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Posts posted by Valatha.6048

  1. I'm using OS X El Capitan and I have no complain whatsoever. Very happy about the gaming experience. I never use Windows or own a Windows PC in my all life. Why ? I just don’t like the interface. So, obviously, if I want to play a game or want any kind of software, I get less choice. I get use to it and not complaining about it.


    I have Parallels, so, it should not be a big problem for me, if I truly want to continue to play the game. But do I truly want to play it on Windows ???? Still don’t know.


    My question is it more to ArenaNet :

    Why stop providing the Mac client and support for player using OpenGL on Mac ?


    Here what ArenaNet say : « At some point in the future, however, OpenGL may simply no longer be included on Mac systems at all, and the differences in chip hardware will make it very costly and difficult for us to support both the old and new processor designs. ».


    But so far, many Mac owner are on OpenGL. How about them ?


    Most of the time when we want to download a software the requirement say something like : need the latest window, Mac, etc. Here, for this situation the sentence will be a bit different. :)


    Finally, I guess, when ArenaNet had decided to stop providing the Mac client, they see it as a wise decision in the income point of view. No argument here. But, instead of cutting down completely Mac client, why not reduce the department in charge of the Mac client. I have no problem waiting more time for an update, for support, etc. At least, I can still continue to enjoy the game.



    To continue…

  2. Thank you for your information.


    Did update my ticket and so far, nothing. They keep considering legitimate access to my account as unauthorized access. As long this stay this way, we will not go very far.


    Second, during this period as unauthorized access, I bought gems. They have the money, I don’t have the gems anymore. If i cannot have a better rollback date, for sure, I want my money back. But how can I get my money back for a purchase I did that GW2 consider it wasn’t me ? If GW2, accept I did those purchase, that mean, it was truly I that was connected hence, the rollback cannot go that far in the past anymore.


    Did I miss something ? Right now, I see a big mess. :)

  3. Thank for your input. GW2 rollback until they reach a point there are no unauthorized access to my account. From that date, they pick up the closest snapshot they can find.


    Let say the unauthorized access to my account was on 10th of November. So pretty much everything before this date is safe. By playing everyday, GW2 support cannot find any other snapshot closer to that day than December 2019 ? I don’t know, something like July 2020 or September 2020 ?


    For the date of the rollback, GW2 say : « Depending on how often you were playing before the incident. » How often GW2 take snapshot ?


    In my opinion, GW2 suppose an unauthorized access to my account that was a legitimate access from I (the main issue). Considering this fact, in which date will be my rollback ? So, I’m very curious to know the date of this unauthorized access to my account.


    What happen if there are an unauthorized access to my account on 10th of November, an legitimate access on 20th of July and another unauthorized access on 5th of March. According to which date, GW2 will do the rollback ?


    Does somebody already experience some rollbacks ? And by playing everyday, how close or far was it ?


    Thank you very much for your input.

  4. Here a nice story. (Not nice at all)


    14 November 2020, I discover I cannot log in (“The code you entered is invalid. Please check your information and try again.” Error Code: 3023:1012:6:377). Something happen with my account. So, I contact GW2 support and fill up all the form to prove « I’m the true owner of this account ».


    They told me my account has been comprised. From that moment I thought « in the past few days somebody may hack my GW2 account or my computer ». Key word « past few days ». Can be worst, at least, it isn’t my computer.


    So, as they told me to do, I check everything (I’m using a Mac) in order to have my account restored.

    What the F… ? My account is restored to December 2019. Here what GW2 say about account restoration : « We look for a restoration date that is as close as possible to the date when the account was compromised. Depending on how often you were playing before the incident, the time of the snapshot may vary. ».


    This means : for around 1 year, my account was hack. Did I misread something ?

    1 year playing GW2 more or less 4 hours per day, nothing weird happen what so ever. My computer, ditto. All my account (mail, bank, etc) ditto. Nothing at all ; everything as usual. We are not talking about a few days or a month but more or less 1 year.


