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Posts posted by Avatar.3568

  1. > @"Laurencius.9258" said:

    > I fail to see the point of my being murdered thousands of times before I can inch my way to level 20 so I can play ranked matches. I need to be playing other zero level folks, not people with years of experience, who I can't even hit. There is no sense or reason for this and it is the most brainless requirement I've ever seen in a video game. Why make it impossible to play against people of your skill level?


    It's probably meant to protect new player but when they removed team q, they probably not thought that teams gonna train in unranked.


    What a surprise

  2. > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

    > > Eliminate all chat except team. In team after match starts you can only use basic words like home far near mid. Before match starts where you can discuss builds etc


    > They did that in RF Online it actually made customers more toxic and hateful.. Also people would attack others after the matches.


    > Personally my view would be to remove pvp completely, not popular view i know, but cannot be toxic if its no longer there.


    Removing the gamemode we love would just end in that anet will Loose every play that plays pvp


    Pve and WvW are boring

  3. > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > This would require PvP development and man hours. And well that isn't allowed for pvp. I mean 7 years and still just 5v5 conquest. I see nothing added to PvP beside really bad unbalanced classes when expansions happen.

    > Balance updates is not development. It's maintaince. And that all this mode gets ever. Imo


    Do not forgett the incredible new game mode with those heroes that they released

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