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Posts posted by mizaru.1385

  1. People usually do the easy main strikes (Shiverpeaks super easy, voice claw, franie jormag) They are really puggable and heals are abundant now with the template system. So dont be afraid to join pugs for these. Easy to do and gives currency.


    Cold war is long but still relatively easy (kill and kill)

    Forging steel is long and somewhat different and pretty easy (like a small mission)


    Whisper of Jormag, i personally love it. Its hard enough to challenge pugs but easy enough to be puggable. I find it a good balance. With enough people that know what they are doing (most impt, bring worms, dont kill allies in chains), it can be relatively smooth sailing.


    Boneskinner I dont do. Tried to pug a few times but only won once. Definitely puggable but I dont wana waste my time on chance.


    Also, I geared up a Healbrand, so it makes grouping really accessible as every1 prob has zerk gear that they can switch to if no healing is needed.

  2. Just got a full trailblazer set for openworld as I think its better for ur ascended gear to be group content focused (fractals, raid etc) so u can perform with better stats.


    Weapon wise can get a grieving stat if ur not a min maxer, so both ur open world and group builds for power/condi can use them properly.


    Exotic trailerblazer is easy enuf to get as there are easy ways to get exotic pieces with stat select, and u dont need to perform optimally all the time as no1 is judging u. Then slowly convert them if u see fit.

  3. I actually like this Strike.

    I feel its a very balanced strike. With Shiverpeaks being the easiest and Boneskinner is tough (I know the mechanics, but havnt been able to pug it successfully/also avoid it)


    I'm a pug only player and I can clear Whisper with a good group that knows what to do and fail in a good group that doesnt know what to do.

    But it isnt overly punishing and there's always a chance of winning even if a couple of players do not know how to win.


    I play Healbrand and its exciting during the end phases as skills like Bow of Truth and Merciful Intervention (the clutch res if it procs is soooo satisfying) become really useful.


    I think Anet should plan a couple more strikes around this difficulty as I find it a sweet spot as a pugger.

  4. Returning player, dreaded and didnt like the core story alot previously. Used my lvl 80 boost on a class i dont have(u shld have if u get the expansions), immediately started PoF for mounts, found it nice and played abit more.


    Didnt complete it cos I want gear and skyscale, so i went to LS3 3 and LS4. Was then very surprised at the production values of the LS and the experience has been really great, alot better than core Tyria.

  5. I enjoy the combat in GW2 but i absolutely hate stacking.


    Without crazy stacking, range classes would be more viable rather than the "stack cos we can outheal and outblock everything" for almost every combat encounter.

    What do u guys think about the stacking gameplay? Are there any other ways we can do to make it more varied like maybe more position related skills for classes? (back attack more dps for certain skills etc)


    Edit: Ok since collision is a nono, lets change this topic to ways to make the combat more involve/varied for positioning instead of just stacking for heals/mights/buffs

  6. > @"Nashkar.6071" said:

    > > @"mizaru.1385" said:

    > > Hey, u can check this out

    > >

    > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Tanetris/So_You_Want_To_Gear_a_Character

    > >

    > > By far the clearest. Been following this and slowly getting my pieces.


    > This tutoriel is perfect. Thank you for sharing this !


    Take note that it's not the most update but it helps alot. U can add in strike missions into your rotation as its pretty fast and simple (overdone will bore u, so mixed it up).

  7. Story mode is the appropriate level but being a sort or pre req, it needs to be made into personal story that can be soloed proper as LFG for story is cumbersome and long.


    The explorables on the other hand are not balanced properly. Like some1 said, AC being at lvl 30 is abit misleading. I remember back in the day without the power creeps it was pretty hard even at lvl 80. Sure it should be easier now, but for the newer players, going in at 30 is suicide. They can barely dent the bosses.

  8. Stats wise for dungeons would be either Crucible of Eternity or Citadel of Flame as they are accessible and gives Berserker stats gear, which is the most versatile and much needed. Thing is dungeons are outdated and finding people to clear the story the 1st time is a little bit hard. As gold is easier to come by now, rather just outright go to the TP and buy a full berserker set at around 1+G per piece.


    Skin wise, its up to ur prersonal pref.

  9. > @"Calvinboo.6803" said:

    > I have felt this way for some time, but a recent playthrough of the personal story made me remember just how much I loved the old Lion's Arch design. Being back there brought back so many memories, especially the old Mystic Forge area. I have absolutely nothing against the new LA design, and I think it does look quite beautiful, but you can't deny just how different the art styles are. The old LA was more connected to Guild Wars 1, and felt like a true pirate stronghold. The new LA, in my opinion, has a lot of open space which makes it feel more empty and lifeless (again, my opinion and I recognize many like the style). The old Lion's Arch felt like a city -- it was cluttered, busy, and jam packed with buildings, houses, sewers, and rivers. It felt like a true hub of trade. The holiday skins for the old Lion's Arch were fantastic, and being in the Mystic Forge area during Halloween or December Holidays really made me feel like I was celebrating a party with the other players around me (I remember costume brawls being a fun down time in this area).


