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Posts posted by Kuma.1503

  1. Community: Nerf Weaver. It's clearly overperforming with its constant heals and evade spam


    Anet: No prob bro I gotchu


    Community: Daredevil is destroying 1v1s with it's constant evade spam


    Anet: Daredevils only have 2 evades in PvP only. Vault evade reduced to 1/4 seconds.


    Community: Wtf are you doing Anet. You nerfed two of the best duelists but left mesmer untouched and now nothing can touch them.


    Anet: We're nerfing both pistol and greatsword.


    Community: Fireb--


    Anet: Nerfed.


    Several months pass. . .


    Community: What were you thinking Anet? Letting druids be this strong in pvp? they bunker a node for days, you can never catch them with all the stealth spam with CA and LB and the evade frames on Sword 2. Nerf it!


    Several more months pass. . .


    Community: What happened to this game? PvP used to take skill. I remember the days when a skilled player could 1v2 or even 1v3. Now everyone just runs in and spams their PvE rotation. It feels like the gap between a skilled player and unskilled player has only gotten smaller over time.


    Wait... why does that last bit sound familiar?


    Right, that's exactly what happened to WoW!


    Be careful what you wish for.



  2. I was caught off guard when I logged on and my toolkit spells were suddenly unusable post overheat. Immediately hopped online to see if it was a bug.


    Speaking purely from a design standpoint, this change will take some getting used to, but I believe that it is a positive change overall. I'm all for making classes more punishing towards careless play. In PvP this helps to balance out holosmith in that, yes they are a class with many outs, and yes they are incredibly adept at controlling the flow of a fight, but should you manage to force them into an overheat, they will be even more vulnerable than before. I don't mind this change at all. This gives me another means to get the leg up on lesser holosmiths in the ditto.


    If i were to give one bit of critisism, I would remove this penalty when taking Photonic Blasing Module. Not only do you want to overheat when taking this trait, but you are forced into overheating. This fact alone makes gives this traitline risky because you are constantly inflicting burn damage to yourself on an already squishy build.

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