    I’m playing the game with VPN / Ping Booster (European account playing on NA server from China). Without, I get 1000 ping and get often disconnected.


    Every month I do a checking and cleaning of my computer.


    If my account was truly comprise for a period of 1 year, what that third party did to my GW2 account or to my computer during all this time ? Watching me play ? Right now, it is a bit like GW2 support tell me 2+2=6. That doesn’t make sense.


    Can somebody tell me what I miss ?



  5. Hi,

    Can somebody help me ? Or save me.

    It is very simple (or not) :

    1 - open the client, the client start to download new contents, downloading some and I got the message « serious error » ; or

    2 - open the client, input email and password, the window start to become full screen and I got the message « serious error ».


    In the first case (1), It doesn’t matter what I do, I always have « serious error ». In the second case (2), I restart the client and in the second or third try, that work (most of the time).


    In the past, by using Time Machine, I was able to solve the problem. Last time (around March 31th), I have to download again the full game. And now (so, today), new contents is add and again same problem.


    To repair the client doesn’t fix anything because the message « serious error » will appear too.

    This problem start around December / January 2019. I truly want to know what wrong with my computer.


    Here the log « serious error » :

    This part « (addr=0x000007fd2a383128) » isn’t always the same.

    It can be : (addr=0x000007fb8eb75090), (addr=0x0000000000000020), (addr=0x000007f7fb8d95b8), (addr=0x000007f980bd09d8), etc.


    *--> Crash <--*

    Signal: Segmentation fault: 11 (addr=0x000007fd2a383128)

    App: Gw64

    Pid: 1966

    BaseAddr: 0x0000000000010000

    ProgramId: 101

    Build: 103099

    When: 2020-04-05T04:57:00Z

    Uptime: 00:01:07

    Flags: 0x0


    *--> System <--*

    Name: (mac)


    Processors: 4 (Intel x86-64h Haswell)

    OSVersion: macOS Version 10.11.6 (Build 15G22010)


    *--> System Memory <--*

    Memory: 8192

    ProcessCount: 235


    *--> Process Memory <--*

    Private: 446MB

    WorkingSet: N/A

    PeakWorkingSet: N/A

    PageFaults: N/A


    *--> Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <--*

    [Category] [size(MB)] [Count]

    Root 93.225671

    Programmer Data 50.981038

    Uncategorized 35.793878

    Collections 29.74355

    Dictionary 24.0841

    I/O 20.88520

    Archive 19.2631

    Collide Havok 6.45755

    Collide 6.45755

    Set 4.757

    File Service 1.4215

    Asset Service 0.20471

    Networking 0.1634

    Event 0.135

    Game 0.0556

    Content 0.021

    Engine 0.0111

    Msg 0.019

    Model-Programmer 0.011

    Threading 0.008

    UI 0.0024

    Web Browser 0.0010

    BTree 0.006

    CharClient 0.005


    *--> Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <--*

    [Category] [size(MB)] [Count]

    Uncategorized 35.793878

    Dictionary 24.0841

    Archive 19.2631

    Collide Havok 6.45755

    Set 4.757

    File Service 1.4215

    Collections 0.91301

    Asset Service 0.20471

    Networking 0.1525

    Event 0.135

    Game 0.0246

    Content 0.021

    Msg 0.019

    Model-Programmer 0.011

    Threading 0.008

    Web Browser 0.0010

    BTree 0.006

    CharClient 0.005

    Services 0.0011

    Text 0.001

    UI 0.0014

    Programmer Data 0.002

    Gr Material 0.004

    Download 0.001


    *--> DllList <--*

    /Applications/Guild Wars 2 64-bit.app/Contents/MacOS/GuildWars2
















































































































































































    /Applications/Guild Wars 2 64-bit.app/Contents/Frameworks/Gw64.framework/Gw64

    /Applications/Guild Wars 2 64-bit.app/Contents/Frameworks/Gw64.framework/Versions/GuildWars2.103099/libCoherentUI.dylib

