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Posts posted by Belisaria.8136

  1. A complete shame that at the same time they simply HAD to insist on gender locking the skins, again. ANet super lives in the past when it comes to this stuff. Sorry, ladies, you're not allowed to wear nice shoes like the boys, it's heels or nothing (and vice versa!). They really couldn't be bothered to just release both of them as universal separate skins? C'mon gang.

  2. Hi there! I've been raiding with pick up groups for a while, but I'm looking to add some more consistent opportunities into my raiding. I have good multiclass experience in all wings except 5 and 6, where I've seen all the fights but not cleared all of them. I'm happy to help to help lead/teach/guide players as I am able. More than a focus on progression in 5 and 6 (though I would like that), I'm looking for a guild/group that is 1) highly inclusive, diverse, positive, and devoid of "edginess" and 2) has a dedicated group of players interested in raiding/learning how to raid (i.e., don't want to have to pull teeth to get a regular group of 8+ players running). If it seems like I might be a fit for your guild, best place to find me is in game mail at Belisaria.8136 or Discord at Vera#3367 (if you just reply here there's a good chance I'll forget to check on this post for 3 months). Thanks!

  3. Actually, having read this thread, I do believe it's related to the Vermilion wings set. I put on the Vermilion wings, adjusted the dyes there to what I wanted my other glider to be, and switched back, and the colors stuck. Until it's fixed proper, I suggest the others having this problem to give that a try.

  4. Once again, a near full map of players were denied finishing the Oil Floes meta simply because the lag was so bad that you could not even move or perform any actions. It was so bad that multiple players including myself were fully disconnected and had to re-log into the map just to continue. It's obvious how little they care since this map and many others in PoF+ have had horrendous lag for all of 2020 and longer now, but just a reminder that it's only worse all the time and renders tons of recent content completely unplayable. There's choosing to reduce support for very old content and then there's not caring at all that last season's content has been rendered undoable. At least pull back the iron curtain y'all keep up and say anything about the huge lag problem that has made up so many posts here in the last year.

  5. I recently submitted a ticket regarding the Envoy Armor II collection's "Demonic Heart", which, despite reading "activate the heart and survive the Deimos encounter", actually also requires doing damage to Deimos. This sometimes doesn't happen when performing the Hand Kite role, which the fight requires in 99.9% of used strategies. This happened to me and I wrote to support, seeking either for the in game text to gain clarity and/or that I could receive credit for obviously doing what the in game text had asked of me. Instead, I got back a copy paste form letter, which makes me wonder if my ticket was even read:




    Jul 3, 2020, 10:39 PM PDT




    I understand you are frustrated with the lack of in-game explanation regarding Deimos and the Crystalline Heart. We have found that the best way for the Development team to gather and review player feedback and suggestions is through the official forums. We ask and encourage players to post their ideas in our forums: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com


    Please post your suggestion in the forum most relevant to the subject at hand. For instance, if you are writing about PvP, post in the PvP sub-forum. If you are making a suggestion about a specific profession, please post in that profession's sub-forum. And if you are writing about the Living World, feel free to post in that sub-forum.


    Members of the Development Team read the forums daily, and while they usually cannot respond to individual suggestions, the fact that team members can review those suggestions in a public forum helps them gauge the level of interest in a particular idea, and also allows other players to discuss and offer feedback of their own.


    The team looks forward to reviewing your input."


    I have written into the support team a decent few times over the years, and always received great support. This is a big change of direction from that and I'm very disappointed to know that I might as well have thrown my ticket in the trash rather than hitting submit if ctrl F, C, and V on the ticket title into a form letter now constitutes 'support'. The form letter I received asked me to put my suggestions in the relevant forum for the team to read, so here it is, per request.

  6. Been a lot of talk of what hasn't been so liked- and i don't mind that being the case- but since I didn't see much in the way of positive posts, wanted to drop by and say I'm really happy with how strikes have progressed and are being fleshed out, and tying that all together at EotN is a nice thematic touch on top of being convenient. The new skins look great, the new instance is super fun and seems to have some cool collections attached to it. Definitely a lot more than I expected out of this mid-episode patch. Thanks, y'all!

  7. Hello! I recently came across a new player who spoke to me through /say. I did what I could to communicate a bit through google translate and they're hoping to find some people or a community to help show them the ropes. Anybody happen to know some people/guilds I could connect them to? (this would also just be good information for me to have in future occurrences) Searching the "Looking for Guild" for espanol didn't get me as far as I hoped. Thanks in advance!

  8. Since I've made a few posts talking about things I'm not so crazy about re: this fight, I wanted to pop in and say that I enjoy it too. I still hope a few things are done to it to really round it out, but within the world boss rotation, it's atmospherically perhaps the best and it brings some unique mechanics to the usual world boss run that will hopefully continue this new (and good) idea of finding a more natural and smooth learning curve for newer/more casual players seeking to up their challenge level.

  9. I'm really disappointed to see that nothing's been learned about encouraging failure in group events. Further, if open world PvP takes one step out of being a 1 minute post boss gimmick I'm permanently gone instantly. GW2s unique cooperative pve is the only reason i play and i wouldn't look back at all.

  10. Earlier today a full Drakkar map closed mid-meta and kicked everyone (there was a dev on map for that one so I assume theyre aware), and now just 5 minutes ago a full Ice Floes map closed midway through. With Ice Floes, unlike Drak, there was no way to get back in and try another map. I assume those and the log in issues earlier are all connected, but wanted to have them all documented.


    Edit: and also now add the full map death branded shatterer in Jahai immediately after. Think I'm gonna call it for a night on that one.

  11. > @"Jimbru.6014" said:

    > - Before Anet makes Drakkar TOO hard, they might want to remember that it won't be long before this map is just as empty as LS3 and LS4, thanks to the "publish and abandon" paradigm. We're already at a point where a lot of things in the game probably should be made a bit easier for players due to lack of help to do them.


    This is especially worth remembering given that they have clearly marked this as a standard World Boss, given its additional to the boss portal and its position with Teq and Shatterer in the achieve list. It seems like this one is meant to be for a more general audience which is fine. I hope that there is a couple metas more in the Oil Floes kind of level along the way, but a World Boss of the broader level is completely appropriate too.


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