feeding that toxicness. The only way the toxicness stops is you as an individual deciding to not be toxic no matter what other people do. "I can afk because other people do it." No you can't, if you want those others to stop. You're feeding it. I may be an idealist but hey, atleast I'm not part of the problem.


    On the forums everybody is an idealist very nice guy pro skilled player, too bad none of them actually seem to play the game.

  6. > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > @"Happy Yes.1453" said:

    > > What is the source of this kind of reasoning and is there more of it?


    > Neither example actually touches on the core reason people say these things.

    > Point is that there is 0 reason to afk in a match unless you bite the dust at that exact moment with your face on the keyboard. **If you absolutely need to leave your keyboard, you log out and take the dishonor. It's the better option instead of letting your teammates suffer.**


    So what is it like living in disney land?



  7. Most of the widely accepted pvp ethics don't make any sense to me. For example, if someone goes afk, you have about 50% chance that someone will point out that afking in the current game mode is really really stupid, but it would be acceptable in the other game mode.


    1) Someone is afk in unranked: omg imagine afking in unranked lul why u so serious bro this is unranked haha why u afk this is not even ranked

    2) Someone is afk in ranked: omg afk in ranked, this is srs business if u wanna afk go to unranked and don't destroy other ppls rating


    What is the source of this kind of reasoning and is there more of it?

  8. 1) The sound of game found & game starting (2x) = I want this at max level.


    2) The sound of people pinging on the minimap = I want this turned off. I'm terribly sorry but I don't believe that the person shouting the loudest has the best tactics. When things go bad and i'm focused in a 1vs1 or 1vs2, the last thing I need is a kid high on sugar that rings this bell like its Christmas.


    So I have to put UI volume to 0 every time the game has started, and put it on max again when the game has ended. But sometimes I forget and I end up raging, untintentionally afking and missing q's.


    Am I really the only one here?

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