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Leo G.4501

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Posts posted by Leo G.4501

  1. I said before I stopped playing that, if they introduce a new race I'd come back for a min of 3 years. It's been, like 2 years so far.


    My first pick would be Tengu but if they gave us Kodan, Largos or Dwarves, I'd accept that too. If they did something crazy like Skritt, I'd just be floored with glee. If they gave us more than one, I don't know what I'd do with myself. I think I'd prefer 1 human-like race and 1 non-human (hopefully to appease as many prospecting players as possible) but I'm not difficult to please in that regard.

  2. You know, I once suggested a new crafting profession around this that maintains the need for transmutation charges but also gives another means of obtaining them:




    Granted, that idea is flawed but in hindsight, I could see it more as a lite-craft that only goes up to lvl 100 and have it more aimed at the players that have a gazillion transmutation charges they don't use and turn it into gold by basically crafting sellable charges.


    Rather than leave the players who spent time farming up charges up a creek by removing charges, now they can capitalize.

  3. Personal opinion: if the core leveling is too easy, you need to be unorthodox. That is to say, the meta gameplay loop is likely going to make standard content infantile which is why I always have a "serious build" and an "experimental build" at the least. The experimental build is usually looking at some facet of the game or profession that is unknown or "subpar" to me and making an attempt to explore and make that facet shine. Understandably, you're not going to make anything amazing but at the least you can gain an appreciation of something you would otherwise not use or give a greater purpose in improving less meta parts of the game.


    Some might see that as just handicapping yourself but I see it more like using the game for the sandbox it is.


    Homing in on the newer player experience, that's going to rely more on the bulk of players. Maybe have an option to force the content to scale higher for vet players (a feature you can disable in options) so it's more likely you'll see those low level contents scaled as if 5-15 players are around when there are only 2-3. That doesn't necessarily make the content harder but it would make it more entertaining.

  4. > @"VocalThought.9835" said:

    > > @"Biff.5312" said:

    > > If it was going to happen, Tengu is the only one that makes much sense to me. However, I don't think there's any lack of variety now in the number of race/profession combos. There's simply no need for a new race, and given that there's no particular racial bonuses in the game, it really seems pointless.


    > Everything isn't about advantages or bonuses. Somethings are just about satisfaction. Plenty of players would just be satisfied to play a Tengu.


    I have a slot and name reserved specifically for a Tengu Necromancer. The targeted motif would be a plague doctor (of course) and I have reserved myself from playing Necromancer ever (so it would be a wholly new learning experience). If it never happens, oh well. If it does happen, it would be satisfying indeed.

  5. > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"Oxstar.7643" said:

    > > > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > > > @"Lonami.2987" said:

    > > > > * They don't need a new Personal Story, and the old stories don't need to be adapted for them. New races get a short introduction, and then start their story right as the expansion begins. Previous stories are not available (play the old races if you want to experience them).

    > > >

    > > > How does that work with the story? Currently, it makes sense since the story builds up to our character becoming Aurene's champion to bring balance to the world.

    > > >

    > > > Now you want to throw in a new race, which was not part of the pact previously, and they are Aurene's champion out of nowhere? And the forthgoing story keeps treating us as the guy who was always at Aurene's side since her birth, yet we were not around when that actually happened?

    > > >

    > > > If the story is supposed to make any sense with a new race, then you have to add them retrospectively. Not just as a random soldier who joined the fight when we travelled towards Cantha.

    > >

    > > But this concept has been done before in mmorpgs. Remember WoW and the death knights? They skipped over a large part of the story but had their unique own story, and then joined the main story after that. Now let's assume a new race that starts in Cantha is pre-leveled to the lowest level area and this is where they start. It would focus on what most people come to the expansion for anyways, and bring a unique sense to the race. It could actually work.


    > I never played WoW, so I am not sure how that was handled there exactly and how the story plays out.


