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Posts posted by Skyronight.6370

  1. > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

    > > @"UfoCoffee.2084" said:

    > > > @"Julius Seizure.4985" said:

    > > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

    > > > > > @"Caine.8204" said:

    > > > > > > @"phokus.8934" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Caine.8204" said:

    > > > > > > > Nerf Distortion by 1s, have it only grant distortion when you shatter an illusion.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Trait that gives blind on Shatter: ICD of 3 seconds (per target)

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Have mirage cloak count as a block instead of an evade, so unblockable attacks can still hit the Mesmer.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Balanced.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > It’s a good thing you’re not working for ANet. I’ve read some bad ideas but this is near the top.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > They have a 70% chance to evade or avoid an attack, while having some of the highest single target damage in the game. They also have access to permanent regen, and then protection through chaos armor/chaos storms.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If anything, having the dodge count as a block rather than a complete evade would bring them into balanced territory.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Having a blind on every shatter is also a root cause of their invulnerability. Either nerf this, nerf the distortion, nerf the dodge, or all 3.

    > > > >

    > > > > Mirage Cloak isn’t being changed to a block, so let’s take that off the board right away.

    > > >

    > > > I agree, Mirage Cloak needs to lock out actions during it’s animation and then provide a 2 second window to activate an ambush skill. It needs to be a normal dodge that doesn’t apply counter pressure or allow freely protected heals/stomps/rez etc.

    > > >

    > > > Here is a list of things that would STILL make Mirage Cloak better than base dodge:

    > > >

    > > > * Can still dodge when Immobilized.

    > > > * Can still dodge when CCed.

    > > > * Still has 33% more evade frames (1 seconds vs 3/4).

    > > > * Still allows for better positioning/control.

    > > >

    > > > Mirage will pretty much never be balanced unless this happens. The only other option is to so completely gut core skills and traits but then base Mesmer and Chrono will suffer.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Chrono is nearly as bad as mirage. Spamming an army of pets cluttering the screen, insane survivability. Whoever is in charge of mesmer balance must be constantly high. Nerf axe power damage again......


    > Nerfing the straight DPS of axe again won't do anything as long as their are condi applications to it. I dont see many DPS axe builds compared to condi.


    it needs a complete revamp, basically the whole spec needs to be using abilities to do damage and not apply damage through clones. also instead of torment and confusion it should be other conditions so people can actually play their character and not just sit there and die because you cant move or attack with torment and confusion. Also evading attacks while moving and casting is increidbly game breaking, mirage just needs a nerf+ revamp to make it balanced and not toxic in pvp

  2. im not sure why mesmer mains are defending this spec, do you realize that once everyone rolls a mirage you wont win any games anymore right, it will just be who can spam buttons faster and proc CI and die from torment/confusion. Its an absolutely skilllesss toxic build that does not belong in pvp and needs to be revamped asap.

  3. It seems like alot of people rerolled to mirage after the patch since it can effectively hold 1v2s like scrapper did but on top of that it can actually kill people unlike scrapper that could not kill anything unless you stood right next to them and face tanked everything. Now the all the power DPS builds have been nerfed, that was an indirect buff to mirage that was already top tier in 1v1s but couldnt carry team fights as hard as a power class but now it can actually team fight aswell which dosent seem balanced considering all the classes have trade offs.


    Rev/scourge for example are strong team fighters but weak in 1v1 while soulbeast/ weaver/spellbreaker are strong in 1v1 but weak in team fights but mirage can do everything on top of having top tier mobility/ disengage , CI and daze mantra which dosent have a cast time and has 1200 range.


    Mirage has too much of everything now after other specs got tuned down, theres no trade offs when playing mirage compared to other specs and its really hard to counter aswell since most of the skills are not telegraphed. The only other spec as strong as mirage is holo but holo is telegraphed, and dosent apply confusion/torment which basically dont allow you to move your character which is another bad design of the class considering PvP is supposed to be about actively reacting to abilities and not the opposite which is how mirage is played and how mirage forces you to play against it since you cant move or use anything when you have torment/confusion.

  4. Since the population is so low in this game, as soon as you get into higher ratings basically plat 2 + the game will expect you to carry 3 silvers- golds in your team while the enemy is stacked with decent players slightly below your rating. If you want to have an enjoyable experience in this game while solo Qing, as soon as you hit 1600 ish rating, you should literally afk in base 5-7 games until you are in high gold again.


    Before people say you lose because " you dont belong there" ill prove to you why its false, as I said in the beginning the game will except YOU to carry the game by YOURSELF which is not possible in a team based game even less if you solo Q, just because you cannot carry 3 silvers in your team it dosent mean you dont belong where you are.


    its also why most top players dont play the game or play on alts because you are punished for winning games, the higher elo you are, the worse your teammates will be, thats the worst part, you wont even fight stronger players, you will just fight the same people you were fighting 10 games ago before your win streak but this time you will have 3 silvers on your team instead of 3 plats.


