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Posts posted by Skyronight.6370

  1. Condi rev was keeping in check these 2 button condi builds like condi thief and burn guard that can 100-0 you instantly if you dont have a decent amount of cleanse. Now other easier side node builds like core guard, renegade, ranger ( with passive pet ccs , passive dmg) will take its place. Condi rev was actually not hard to fight if u knew how the class worked, i was able to beat condi revs on a power thief, power rev, symbolbrand, power soulbeast. A bad condi rev would still die very fast to thief +1 aswell cuz u could easely steal into their block and kill them pretty easely. Some side node builds r legit not killable even if the player is rly bad cuz its way too tanky, like core ranger with protect me and passive pet ccs, they just afk on node while the pet is taxing your health and you can lose a 1v1 because you got hit by a random cc that interupts your heal.


    It was a healthy side node build aside from the fact that it was shutting down some condi builds too hard which they should have nerfed res uptime by 20-30% and not 60% making it a low damage build, low moblity and also low sustain.


    We all know there is not enough cleanse in this game and condis are way overtuned to have any sort of counter play against them, alot of condi builds barely have an animation and once u get condi bombed, even if u heal u still gonna die cuz condis are ticking theres just not enough counterplay. The fact that condi rev became a side noder just proves how broken condis are in this game.


    I hope you all will enjoy pvp with tons of burn guards and condi thieves, and symbol core guard, rangers and renegades as side noders dropping aoe on node while being afk. The truth is once u nerf something, other things that are far more toxic will become meta and take its place.



  2. idk how ppl can be so deluisonal to realize no other class can fill that role, not even power rev since it gets countered by everything in this meta. even for the current meta side noders, some classes can take that role but for thief nothing else comes close, theres need to be some balancing

  3. resistance is fair considering theres things like stealth and complete dmg immunity like distortion or evade frames that can be chained or barriers. Resistance can be corrupted , removed, interupted etc. you cant remove distortion, stealth or evade frames. Condi rev needs to be in the meta so things like burn guard and condi thief, condi mes dont plague the game. Condi rev will be weaker vs power dmg after patch. If crev was weak to power and weak to condi it would be useless since its also the lowest damage condi build of all builds. A crev cant 100-0 someone like any other condi spec can.

  4. > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > @"Skyronight.6370" said:

    > > Every1 keeps talking about holos and revs but people forgot how thief has been the best roamer class for the entire existence of the game with the exception of HoT launch where rev replaced thief for a few months. If you wanna play any sort of glass cannon roamer +1 spec thats not a thief well good luck because its not viable as soon as you re in plat and even less in at/mat.

    > >

    > > Thief needs some nerfs in the next patch to make other roamers more viable. just how the current side noders need nerfs to make other side noders more viable. Either nerf thief or buff some other specs that could fit the same role. Even power rev is dead now, every1 just went condi side node in tournaments and high tier pvp.


    > So you want the most squishy, mediocre damage class in the game to not have the best mobility? Man I sure hope a-net hires you to manage balance, so I can finally quit this game.




    if you think thief is squishy try playing any other full zerker glass cannon build and see how fast you die compared to thief. you will get easely focused and die cuz you dont have an insta cast 1200 range teleport or stealth on demand and evades.

  5. Every1 keeps talking about holos and revs but people forgot how thief has been the best roamer class for the entire existence of the game with the exception of HoT launch where rev replaced thief for a few months. If you wanna play any sort of glass cannon roamer +1 spec thats not a thief well good luck because its not viable as soon as you re in plat and even less in at/mat.


    Thief needs some nerfs in the next patch to make other roamers more viable. just how the current side noders need nerfs to make other side noders more viable. Either nerf thief or buff some other specs that could fit the same role. Even power rev is dead now, every1 just went condi side node in tournaments and high tier pvp.

  6. It makes no sense for holo to do random 4-5k dmg spikes from autoattacks that also blind you without an ICD. Holo does too much dmg for how tanky it is, its like how core ranger was, core ranger side noder has been nerfed but holo is still the same. im hoping for some changes in the next patch

  7. > @"anjo.6143" said:

    > Wait, there is some ppl thinking rev is not overperforming? Oh my


    its because of delusion, im a main rev and all i see in 3v3s is crev, fb and necro comps, i dont see anything else. its why im trying to bring in some ideas on how to nerf rev without making it useless like they did to chrono and druid etc

  8. > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

    > Let me tell u that the 90% of the only solutions the devs would consider is increasing the energy costs... and initiative costs for thieves... sry mate


    yeah its what they do its a lazy way of balancing because it dosent solve the problem. it just makes the class less enjoyable to play cuz you cant use any of your abilities with high energy costs

  9. We know that rev is overperforming in PvP right now specifically the condition herald and renegade to an extent, the biggest problem with condi mallyx herald was not the energy cost but the resistance uptime, increasing energy cost on mallyx skills just made rev clunkier to play and just more risky since you have a higher chance of getting killed instantly without being able to use your stun break because of an absurd energy cost ( something that happened in NA mat final actually despite being on of the best revs in the game, the rev from team usa just insta died a few times).