    > Is there something similar like the Aurene situation? Like I mentioned, the difficult part is that the protagonist is supposed to be Aurene's champion since her birth. We have a strong link to her and it is defining the entire story. Our relationship with Aurene is the base of everything that is going on, how we are defeating the elder dragons and let Aurene take their place in the natural order and such.


    > New races would struggle to find into this story, since they simply **can't** be Aurene's champion when they joined the pact just with our travel to Cantha. That's why the race would need to get added retrospectively, which comes with it's own problems.


    Simple. Aurene dies. Easy clap.


    Or Aurene ascends and doesn't need a "champion". Stories are supposed to be unpredictable and varied. If you can't fathom a probable solution, you're not thinking outside the box.

  6. > @"Atomos.7593" said:

    > > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > > > @"Atomos.7593" said:

    > > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

    > > > > > TL;DR everything, maybe I'm on target or way off base

    > > > > >

    > > > > > It's too early to worry about something we know nothing about.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > People worried about elite specs, now we rarely use the core professions

    > > > > Well, the main worry _was_ that the elite specs will be a flat out upgrade and will replace core classes. Which is exactly what happened.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > I do feel that the especs have essentially replaced the cores. Based on the professions I have played, I would never choose cores only over especs. I also think that it may have made "balancing" professions and content more difficult since there are many more builds to account for. I personally wouldn't mind even if there were no more specializations introduced ever because there is more than enough variety right now to satisfy me.

    > >

    > > I keep hoping that a rebalance will make cores meta again, along with the elites. I'm an optimist.

    > >


    > In all the classes I have played there is no reason whatsoever to pick a core spec over espec. I am hoping for such a balance too but it seems like a lot of people just want more especs instead. The core specs allow for a lot of different play styles that could have been made viable in all content. I am guessing part of the reason especs are better and will probably remain so is that you need to purchase the expansions to unlock them.


    It wouldn't be the first time they completely overhauled the traits.


    I think a common positive solution was making the 3rd line the ~focused~ line where you get a few extra perks attached to whatever you put in that line, meaning for non-elite specs, you can pick one of the core lines as the focus. Wouldn't be compatible with e-specs, of course, since you'd have to pick your e-spec traitline in that same focused line (and wouldn't grant any additional perks).


    Would also give a bit of a push as you're leveling (I know, no one levels naturally anymore) to unlock that last trait line for a super boost over the normal 2 trait line unlocks.


    I have no idea if anyone has been keeping up talk about the idea and I have only come back to the forums recently.

  7. > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > This is highly unnecessary. They can add tents near beaches like they did in the festival. Mass amounts of players running around in swimsuits or even a few would look dumb. It's fine in the areas of the game where it makes sense.


    Yeah, and mounts are highly unnecessary. They should add NPCs near Mount race areas and challenges were you need a specific mount to proceed and ride. Mass amounts of players running around on mounts in cities and low level areas looks dumb. It's fine in the PoF areas of the game where it makes sense.




    Do people still complain about mounts like that? Not arguing the legitimacy of such limitations but limiting where you can use a swim suit would help far less than limiting mounts. At least one would preserve the gameplay of early zones and new players.

  8. > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

    > I never understood why people want such irrelevant kitten all the time...


    I always get a chuckle out of these knee-jerk, obtuse reactions as if it's some bizarre foreign addition.


    If you can answer this question, you've just answered your own question: why have *ANY* skins in the game at all and not just default skins for everything?

  9. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > linking stats to them

    > I don't recall anyone asking for that.

    > The armour skins they sold in the gem store at the early stages of the game had no stats to them either.


    I'm talking about the mock up for the whole system, i.e. you get +stats on your gloves vs a system that just puts your stat gains in a separate window and your "armor" is just a costume for your character. So yeah, the obtainable skins don't have stats but they have to be attached to something with stats. Imagine if you could decide if you want to wear gloves or no gloves at all? Or have a bare chest or something. There is no "nothing" skin except for feet and there isn't an option to "turn off" certain armor skin options except head and shoulders.


    > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > What (most) people want is being able to mix and match the outfits with armour pieces, or **at least be able to hide certain parts,** like shoulders and gloves.

    > And since this isn't possible with outfits, they are disliked by many.


    You're conflating a lot of people into a single group. Asking to have outfits improved (what that sentence is asking) is a completely different thing than what this thread is asking. If you look into some of my post history, giving outfits unique "toggles" to turn various aspects on and off is an improvement to outfits I've suggested several times...and it doesn't just have to be "section", it could be a glowing effect or a layer. And that is a viable suggestion since outfits themselves are completely stand-alone and thus can be created as such without needing to re-design every other outfit or boxing the design into body section modules.


    Asking to "break up" the outfits into parts, if that is what's being asked, should really focus on finding specific outfits most suited for that transition and make *THAT* the request rather than just a blanket statement (it would also sound like less work thus more likely to gain traction).

    > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > And I don't.

    > To me, outfits are equivalent to _"We want your money, but we can't be bothered to create what you **actually** want."_


    The outfits that they have released I enjoyed the majority of them. Just because it's not your flavor of "We want your money" doesn't make you sound less entitled.

  10. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > Another part is they'd have to make 3 versions of an outfit piece which is dumb excessive work.


    > If Arenanet hadn't split armour types **in the first place,** it wouldn't be a problem.

    > Arenanet created that problem and now the players suffer for it.


    You're preaching to the choir. I've long criticized aspects of the cosmetics all the way to the point of even attaching stats to the pieces at all. If the game progression is about not forcing a gear treadmill, what's the point of giving them stats at all? One positive most don't give outfits credit for is that it is a divorce between cosmetics and gear which should have been the case from the start.


    It makes a lot of complications from inventory to build template UI that is all unnecessary.


    But yes, splitting the armor into 3 weights while also linking stats to them (so you can't overlook any of those slots when designing armor) AND needing to make them for each race....it funnels a lot of creative freedom in designing unique looks that can fit together and you start getting into "same-y" territory the more armor you make. I commend Anet for the work they did do and I appreciate that they gave us outfits to round out some of the restrictions that system creates.


    I'm not against any suggestions put forth in the thread, tho. I just want a couple more new races with some more lore and animations, pls.

  11. Ah, the same old rag on hating outfits likely being the same people that kitten on people who ask for more races stating the reason is because it would be too much work to fit them with the armor system... While asking for more complications to said system by "splitting" outfits into parts.


    That it's easier to make outfits than armor sets is only a part of it. Another part is they'd have to make 3 versions of an outfit piece which is dumb excessive work. The big part is most outfits do not conform to the armor system designs. Some of the outfits are seemlessly designed rather than modulized by feet/legs/body/torso/shoulders/head/back. You can't break most of them up without making them cover multiple slots.


    Personally, I'd rather have 3 new races that can only wear the outfits rather than bastardizing the outfit designs so they can be broken up and then making 3 versions of the broken up parts.

  12. > @"Clyan.1593" said:

    > I'd like to see every map being ultra hard to play through. Basically all mobs have CM mechanics and litter your whole screen with effects and aoes constantly.

    > What I don't want to see is Braham.


    Thinking about it, wouldn't it be cool if every zone had a "Normal" node where it's standard difficulty and events and then a "Berserk" node where the difficulty was ramped up, the events were constant, overwhelming and require a guild to make progress in (aka not solo-able or casual) and you could swap to the different nodes at waypoints.

  13. Personally,


    * I wouldn't turn down anything but specifically, I want more playable races. As is, I have a male and female of every race (except male Norn) with duplicates of Ranger, Warrior and Elementalist. I still don't have a Necro or Rev and I'd like to play them as a new race.