    Anyways its not like it matters since theres maybe 3 seasons left before they shut down pvp completly but i was just pointing this out for those who still want to enjoy the game before its dead, if you want to have good balanced games dont go higher than 1600 rating solo Q or else you will be expected to carry 3 silvers vs full plat+ team.




  5. Am I the only one who thinks downstate should not exist in raids? Since its the hardest content in the game, I feel like downstate ruins the whole "hardcore" experience that raids are supposed to be. There is no punishment for going down aside from losing DPS when people res. Its like having an infinite amount of lives. it would be nice if they removed downstate from raids and increased the rewards to compensate otherwise it just feels like DPSing a golem its not challenging if theres no risk.


    Or at least they could add a hard mode without downstate with greatly increased rewards and keep the current one this way. Some mechanics might need adjustments to make up for downstate removal but overall it would make raids much more interesting.

  6. I unlocked both mounts not long ago and I noticed that griffon has no use anymore after getting skyscale since you cannot gain altitude with the griffon its only useful if you are already in elevated spots like in dragonfall. Griffon is literally just a fast glider that can somewhat fly if you already have alot of altitude like I mentionned but skyscale can go anywhere. Also the misconception of Skyscale being "slow" is false, its actually faster than the griffon if you dont have enough space to swoop because skyscale has that dash ability in the air. It makes sense for skyscale to be better since its much harder to unlock but I just never use griffon anymore unless im in dragonfall or something. I think griffon should fly faster than skyscale at base speed without having to swoop and wing flap should bring you up higher aswell.

  7. I tried checking out gw2 pvp again after getting bored of battle royale games and I just got reminded again why I left in the first place. Nowadays silver players get paired with rank 1-10 players from leaderboard because the population has never been lower and theres reasons for that.


    1. lack of updates towards pvp, it has never changed and stayed the same, couple of new maps and no other changes



    2. power creep from elite specs, basically arena net has turned everyone into a super hero while having no downsides in their build like pre hot, theres no more giving up damage for sustain or for mobility, every build has everything and large AoE spam resulting in low skill floor which creates unbalanced matches since everyone is a God that means nobody is a god. Its like playing CS GO and everyone has aim bot and wall hacks on, how do you determinate who is the better player?



    3. Casual friendly mechanics such as passive traits and the overtuned downstate mechanics, when a player get downed they should be punished for the misplay but instead gw2 is the only game that gives really overpowered abilities in the downstate making it near impossible to win outnumbered fights since its so easy to res and interrupt the stomp, basically its easier to play defensively than offensively thus favoring the casual player more. Imagine playing PUBG squads and the downed player could throw smokes or molotovs at you etc, why is it so hard to kill someone that has already been partially defeated, to balance downstate there should be no abilities available aside from self res and it should take at least 2 other players to get the full res when 1 person is cleaving. Do not reward people for misplays. Same applies to passive traits like passive aegis, passive invul etc, basically making PvP too casual friendly made all the hardcore pvpers quit that are looking for a competitive game which brings me to reason number 4.


    4. The competitive scene of gw2 has always been a niche instead of being the main focus, players were never incentivized to make teams because there was no tournaments and no rewards aside from ESL cups back then. This the game only stayed in a " yolo Q" only state and was never growing as a competitive game and its always been dominated by the same 2-3 teams because of lack of competition. PvP cannot survive without a competitive environment and gw2 never offered that environment except with ESL cups that had great rewards.


    5. Lack of advertisment of the PvP part of the game, basically the PvP population stayed rather low at all times because there was incentive to try it and all the focus was mainly on the living story and the expansions, its like pvp was just a mini game and was something that was not important, even introducing a basic tutorial and giving people a few gold for trying out PvP would have made the population so much bigger and alot of players would end up staying and try to improve and be competitive but instead some people dont even know that pvp exists in gw2 because it was not being talked about.


    6. Edit: Forgot an important one is lack of frequent balance patches . When it takes several months to fix an over performing build, people are not willing to wait till it gets fixed they will just quit and probably will not come back.


    Theres alot more reasons but those are the main ones, its kinda sad to see this because this game had potential but it never reached it.


  8. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Attribute_combinations


    > A complete set of **exotic berserker** yields: 3,087 total stats

    > A complete set of **marauder ascended** yields: 3,612 total stats - 633 (subtract for vitality) = 2,979 total offensive stats


    > Marauder gear would yield slightly less power, more precision and less ferocity at almost the same total offensive stats. Given the damage difference between berserker and marauder of the same quality is around 10-15% loss, the higher tier marauder gear performance would be closer to exotic berserkers.


    > Marauder gear is good enough for medium tier or not hardcore raid/fractal groups. If you are unwilling to craft an ascended berserker set, those are not the groups you should aim for anyway, as such you should be fine.


    what if i had zerker acsended trinckets and weapons but maurader gear, wouldnt it be closer to 5% dps loss instead of 15%? just ascended armor marauder , the rest zerker

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