    The reason why condition herald is overpowered is because of these 2 traits, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Demonic_Defiance , https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fiendish_Tenacity

    condi herald is able to maintain near perma resistance which basically makes it immune to condi builds which is obviously game breaking to be almost immune to 1 source of damage, an easy fx would be to reduce the resistance on both of these traits by 1 second and revert the energy cost so condi rev dosent have to waste his entiere energy bar just to be able to use a break stun. That way there would be a higher window during which the condi rev can still receive condi damage.

    Another issue is the f2 transfer which barely has an animation, they need to add a better animation to powerful ablities which dosent only apply to herald but the game in general. Shrio f2 facet active effect almost looks the same as the passive effect when you activate, f2 just needs a better animation to be able to react accordingly.


    Renegade is also becoming more problematic as people started to notice how powerful it is and after EU won mat with 3 of them, the biggest issue with renegade is this ability

    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Darkrazor%27s_Daring , its a pulsing aoe daze thats insta cast and has a massive aoe, it just promotes lazy gameplay , kinda like symbol brand by just being able to spam aoe with minimal effort and without having to land any abilities. Simply make this skill only daze one time when used instead of a pulsing daze. Renegade sustain is also too high because of the life steal from https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Soulcleave%27s_Summit . Reduce the life siphon healing by10-15% to shave the sustain on renegade and make it less tankier.

    With these simple changes this game will alrdy be alot better and they can apply these changes before mota tournament without affecting the teams too much.


  10. When people talk about gw2 balance the main thing they refer to is how strong/overpowered a build is, but if its only a problem when few people play it its not as much of an issue if everyone is able to play a build and make it OP.


    A good exemple of balance i would say is something like guardian which is a very easy class but its not the best class, which means it has a low skill floor and a low skill cap. Something like herald has a high skillcap and high skillfloor and most people consider herald to be OP. But if we look at mechanically weaker players, are they really useful on herald? not really, they just die easely before they even have a chance to do anything compared to guardian that can spam alot of blocks, aoes and has an elite that resets all their cds so they can cycle through their cooldowns again before they die.


    If we look at this meta and the previous balance patches, necro before the nerfs to sustain was an exemple of an easy and efffective class. tons of sustain and decent dmg and pressure and even 1v1 ability before the nerfs, now its balanced and not OP, same with reaper, reaper is also a very easy spec it dosent have much to it and its balanced because its easely focused and dosent have many ways to mitigate damage.


    Now the things that are not balanced, when it comes to how easy it is to play the class vs the reward: condi thief, core ranger, renegade, burn guardian ( only burn , other type of guardians are fine).


    All these builds have something in common, they are all very easy to play and are extremely effective regardless of your skill level. condi thief can kill some1 with legit 2 buttons, same with burn guardian. Core ranger and renegade just win 1v1s for free vs most of the builds in this game without having to do much. a ranger can miss all their skills, play really poorly and still win because the pet hits you for 6-7k . A renegade can just drop aoe on the node and full cap most people for free without having to do much.


    When anet devs look at balance, always consider the difficulty of the build. you dont want to make the average player good because of a build, and you dont want to do the opposite either, it is fine for easier builds to exist, not every1 has good reaction time or good ping, every1 should be able to play pvp but easy builds should not be the most effective.


    it dosent mean higher skill cap classes dont need nerfs, it just means it dosent need as many nerfs as people ask for because they get outplayed but dont realize it. sometimes people think they should be able to stand still, press random buttons on their skillbar and not dodge any abilities and win, and if they dont win the other class is overpowered, you might think its funny but alot of the casual gw2 playerbase actually thinks that way. It dosent even cross their mind they are not playing good and automatically assume whatever killed them is overpowered and needs to be nerfed.


    Anet just neeeds to be careful with balance changes and take class/build difficulty in consideration . i still believe herald , holo are a bit overtuned despite being harder to play classes, explosive entrance needs a nerf and rev healing skills need to be nerfed to make up for the fact that it has 2 healing skills instead of 1 like other classes. Theres other things aswelll but anet definitely needs to focus on easier builds first, that way its alot less problematic if 20 people can make a build OP vs half of the gw2 pvp playerbase being able to achieve the same results without much effort.



