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Posts posted by Belisaria.8136

  1. I know people's first reaction is going to be to comb through all of this and start pouring in the feedback, and I'm glad they will cause I certainly don't have the knowledge nor opinion to do so. But it's obvious a lot of effort went into trying to do this thing the community's really wanted right, and I can at least appreciate that.

  2. > @"Bunter.3795" said:

    > I just logged into my four accounts and did not get an email explaining it on any of them. While I don't care about the "issue of the moment" that Anet likes to foist on us every so often, if they're going to continue to bombard us with them, at least they could explain it to everyone and make sure we all receive the emails.


    Your complete disinterest in the health and wellness of anyone around you is exactly why these campaigns are needed. I applaud ANet's efforts to fight the stigma on mental health and to work to reduce suicides in our and other communities. It's a miserable shame that your fellow person means so little to you.

  3. Since I posted earlier in this thread, I feel obliged to come back and say that my ticket was handled super quickly and they did happily restore my whole set, as I assume will happen to others that submitted tickets. That said, if you're a little more the patient sort and they're working on an alternate re-acquisition, you might want to save your inventory slots and see what that ends up looking like first. But hats off for the quick help.

  4. NA druid. I've cleared W1 a few times and cleared W4 a few times up to Deimos, whom I've seen to 10%. I'm really dying to have access to the skins from the Deimos fight, but both for personal reasons and because I feel like I'm up to snuff, I have no intentions of buying through it. I've lost all of my even semi-statics for raids at all, so if you think you've got any line to an opportunity for me, get in touch. Belisaria.8136. I super appreciate it. If it could turn into more opportunities to raid that would be even better, but more than anything I have my eyes set on this one clear.

  5. About 10 minutes ago, the Doomlore Shrine escort reached the end of its path, but then Brightblaze stopped moving, his ring disappeared, and the event didn't complete and progress the meta. There was no way to interact with him and once the timer on the escort ran down, the meta chain failed. There were 30 of us there and the escort was clean. I heard that this also happened at least once before right after reset.

  6. Path of Fire has long needed improvements in order to compete activity-wise with Heart of Thorns and this patch seems to be giving a huge effort into finally bringing PoF back into relevancy. Not only will PoF metas now complete far more often, but all of the other collections, quests, and side pursuits that required either meta completions or for maps to generally have a higher average activity base will have a chance to flourish. I am especially ecstatic to see that our prayers have finally been answered in making Serpent's Ire something that can actually be completed by anything less than a highly trained full map guild squad. So thank you, Anet, I can't wait to at last return to Elona!

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