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  1. I'm using OS X El Capitan and I have no complain whatsoever. Very happy about the gaming experience. I never use Windows or own a Windows PC in my all life. Why ? I just don’t like the interface. So, obviously, if I want to play a game or want any kind of software, I get less choice. I get use to it and not complaining about it. I have Parallels, so, it should not be a big problem for me, if I truly want to continue to play the game. But do I truly want to play it on Windows ???? Still don’t know. My question is it more to ArenaNet : Why stop providing the Mac client and support for player using OpenGL on Mac ? Here what ArenaNet say : « At some point in the future, however, OpenGL may simply no longer be included on Mac systems at all, and the differences in chip hardware will make it very costly and difficult for us to support both the old and new processor designs. ». But so far, many Mac owner are on OpenGL. How about them ? Most of the time when we want to download a software the requirement say something like : need the latest window, Mac, etc. Here, for this situation the sentence will be a bit different. :) Finally, I guess, when ArenaNet had decided to stop providing the Mac client, they see it as a wise decision in the income point of view. No argument here. But, instead of cutting down completely Mac client, why not reduce the department in charge of the Mac client. I have no problem waiting more time for an update, for support, etc. At least, I can still continue to enjoy the game. To continue…
  2. Thank you for your information. Did update my ticket and so far, nothing. They keep considering legitimate access to my account as unauthorized access. As long this stay this way, we will not go very far. Second, during this period as unauthorized access, I bought gems. They have the money, I don’t have the gems anymore. If i cannot have a better rollback date, for sure, I want my money back. But how can I get my money back for a purchase I did that GW2 consider it wasn’t me ? If GW2, accept I did those purchase, that mean, it was truly I that was connected hence, the rollback cannot go that far in the past anymore. Did I miss something ? Right now, I see a big mess. :)
  3. Thank for your input. GW2 rollback until they reach a point there are no unauthorized access to my account. From that date, they pick up the closest snapshot they can find. Let say the unauthorized access to my account was on 10th of November. So pretty much everything before this date is safe. By playing everyday, GW2 support cannot find any other snapshot closer to that day than December 2019 ? I don’t know, something like July 2020 or September 2020 ? For the date of the rollback, GW2 say : « Depending on how often you were playing before the incident. » How often GW2 take snapshot ? In my opinion, GW2 suppose an unauthorized access to my account that was a legitimate access from I (the main issue). Considering this fact, in which date will be my rollback ? So, I’m very curious to know the date of this unauthorized access to my account. What happen if there are an unauthorized access to my account on 10th of November, an legitimate access on 20th of July and another unauthorized access on 5th of March. According to which date, GW2 will do the rollback ? Does somebody already experience some rollbacks ? And by playing everyday, how close or far was it ? Thank you very much for your input.
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