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Posts posted by zaswer.5246

  1. > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > > @"zaswer.5246" said:

    > > Revenant is easy in fact , just add a legend that can help shiro in a power dps build because that is the only thing the rev is really missing.(and no neither glint nor kalla are really good shiro partners for power builds just the only options available )


    > To be honest, I'd consider both to be far better partners for a power build than a condi build. Kalla seems like a fit for condi at first glance, but then you realise that the bleed spirit is not worth the time or the energy and everything else is power. Glint is... decent, because might adds to condi and Elemental Blast gives burns and chill, but she's probably still a better fit for power than condi, and Jalis also has decent power damage through hammers.


    Well in fact it doesnt work.

    1 kalla traits are focused in condi dmg and the sb (rene weapon ) is also more condi focused .

    Glint legend is bad , plainly bad, all its boons are incredibly comon in other classes and you cant get all of the 5 either because of the huge energy drain, ant the consumes arent that good either, elements has 3 diferent tics that applye burn chill and vulne , in power you aply vulne with everithing ,and i mean everything , 2 burn stacks are like nothing and the chill is useles as you have much much better chill sources ,also the dmg is low , the dms buff is good(20%) bad luck you have nothing to pair it with , glints ult is like shiros ,a cc incredibly slow and obvious that deals low dmg , the heal on the other way is great , and the traits in glint are a mess , even when they look good and reasonable then you get to use herald and its a mess , you try to be a little greedy and you are overperformed by everything and if you want to share boons and other buffs you just dont have anything better than the other classes, shield? One world SHIT , a heal and cleanse that you will probably never use and a block that not only gets you stuck but that blocks less things than other classes and does more bad than good .

    And jalis legend is full tank ,hammers are 1 skill and its dmg is low

    Just so everyone know power revenant is the class with less options in the entire game , plain and simple , in pve for power you use Impossible odds in shiro , sword2,4 and 5 , kallas ult , icerazor and citadel bombardment, and you alwais have either not enought energy to use skills due to the UNBALANCED HUGE COST or too much because THE 2 SKILLS YOU CAN USE ARE ON CD , on the condi build its diferent because you have sb and hamer/axe and you stack condis.

    So dont tell me there is any good legend in revenant for power because even shiro wich is the suposed assasin/power legend has a mediocre power dmg at most .

    Anet give rev a power legend and a power weapon (i dont even care the legend lore anymore ) and erase the current herald from the game and redo it because it isnt even funny anymore.


  2. I would give the block to sw2 instead of sw4 because actualy sw4 is the best dps skill swords have and if changed it would get nerfed in dmg wich would be bad for pve builds and i think to pvp builds too .

    For CoR i would give hammer in general more dmg and cor itself maybe making it shorter or making it so you cant "spam it" i mean a bit longer cd but with the hammer dmg increased in general to make is a usable weapon.

    In shield either let you move , being able to block everything or giving it a pulse of healing or some boon for alies

    Sb maybe trident threatment ? And sb 2 a bit more comftable for pvp

    As for sotm i dont think the cast is needed

  3. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"zaswer.5246" said:

    > > As long as i can finaly get a proper power build for rev im happy


    > PvE Power Rev is in the best place it's been in for at least the past 2 years now. Alacrity Rene remains meta for CM/T4s, but you could still deliver an honest showing as a Sw/Sw Herald/Shiro. For OW the rework to battle scars has improved survivability on Herald substantially, though it still suffers from lack of condition cleanse available to both Condi and Alacrene builds, but simply swapping in a sigil can fix that.



    I agree with some things and disagree with others so lets clarify some things.

    1 i know rev is stronger now than it has been for a long time due to the last patch buffs but that doesnt mean its in a good place for a power class in raids (its not bad but it still needs some changes)

    2 I was talking about power dps not alac rene wich is a sup with some dps.

    3 I suggest you to try a renegade power build because it is a bit better than herald for power dps

    4 While i agree that battle scars is very good as it also gives more dps than swift termination and some siphon , when we talk about a dps build it doesnt realy need to have that level of self sustain as in raid you have healers , and the same for condi cleanses (And remember that im talking about pve not pvp nor wvw )

    All in all i agree , power dps revenant is not bad but it still isnt good either , im talking as someone that isnt a great player but has spent a decent amount of time triing rotas and playing revenant and the power builds are by far the most akward to play , you can only use sw/sw shiro and either kalla or glint , glint is a spam of its facets to get some boons for the group that they dont realy need as someone elses gives that boons better and your dps is much lower than most other dps clases, in kalla you get a bit more dps but you are stuck in soulcleave and icerazor with long cds , as well as citadel , not to talk about the huge amount of energy that skills need when at most you have 75 with charged mists , now shiro is great you just have to push IO , let the character do AA till you have sw skills off cd and triing to get in a citadel bombardment because the power dps centered spec has no skill that deals dmg but it has 2 movility skills that should be joined in my opinion , an elite that only gives cc and drains all your energy and IO that is a great skill with nothing to pair up.