  11. > @"Atronach.8520" said:

    > The stuff people are complaining about is actually Marksmanship traitline, and not pets. Pets themselves do mediocre damage and those that actually deal some are squishy as hell( except smokescale which is the only actually good ranger pet atm). And the damage/cc is not random at all. Ranger can put pet on 'stay away' mode and f1 to actually proc pet stuff semi reliably when it's needed. Not just the F2 ability.

    > The biggest problem remains pet pathing/behaviour in some cases, which was complained about since release.


    people are complnaning about getting randomly cced without the ranger doing anything, has nothing to do with pet dmg

  12. Passive CCs of ranger are a huge issue when it comes to balance , they have little to no animation and are activated passively without the ranger doing anything, after they added animations for things like staff 5 on rev and shroud 3 on necro, ranger pets need the same treatment, remove all pet ccs entirely that are passive and only keep the active ones for more counterplay, ranger has always been on of the best 1v1 classes mainly due to lack of counter play when it comes to passive ccs.


    Getting randomly cced in a 1v1 or team fight can literally just make you lose the fight because of rng passives. If ranger mains think passive ccs are fair then add a passive cc to every class. every 15 seconds or so every classs should be able to knock you down passively without any tell, that sounds balanced to you? if it this then go ahead and add that to every class. if not please remove passive ranger CCs to make pvp more interactive and less passive rng.

  13. 1.5 sec cast time for an interupt skill is way too long it compeletly defeats the purpose of having that cc skill because it already does no dmg and now the cast time is way too long too compared to other CC skills that have been reworked like necro shroud 3 that has a 3/4 sec cast time . Also some classes still have insta cast CC skills like D/F weaver has alot of them that also do massive damage. I just dont understand how they can nerf some stuff so hard on 1 class and leave it the same on others? Can you make every CC skill 3/4 second cast time for balance purpose so it can be fair across all classes.

  14. i dont even think the damage is the issue its the duration itself, being invisible for an extended period of time is just not good for the game, its fine if you can 1 shot some1 when you only got like 3-5 seconds to perform the one shot but if you got a century like in the current perma stealth meta then its very problematic thats why a cap of 3-5 seconds would make a lot of sense

  15. > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

    > There's a lot of noise around this topic re overpowered builds etc but the fundemental issue is that in pvp a fight where 1 player spends a significant time invisible and as a result has control of engagement is poor gameplay. , this creates 2 sets of behaviours 1) invisible guy is constantly seeking deadly from invis and 2). Non invis player has to spend significant game time trying to find a target to engage and avoiding this deadly from an invisible player.


    > Poor gameplay pure and simple - invis should be a pve concern only, or a long cool down get out of jail free skill in pvp.


    Theres just need to be a cap to stealth that way blocking or dodging would actually work because i know sooner or later they will come out of stealth, if the duration is too long you cant do anything because they can just wait till you waste everything to one shot out of stealth, thats the issue, its the duration not stealth itself

  16. Before people say " just dodge" its not that simple considering you can keep reapplying stealth over and over until the enemy is out of cooldowns or you just catch them by surprise for the 1 shot. Even top tier teams are now just restealthing over and over to gain the upperhand in the first engage until they one shot someone. So who ever stays in stealth longer wins? That seems like a perfectly healthy and esports worthy game design right? its why this game has millions of viewers on twitch. Obviously not for those that didn't get this sarcasm, but toxic mechanics like 1 shot out of stealth / passive traits / passive CCs ( rangers pets) and etc has to go.


    This is not the only thing that made people quit over the years but its one of them hopefully anet does something about it in the upcoming balance patch, dont just tweak numbers, tweak toxic unhealthy mechanics things like overcharged shot for example, a long CC with no animation, or a gazelle hitting people for 12k + passive the CC or thiefs pistol whip being a stun and a evade at the same time. Theres alot of unhealthy game mechanics that need to change with the balance patch but stealth is a big issue right now and is gonna be even a bigger issue after they nerf pistol whip and every1 will go back to 1 shot DP thief/ mesmer combo.


    Just cap stealth duration to 3-5 seconds and after that people get automatically revealed for 5 seconds until they can gain acces to stealth again. this would alrdy help this game mode by a lot with a simple change like that, so 2 teams wouldnt be able to just perma stealth for 30 secs until the other runs out so they can 1 shot them first.

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