    /Applications/Guild Wars 2 64-bit.app/Contents/Frameworks/Gw64.framework/Versions/GuildWars2.103099/libBink2Macx64.dylib

    /Applications/Guild Wars 2 64-bit.app/Contents/Frameworks/Gw64.framework/Versions/GuildWars2.103099/libfmodex.dylib

    /Applications/Guild Wars 2 64-bit.app/Contents/Frameworks/Gw64.framework/Versions/GuildWars2.103099/libumbra31ob64.dylib














































    *--> World State <--*


    *--> Thread 0x1181c5d0 <--*


    *--> Trace <--*

    PC Rt : Args

    00000000`0155f519 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

    00000000`0155d263 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

    00000000`0155f083 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

    00000000`0155c279 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

    00000000`0154ade8 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

    00000000`0000001a 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

    00000000`00002b00 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

    00000000`015539a2 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

    00000000`015596de 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

    00000000`0155332f 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

    00000000`00314da1 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

    00000000`00000249 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000

    00000000`00000001 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000


    *--> Stack <--*

    00007fff`501502d0 00007fff`501502d0 00000001`1a82c000 00000030`00000010 00007fff`50150330 ...P................0...`e......

    00007fff`501502f0 00007fff`501506d0 00000001`11ce6560 00007fd2`a1502db0 00000001`1a82c000 ...P....`e.......-P.............

    00007fff`50150310 00000001`119ccac2 00007fff`8ac3d0e0 00007fff`50150370 00000001`1127cb9a ................p..P......'.....

    00007fff`50150330 00000001`0faed000 00007fd2`a1502bc0 00007fd2`a140b180 00000000`00080000 .........+P.......@.............

    00007fff`50150350 00000000`00100000 00000001`11ad0b1d 00007fff`501503c0 00000001`1a82c000 ...................P............

    00007fff`50150370 00007fff`501503a0 00000001`1127e9a3 00007fff`501508f0 00007fd2`a1720360 ...P......'........P....`.r.....

    00007fff`50150390 00000001`11273190 00000000`00000000 00007fff`501503b0 00000001`1127bb99 .1'................P......'.....

    00007fff`501503b0 00007fff`501504b0 00000001`1126a708 00000001`11ce5e08 00000000`00000002 ...P......&......^..............

    00007fff`501503d0 00007fff`50150420 00000001`119897c2 00000000`000000a4 00000001`119898bc ..P............................

    00007fff`501503f0 00000000`00000001 00007fff`50150410 00007fff`50150418 00000000`ffffffff ...........P.......P............

    00007fff`50150410 00000000`00000000 00000001`11a48d64 203a6c61`6e676953 61746e65`6d676553 ........d.......Signal: Segmenta

    00007fff`50150430 75616620`6e6f6974 28203131`203a746c 3078303d`72646461 32646637`30303030 tion fault: 11 (addr=0x000007fd2

    00007fff`50150450 29383231`33383361 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 a383128)........................

    00007fff`50150470 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ................................

    00007fff`50150490 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 5500da20`8ee729d2 00007fff`50150958 .................).. ..UX..P....

    00007fff`501504b0 00007fff`501504c0 00007fff`8242252a 00007fff`50150a10 00000000`00002b00 ...P....*%B........P.....+......

    00007fff`501504d0 001dffff`70839fa1 00000000`00002b00 00000000`00000000 00000004`0000000e ...p.....+......................

    00007fff`501504f0 000007fd`2a383128 700007fd`2a38310e 00000000`00000001 000007fd`2a383108 (18*.....18*...p.........18*....

    00007fff`50150510 00000000`00000018 00007fd2`a140dca0 00007fff`81478fd9 00007fff`50150a10 ..........@.......G........P....

    00007fff`50150530 00007fff`50150a10 00000000`00000010 00007fd2`a1705658 00007fd2`a3034590 ...P............XVp......E......

    00007fff`50150550 00000001`11e57838 00007fd2`a1720360 00000001`11ad0b1d 00000001`11273190 8x......`.r..............1'.....