    Rev traits after the rework are great (maybe buff a bit notoriety so it is a real option against AP?) but the power weapons and legend are needed of something to pair up with , for example if we joined both mov skills from shiro and introduced a direct dmg skill to help maintain dps and drain a bit energy or got a weapon like sb that can keep casting skills in the right order and doesnt need to spam AA it would solve everything (talking about that maybe its worth looking at a power build with sb? Ill try looking at it)


  4. Ty for the explanation

    I just want 2 things from Arenanet

    1 that we get a power dps elite spec for revenant

    2 that they stop overpowering warriors and guardians( its just stupid to have a banner warrior in raids whose dps is on par or even better than the dpss themselves , and guardian is meta in almost all of its builds while other clases are forgotten)

  5. Well i know being suport doesnt mean you have to deal no dmg qnd i also know how alacrene work.

    What i meant is that we actualy have herald that is mostly focused on boons and has some heal and dps traits , as well as renegade , more focused on condi dmg and boons in terms of traits and the perma alac. Now i think we all agree that herald looks like a more boon/heal focused elite but most of its boons (at least in raids) are covered by other classes , while renegade has more dmg centered skills but the strongest of its skills are citadel and orders ,one perma boon and one huge area dmg (even when citadel has its dmg scatered through all of its area).

    Now if we count the number of builds we have with the elites (for pvp at least) we have healer herald and renegade , alacrene , condi renegade, boon herald and power herald or renegade , both healing builds are good , its heal is good and each elite gives some boons to help , alacrene doesnt even need to be explained i think , condi build? Good and even better after the last patch , boon herald ? Little dps and very comon buffs so its more like a filing gaps build , power builds? Well you sure have already heard this many times but even if the last patch buffed it a bit its still too weak compared to the others and furthermore its more akward to play (its funny playing with energy but the number of skills , its cds and energy cost is just badly done in the power build .

    Now what i propose is , focus herald in healing and giving boons so you can either heal more or give better boons when you choose the right traits , also having alacrity given to herald instead of renegade wouldnt even be a buff or a nerf but simple change of elite (i mean we already have perma alac aniway) , on the other hand renegade could get some changes like having a more centered skill instead of orders from above , also trais that increase bow dmg or just dmg in general (a 10% dmg modifier when using certain skill or when were above 90%health ) ,also both shiro and dual swords need changes , first when using power buids we spend too much time doing auto atacks either because we dont have energy enought or because we have to wait to a cd to use the skills we need so its too restrictive , also in shiro the only skill you use in power builds for pve is IO and the others are just too expensive and do almost no dps (phase traversal and the other i cant remember sry) so why not joining them like the old ranger sword skill ? One activation is a flee that removes a couple condis and the other is a gap closer that gives unblocable for a couple seconds , give it a cost of 35 energy and i think its perfectly balanced (remember that the top is 100 ) , that way you could give a dmg skill to shiro so when you want to spend energy to get dps you can use a skill to do so .

    That way we could have a elite for heal/boon and one for dps both power and condi

  6. First of all i think legend swap should be affected by alacrity at least .

    Next while i like the idea of starting up with 100 energy i think they could rework charged mists(think that is the trait name) so it makes rev start at 75 energy alwais and if swaping under 20 energy you start with 100.

    Also i think at least some weapons should get less cooldown at least ( for example offhand sword because in power builds ,at least in pve, you dont realy have that many skills you can use to deal dmg ,or hammer because it is already slow enought on its own )

  7. Ok i have a couple ideas of what could be done , theyre moatly for pve but i think some could be good for pvp too.

    1 please mix together phase traversal and riptosing shadow from shiro skill bar , both skills have 30 energy cost and are just movement skills with some extras , so my idea is mix them the same way the ranger had monarch leap and hornet sting together and make that skill 35 energy cost, we have a trait that takes out condis from us with movement skills so no need for it to have a condi cleanse for inmob and criple and the unblocable could still be there and it wouldnt be unfair .

    2 suposing we now have a free slot in shiro skills please give us an actual dmg skill like sword of justice from guardian (i dont mean the same skill but a skill made for direct dmg like it) because we already have a lot of dmg modifiers on revenant.

    3 sword 2 is now better than it was before in my opinion (or at least looks better) but in pve at least i think the AA dmg could be a bit higher , also theres sword 3 , in pvp im not sure how good it is but for pve i would make a change and that is increasing its dmg when hitting the same target more than once , that is because its not a fast skill and it also has evade so making it faster would be a problem but in most of the important pve fights (bosses) using sw3 means a lot of dps loss.