    Don't Want:

    * Skin focus. There will obviously be new skins but I've lost interest in them since they are all very similar with slightly different flavors of "floaty stuff", "flashing lights" and "75 layers on top of layers". Dial back new skins and focus on anything else! There are so many options now, dipping into options bloat. The main purpose of a bloat of options is to harbor a unique look for your characters...there are plenty of options for that already.

  14. Anet has been keeping an eye on the things players want for a while and look where its gotten them...


    In a saturated market, they should have had a clear vision of what they wanted to make their game to be (and how it'd be different from others) *before* pushing the product to market. Pandering to the next bandwagon, money-making, trendy, new and popular craze always peeters out eventually and then you're left in a cycle of appeasing an ever shifting audience wanting different things or risk losing them.


    Well, at least you got mounts out of it (the best mounts of any game, IMO). Unpopular opinion, but I think they need to *stop* listening to disgruntled fans and just make the game they want to make.

  15. > @"Neutra.6857" said:

    > > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > "People caught stealing cable for years angry about paying for cable"


    > Nope, people who had access to a nice remote control that they got for free from third party (and which the cable company had no issue) are now annoyed that they not only do they get a worse remote, but that in order for the remote to be remotely useful to them they have to pay for features they already had for free in the third party remote that they no longer get to use.


    Did you at least pay the modders that made arcDPS for their labor? I bet you didn't lol

  16. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > If anything it seems to me that other MMOs are moving away from the enforced gear grind as the reality hits that their audience has gotten older and has more real-life responsibilities which have to take priority.


    Not so flattering of a reality. I don't think it's that their audience has more responsibilities... It's probably the opposite, in fact, with parents using tech to babysit their kids or not having them to begin with.


    I think it's that advancements in internet bandwidth and PC specs allow for less DnD dice rolls and more twitch reaction combat gameplay. The whole purpose of gear is to gate content. Now there are other ways to accomplish that.


    That older audience are just the not-kids who haven't abandoned the level system along with the gear grind.



  17. > @"Sojourner.4621" said:

    > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > @"Sojourner.4621" said:

    > > > but understand that it would be, especially for all the beast races suggested, an enormous undertaking to adapt the literal thousands of armor skins that currently exist across all weights and genders to fit a new character model.

    > >

    > > How abot NOT making those previous skins wearable by Koda and Tengu (wouldn't make sense anyway, it would look ridiculous), but instead giving them 6-10 exclusive cultural armor sets? Would be less of a hassle than squeezing and stretching existent sets.


    > Most of those skins are automatically attached to the armor sets that are a part of the base game. So what do you do, make it so they can't equip any armor that has a pre-existing skin on it? The ascended skins? The crafted exotics? Koda can't equip any of the exalted/emblazoned/draconic armors or the temple armors from karma vendors? That would cause an equal riot.


    Until they are modeled, any skins that can't be set would just be barred. You'd have to reskin them as one of the available skins. You can equip the gear but not the skin.


    If people riot while also having full knowledge it is a work-in-progress, then ignore them. Just because people throw tantrums don't mean they are justified attention.


    I'm honestly tired of whiny people that throw hissy fits holding the world hostage as if we should all fear their rueful rage and crybaby antics.

  18. If they introduced a new race (Kodan) and it couldn't play any of the old story content or even the new story content... But it had a separate story path that by the end converges with the main story, I feel that would be the best option.


    It's foolish to assume it be locked out of pvp or wvw or fractals, tho.


    Regarding wardrobe, I feel It'd be practical to start them out with outfits and racial armor while over time, introducing retrofitted armor from the past.


    People get caught up in whining about what ifs that the actively sabotage those that try to do passionate work. In such cases, you just have to ignore the naysayers or nothing ever gets done. Many criticize the devs for trying to stealth a mobile game project under our nose, but to get ahead, you have to be willing to take risks.

  19. > @"knomslayer.9457" said:

    > Your money will be used to update the game, make new outfits, new weapon skins , mount skins and so many more new content for the game. So dont feel bad whenever you feel like spending real money.


