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Posts posted by StormyFae.2761


    > Send me a message in game, it could be a case of crafting you either berserker exotics (what everyone will tell you to get) or marauder exotics (more health, less power - what I use, and I am not interested in end game pve team composition and for now at least - doesn't sound like you are either yet)


    I would but I don't know how to message in game. When I figure it out you'll hear from me!




    > I'd recommend reading up on crafting too, and see if it's something you like. I love it. Leveling up and crafting ascended gear takes time but it's one of my favorite in-game activities. <

    Can you point me to a concise guide on crafting good armor? I'm not good at reading walls of text and digesting or remembering it. My attention span as I get older has drastically shortened. Like is there somewhere that will tell me like 1. Go to xxxxxx. 2. See xxxxxx. 3. Buy xxxxxx.



  3. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"StormyFae.2761" said:

    > > > An alternative way to gear up: If you have a good bunch of Karma saved up while leveling, go visit the Orr maps, the Temple's have NPC's that sell gear for Karma, and you can pick up complete sets of Exo80 Armor for just karma. They have several of the base core stat sets like Berserker and Soldier etc.

    > > >

    > > I've got 74K karma. So does one simply walk into Orr and buy the armor? I haven't had much luck getting around there.


    > With that little karma save it you need it for alot of other stuff mate


    OK. What can you buy with Karma? And how do I get the good armor if I keep dying because I have crappy armor? LOL.

  4. > An alternative way to gear up: If you have a good bunch of Karma saved up while leveling, go visit the Orr maps, the Temple's have NPC's that sell gear for Karma, and you can pick up complete sets of Exo80 Armor for just karma. They have several of the base core stat sets like Berserker and Soldier etc.


    I've got 74K karma. So does one simply walk into Orr and buy the armor? I haven't had much luck getting around there.

  5. Wow, you guys are great! I didn't expect to get so much help. I've taken notes on everything and it has made me more excited to get back into the game. I chose Ele cuz that was my fave in GW1 and felt comfortable with it. But it is different in gw2. I really enjoyed leveling so it won't be a bad thing for me to roll another char and go with necro or ranger. I will keep my notes for when I return to the ele and feel I will have a much handle on things now. Again thanks for being so generous and taking time to help out an old elementalist!

  6. LOL! I'm not a big gamer (I'm an old lady) but I liked GW and just recently started GW2 and got to level 80 on my elementalist (did not use the boost). I liked leveling up but now I'm kind of lost. I got a mount from doing the Crystal Desert thing (after dying about 50 times during it) but all the level 80 stuff is no fun because I die too much. I probably need better armor/weapons/whatever but I have no clue what I should be looking for or where to get it. I've just been using whatever I pick up that is better than what I already have. My coat is defense 287 and my shoes are defense 97 and everything else is in between. I don't understand crafting. There is so much more to this game than GW1 and I'm very confused. I just need someone to tell me what I need to be doing now and how to stop dying in level 80 areas so it will be fun again. ThAnKS!

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