    4 looking at traits now, rising tide from invocation line could get from 7 to 9% and it wouldnt be a problem , also i have thought a couple of times that assasins presence could be moved to invocation line and changed to give a different buff in each legend (shiro power mallinx condi dmg ventary healing power jalis vitality glint concentration and kalla could give feroc and expertice either could be 150 or mixed 75 and 75 ) i think it could be a great buff in all game modes but also its something that could make sense well done and the last thing has to do with energy management and charged mists , in my opinion the energy drain from some skills is too high ,we have the upkeeps that give a continous benefit at the cost of losing energy while its active and the energy drain varies from skills of -6 to others of -8 and im not counting glint because they are diferent than other upkeeps , im fine with the upkeeps so far , maybe soulcleave could be -7 instead of -8 or give a bit more dmg? , but the problem is revenant strongest skills are the upkeeps without a doubt i think (at least in pve) so you alwais need to have the upkeeps up ,now usually legends start with 50 energy and traited with charged mist it goes up to 75 if you swap under 10, it means that for example being in shiro you have to use sw2,4 and 5 to drop 25 energy and then use the upkeep to drop the rest as all of your skills spend +30energy , in kalla the citadel (f3 i think it is?) spends 35 energy and the skills themself spend 20-30 energy with an upkeep of -8 , so to sum up in some legends you have to stay too much time doing AA to spend energy till you reach that 10% while in others you have too much things to spend energy and so you loose the chance , i think charged mists should be changed so it makes you get 75 energy allwais you change legend and 100 when you are under 10% so you can spend that energy in the legend you need it and if you cant spend it you dont get that huge penalty (also having a new skill in shiro would help draining energy if needed)

    5 And last i think someone must have thought about it before but , why kalla shortbow trait only increases bleed dmg ? I mean the whole kalla legend is hybrid as kallas fervor increases both condi and ferocity , please make shortbow so it works similar to trident or make it more a hybrid weapon so we can have a weapon swap for condi (and hamer doesnt count because it does almost no dmg being as slow and bugged as it is) also theres that trait named lasting legacy that increases kallas fervor effects , could you increase a bit the ferocity either base fervor or the trait gives , because even if citadel is more rng in small enemies it is better to take vindication than legacies so a little buff on that feroc would even the traits .

    Again im talking mostly looking at pve and more about power dmg builds than condi but i think some changes might be interesting for pvp and wvw too . Also if someone has other ideas of the changes i proposed you can tell me.

  8. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"zaswer.5246" said:

    > > Dont take the second strike from imposible odds or revenant is going to be completely dead in pve


    > It won't be. Alacrigade is support so high DPS isn't expected and they'll still have a place. The heal variant isn't affected. Condi ren has a build variant that uses shiro but it's not required. In open world it doesn't really matter but using Jalis is probably comparable.




    I meant the power revenant would die in pve .

    Im not asking for revenant to be the best, not even meta i just think that we have a revenant that suposedly should be the most versatile one (we have 6 leyends to choose ) and on the contrary we ,ta least in pve , alwais end up using the same skills , that are not even as much as the other classes because in shiro the only full dmg skill is IO and it is more like a sigil than anything and also we obly have one set for power weapons ,dual swords , so if anet takes away IO what could they give to make the exchange fair? .

    Also i think that better than IO they could take the other 2 skills and mix them together , it would make almost no difference in pvp or wvw (in fact it would be better because the energy cost would be lower ) and would free a slot for revs to have other skill that could help us both in pvp, wvw and pve .

    Also i think kalla is not being used to its full potential .

    Kalla mech gives us feroc and condi dmg , and bow is probably the best weapon we have right now that can get the trident treatment (in the condi builds you have hamer y axe to swap and usualy use bow on mallynx for pve build while in pve as i have heard is not a good weapon so might as well be a good oportunity to remodel it a bit in pvp so it works better there) as for renegade traits im fine with what we have already , maybe the trait that increases bleed dmg could simply increase bow dmg and bleed duration to have a bit of both and the trait that buffs kallas fervor effects could give a bit more feroc (60 per stack in stead of 50 could be fine).

    I dont think anything of the avobe changes would make revenant broken but it could give us more options .

    Now a message directly for Anet , great job in the last patch ,seriusly , i think thats the way to go , not everithing needs to be meta but the freedom we have to choose classes and builds for each of them is what i think makes the game different , so keep up the good work. And ty for the effors

  9. In my opinion bow should be like trident, i mean the whole kalla legend looks like a hybrid legend that can either go power or condi (renegade mechanic gives both ferocity and condi ) so bow should follow the same route (in kalla gives bleed ,mallynx torment ,shiro vulne,and jalis the one that reduces the enemy dmg and ventary just spawn orbs as usual)

    This way pve players will finaly get a power weapon to swich from swords and pvp might have more options too

  10. I would choose having a new skill added to shiro that actualy deals dmg so we arent stuck in shiro IO +aa + sword skills and have some other choices .