    What about paying their workers? You'd figure that would be the first thing mentioned. Or maybe paying for upkeep.

  20. I'd say this would be a necessity if new races were being developed and introduced.


    The problem comes with new voice acting requirements, new wardrobe adjustments (likely remaking whole sets), new animations, etc.


    But people are willing to defend the devs from ever requiring from doing any actual work and put resources into [insert personal desire]. It's kind of like the reverse of the whole Pokemon Sword and Shield situation where the devs are removing a subset of pokemon so there is less animation work required and people whining about how the game's taking shortcuts instead of having all the bells and whistles. In GW2, everyone wants as few bells and whistles as possible to implement their goals first...until people start dropping the game for lack of bells and whistles lol

  21. You know, this is all a two-way street.


    This whole mentality that the developers and companies are your buddy and you get to chat and level with each other is false. A business isn't going to tell you that you're stupid or your opinion is foolish or that your creative suggestions are crap or that your input is invalid due to information they keep internal. They are there to create a product that will make money and while it's good for you to enjoy their product (it's pivotal, in fact), it is NOT required that they make YOU (each individual) happy. Now you might be thinking "Of course! I know they aren't there to make me happy!", but a lot of people are oblivious to that. And when you get enough people to amass the same message, that echo chamber reinforces their oblivious perception.


    On the other side of the street, people that create fandoms and communities out of these people eventually lose control of these types of messages and thus the blame for the hate, the "toxicity", is thrown around either back onto the devs, the company or the fandom as a whole.


    Even the OP seems to be under this delusion that your money has bought you some kind of ticket onto the "Nice people" boat and thus be privileged to have an elevated voice. Unfortunately, what you spent your money on, you've already been paid back for. There is no VIP spot for you. Any special treatment is out of charity of those with the resources and nothing more.


    Also, OP, I'd suggest you go play some other games. Please. You get nothing by being "loyal" except missed opportunities. You can come back to GW2 later, but you're doing yourself no favors here, just causing yourself unneeded stress.

  22. > @"Fenella.2634" said:

    > Caithe is not a teenager. You can't translate sylvari age 1:1 to human age, as they skip childhood and are born adult. Granted, they are very naive adults at first, but in no way comparable to a human child. So, I think we can safely add 15-20 years to a sylvari's age to get the equivalent human age. Therefore, Caithe should behave like a 40ish years old human, not like a teenager.


    Presumptuous. If you can't compare sylvari and human age 1:1 but continue to do so but at concluded point in time....just don't add up.


    To clarify, you're fine comparing their ages 1:1 but only after putting them at the consensus driven young adult human age of 15+. But then I'm more willing to attribute sound decisions to individuals above or below that limit. The problem comes when continued unsound decisions are made and the individual shows now maturity to take responsibility for said decisions. The depth of a person isn't just the one mistake they ever made or even the breadth of all their mistakes with all their good decisions omitted.

  23. > @"Tsakhi.8124" said:

    > I still play, but I have been quite discouraged after reading the forums. I try my best to find the good things, but most of the posts are doom and gloom threads and over the top back biting if someone disagrees or has a different opinion, well, either all hell breaks lose or there's an intelligent conversation that sometimes leads straight to the former, making things confusing. I'm guilty of angrily typing out responses, a habit I am trying very hard to break. I see people just exclaiming just how much the games sucks/is dying/is unfair and for the most part have ideas that are infeasible or clearly detrimental overall. More often than not. we have people that jump and are like "This is so stupid, why don't we...?"


    > Why don't we not, exactly? Ever try to make a game? Do people not realize you can't wave a magic wand to fix the problems , that it takes a _lot_ time and foresight. Also, if you truly have a problem, then do research to make changes instead of popping off and making this out into the "Devs are incompetent!" spiel.




    I'd chalk it up to the whole adage of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". Those that complain loud and often enough get the most attention. Those that quietly enjoy the game or just have that one thing they really wish to be added likely go ignored.

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