    00007fff`50150570 00000000`00000000 00007fff`8ac3cec1 00000000`00010202 00000000`0000002b ........................+.......

    00007fff`50150590 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`0220037f .......................... .....

    00007fff`501505b0 00000000`901539e3 00000000`50150110 0000ffff`00001fa1 00000000`00000000 .9.........P....................

    00007fff`501505d0 00000000`0000ffff 00000000`00000100 00000000`0000ffff 00000000`00000000 ................................

    00007fff`501505f0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ff800000`00000000 ................................

    00007fff`50150610 00000000`0000c00a b0000000`00000000 00000000`00004003 c696452a`fe800000 .................@..........*E..

    00007fff`50150630 00000000`00004027 d53b2d4d`3e8865dd 00000000`00004009 00000000`00000000 '@.......e.>M-;..@..............

    00007fff`50150650 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ................................

    00007fff`50150670 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ................................

    00007fff`50150690 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ................................

    00007fff`501506b0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00ff00ff`00ff00ff ................................


    0 Gw64 0x000000011127ed89 EntryPoint + 22410345

    1 Gw64 0x000000011127e69a EntryPoint + 22408570

    2 Gw64 0x000000011127cb9a EntryPoint + 22401658

    3 Gw64 0x000000011127e9a3 EntryPoint + 22409347

    4 Gw64 0x000000011127bb99 EntryPoint + 22397561

    5 Gw64 0x000000011126a708 EntryPoint + 22326760

    6 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff8242252a _sigtramp + 26

    7 ??? 0x0000000000002b00 0x0 + 11008

    8 Gw64 0x00000001112732c2 EntryPoint + 22362530

    9 Gw64 0x0000000111278ffe EntryPoint + 22386398

    10 Gw64 0x0000000111272c4f EntryPoint + 22360879

    11 Gw64 0x00000001100346c1 EntryPoint + 3231137

    12 GuildWars2 0x000000010fab00a9 main + 585

    13 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff8b6695ad start + 1


    *--> Error Logs <--*


    *--> OpenGL Info <--*

    Version: 4.1 INTEL-10.14.74

    Renderer: Intel® HD Graphics 6000

    Vendor: Intel Inc.



    Thank you very much.

  6. It was bugging for a long long time. But now, I discover there are different achievements require to input the password. Players are very friendly and help but it isn't very convenient to always ask somebody for the password. Could you please fix it ASAP or send an in game mail everyday to Mac user for the password ?


    Map : Grothmar Valley

    Point of Interest : Recon Cove

    Bug : Cannot see the password at Ash Legion Camp


    Thank you very much.

  7. Just a thought. Maybe you enjoy playing Mesmer because it was a strong class. Honestly, if Mesmer was the weakest class, will you play it that much ? Maybe, that prove this class needed a bit of change.


    I’m a casual player that play for the fun. For me PvP, it is more about team, strategy, leadership and not about how fast 1 player can kill another (that is deadmatch)


    From a team we don’t pick how will we manage to get the win, that it is the challenge I see on PvP. Knowing my team could be bots, players very skillful, players not skillful at all, players with bad Internet, a player that receive a very important phone call during the fight, players with no idea what to do, players wanted to try a new class, players without strategy, players just wanted to kill, etc. If players don't want that, only on choice : create their own team (they can event ask for a CV and do an interview).


    It is a game and I have a lot to fun playing it event if my Internet is very bad.


    Enjoy ! Have fun !

  8. Hi,


    I start the game in France on the UE server, move to China and change for a NA server. For around 5-6 months in China, I could play the game without too much trouble. But now, the connection isn’t stable at all : lost connection, lag, download time extremely long, restart gw2 client, etc. I don’t use VPN. With a VPN look like is even worst (maybe I got a wrong VPN to play game). I’m on Mac. Some time frame are not so bad but still the gameplay become a supplice.

    Already contact gw2 support and so far, no solutions seem to make a difference.


    Anybody in China playing on a NA or UE servers ? What is your experience and if you encounter the same problem how do you solve it ?


    Thank you.

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