    Also i think the 2 other shiro skills can be made to work like the old ranger sword 3(first click makes you flee from the enemy and with the second activation you tp to the enemy and hit it)

    That way the skill will be worth 35 energy because as it is now i dont think its worth the energy cost of both skills compared with the efects

  11. Ok one sec

    Boneskinner is a difficult boss (it might still be bugged too) but maybe that is what anet wanted , i mean , 1 strike was easy (very easy if you are a raider) , then kodan and the havrun or whatever its name is arent that difficult (id say medium level or so) and bone and wisper are difficult .

    Am i the only one that sees it as a progresion for new players?

    You start with the golem and that catches your attention , the kodand and havrun start to make it difficult and bone and wisper are impossible unless you search a tiny tiny bit and start learning builds , rotations , cc bars, evades etc.

    I mean if you kill all strikes you can go to vg with confidence in your skills and im sure you will kill it once you know its mechs

  12. Lets start with a bit of explaining, dh is dragonhunter(guardian elite especialization ) , sb is short bow or could also be soulbeast (context tells you wich one), lb long bow , mh is mainhand and oh is offhand , sw is sword (i explain this because you said youre new and maybe you dont know this kind of stuff (i had this problem once))

    Now for a ranged class.

    1. All classes have ranged and melee weapons (the engineer y the ele only get melee with skills or elites i think) so you can play any class as ranged but the weapons and skills will differ from class to class

    2. Talking about endgame is a bit difficult because you have pve in fractals and raids and pvp or wvw but what i can tell you is that you shouldnt worry about it now , just play something you like and learn

    3. The best classes in my opinion for starters would be either ranger , necromancer or mesmer because you have ranger pet , nigro minions or mesmer clones to tank for you and it is easier to learn , also they all have various ranger weapons so its more probable that you like one.

    4. Now with all that said you should search for the class you like the most and ingame im sure people will solve any doubt you have.


    Pd the ranger pet can be put in a stance were it will only attack when you order it to do so (in the screen click the pet comand that has 2 swords crossed and it should change to that stance)

  13. I know people only want sc meta but that is why people think its usseles , but those groups usually dont have just 1 healer nor they have perfect boon uptime (in wich case a herald could help a lot)

    Now about the qwickness part just think about how some people think rene is great just because the 10 man alac (yes it can heal a lot or do good dmg at the same time) and now think about a 10 man qwickess renegade that also gives signet of inspiration , 10 man fury and protect.

    (In my opinion it would be great and definitely it would be meta but im sure a lot of people would say its too op)

  14. The fact is herald is better than people think , yes if you are in a group that doewnt need a second healer its useless , yes if your druid and chronos give perfect boons its useless ,and yes id your dps never get dmg from anything its useless, now tell me how many groups like that are because i dont think there are too many.

    There are classes with better boons but herald gives the following(in my opinion) 10 man fury ,regen,protect,and can help top up power , assasins presece(5man+150feroc) ,facet of the dragon wich expands boom duration to the whole group (in other words is more or less like an inspiration signet), also ventari is a very good healer and glint gives good cc .

    Just think for a sec that herald got quickness instead of swiftness, would you still think its usseles or would you think its too broken? (I would like to get a trait that lets us get qwickness at the cost of other buffs or at the cost of some healing so you can choose going full sup)


  15. Raid: herald , condi scourge(thats the ones i have seen or tried directly) .

    Id also say renegade because its a espec that suposedly gives you condi y ferocity(power) dmg but in the end its power dmg is far from close to the acceptable in raid(while the condi y alac is meta so i guess it could be caled balanced but i think theyre not using all the rene potencial)

    Also scourge epi is needed in some raids but even so seeing a necro being one of the less powerful condi classes is a bit sad

    I talk about raid not pvp nor wvw as i dont know how the balance is there.

  16. It gives lots of buffs and has a pretty decent heal , also ventari has a skill that can help your subgroup with alac when youre in it , plus assasins presence .

    All that said its not going to be the first healer in the scuad .

    So its good (it also depends on the scuad comp ) but it could be better , for example changing a couple of buffs for others with more utility in raid( by traiting skills or reworking shield y giving shield a mainhand to go with because all mh we have are for dps )

  17. I guess everyone has already realiced it at this point but ill say it just in case.

    In PvP the condi range weapon is mediocre(not too bad but not good), while in raid, fractal the bad weapon is the hammer (too litlle dps because its too slow) , and shield is simply too bad.

    So 2 options either balance hamer for pve and sb for pvp or give us a new pair of weapons (double daggers condi medium range,gs power dmg close range)

    Also i think it would be great if the debs talked more in the forums

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