    > I know this has been stated before, but I would really love to see the devs find a way to let us access the old Lion's Arch, even if they have to put it behind a gem paywall. At this point it's been over 5 years since it was in the live game, and in my opinion it'd be a real treat to give the people who have played this game since launch. The nostalgia factor for those of us who have been with GW2 from the very beginning would certainly keep me logged in.


    > What do you guys think of this? Agree? Disagree? How do you think the devs could make this work for us?


    Agree......It really feels very open. Especially at the popular waypoints like Bank and Black Lion Trading Post, feels very bare.

  10. > @"thepenmonster.3621" said:

    > > @"Linthenius.3704" said:

    > > But the bosses typically end up being more of a bullet hell simulator then actual boss fights at times. Also damage sponges when solo.


    > I've always felt the bosses to be the least worth-the-effort parts of the game. The ones where you *MUST* throw some landscape trash at them for your five second window of damage? Why did I master all of these skills for 80 levels just to wind up throwing rocks? Then the big insult of the insta-rez when you get downed because they designed the attacks to negate the all important dodges that are the hallmark of the game. And don't even get me started with the CC on the adds! Imagine the screaming if the competitive players had knockdowns or immobs that lasted that long.


    > And then they bug and you have to leave the instance and do it all over again.


    Lol so true for landscape trash. I was doing LWS4 yesterday, at Episode 2. Need to fight this big ass inquest robot that attacked this Village of Charr. Fight was so freaking tough and u literally have to keep throwing the stupid landscape trash at it lol. God also knows how many times I got downed and get insta rezed.

  11. > @"Tren.5120" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > Oddly enough, by playing the storyline and completing maps granted me all of the mastery points that I needed. It's as if the game were made to do this.


    > Can't play the story because the Vlast crystals are too high and you need Masteries to get to them, but the masteries are also too high, as they are designed to require certain skills to get to them. Can't leave the PoFire starter cluster because everything is designed to block you out if you don't have these masteries :-P


    > I tried swimming around to another area to get masteries there (that I could see on the map), but the game killed my character with the current. There's no way to progress. I've been running around for 5 days looking for nooks and crannies that I could slip through. They don't exist. Playing the storyline is impossible, because you can't get to the items needed to progress it.


    > That was kind of my point, but it is no longer a concern of mine.



    PoF is actually alot more straightforward than HoT (which is alot easier with mounts). For PoF, one thing to note is that u are not required to 100% the maps as u go along, as some points are unaccessible till later on. So easiest way is just to follow the story missions, which will bring u to parts that are comfortably accessible. Then once u get the Springer mount (which is pretty early), u can actually access almost every place.


    TLDR; For PoF, jsut follow story and don't rush to 100% the map till u at least get springer.

  12. For the new expansion, can we have more skill options to play around for the current weapon sets? I enjoy the feeling of tinkering with a skillbuild in GW1 but the skills got overly blaoted and became a balancing nightmare, which was the reason why GW2 devs did not want to go that route.


    But i think adding just a couple for variation sake would make the game feel more refreshed. Im a returning player from wayyyy back and back then, my guardian was rocking GS and doing the usual pullin, symbol, spin2win. Fast forward 8 yrs later, I come back excited for firebrand/dragon hunter, and realised I'm still doing the same old spin2win combo with little to no changes cos honestly speaking GS and swords are an aesthetic staple.


    I know the elite specs make them kind of play differently now, but not all elite spec weapons are fun or good to use. My old mesmer is still using the same old GS pew pew or sword blur strike. Adding some skill options to the weapons would make tinkering builds more fun and you dont need to add them for all skill slots for starters (balancing reasons).

  13. I know most people ask for rework of professions or new elite specs with new weapons. I agree with that as I think new specs are fun/fresh to an extend.

    As a returning player after a 5 or so years break, I feel that even though some specs make playstyle very different, certain things still feel very samey and stale.


    For example, after so many years and 2 expansions of not playing, I come back to my guardian and realise that I'm still doing the old greatsword symbol, pull, spin2win, or the same old sceptre pew pew. Legend has it some guardians have been spinning for 7 years and still spinning till this day..... Not to mention certain weapons (that are not elite spec weapons) are more favoured than others due to skills/looks/playstyle (sword mesmers, GS/sword guardian, etc etc....)


    Maybe to revitalize things abit, why not we have some additions to weapon skills for the weapons? For example, adding a couple of skills in weapons for us to select out of combat (skill 3 having 2 different skills for us to choose 1). This way, there will be more mix & match, tinkering of skills and will keep things interesting.


    But to prevent it from being a balance nightmare like GW1, they can slowly just add in a couple first instead of adding in a whole set (e.g adding in an extra 2 or 3 skills for a particular weapon). With the additions of templates down the line, this will make things really interesting.


    Note: Its not a rework, its just adding 1 or 2 more skills to each weapon for a start so we can tinker with skill builds, but not full on GW1 style to prevent balancing nightmare

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