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Cragga the Eighty Third.60

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Posts posted by Cragga the Eighty Third.60

  1. Does anyone actually use the 'compact' feature so often that they want quick access to it? Maybe that could go back in the pulldown menu. (But not at the top, please, I already keep hiding my rarities by accident when I mean to deposit because I'm used to it being there.)


    It's good that the Deposit button is more visible so that newbies don't need to be told about the 'secret feature' as much, but that compact button is a mess waiting to happen.

  2. Here's some stuff you can do daily to add to your profit.


    Farm the Ley Line anomaly: you get a mystic coin once a day from killing it, and it seems like there is always a group going after it. You will need at least 250 mystic coins for a legendary weapon (more if you use them to forge mystic clovers) plus they currently are selling for over 1.5g apiece.


    Farm quartz every day on Dry Top, the desert and/or the home instance. Forge a charged quartz crystal as often as you can. Use them for:

    1. Skyscale Chow, if you have gone far enough in the Skyscale collection. Depending on the time of week, Skyscale chow sells for 3-4 gold each.

    2. Heat Lamps: If you have a jeweler, get the Heat Lamp recipe. It also uses charged quartz and the increasingly valuable Sunstone lumps, and heat lamps are very profitable to craft and sell at the moment, if you have the mats.



  3. > @"Valaraukar.7652" said:

    > > @"JekthAvid.1408" said:

    > > Purple infusion!!!!!!!

    > > Finally got a (super rare) drop. Kinda sad it wasn't one of the more valuable ones though


    > Nice, it's a beautiful infusion indeed. I wished to drop it too.


    > > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > > Got a drop from a Halloween bag, a trinket with one of the black chromatic infusions. One of my necro alts is saving it for when they're Level 80.

    > >

    > > Also, got a key from map completion which dropped a wardrobe unlock, which unlocked a Seven Reapers rifle skin.


    > Wow, lucky, it's indeed a beautiful skin.


    > Good luck to all for this new week and wish to see your messages all.


    Thanks, I'm very happy with it--and it took three strokes of luck in a row, first to get the key, then the unlock, and then to actually unlock something awesome that I will certainly want to use. ^^ It was a very lucky week, all told.

  4. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > @"Scratchpaw.1069" said:

    > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > What's in it for Anet to make this change? Sure, we all want easier access to things in GW2, but the current model earns the company profit. How would this change benefit Anet?

    > > >

    > > > Even more money for Anet because people in anti-lootbox regions can now spend money on statuettes in the gemstore while still selling the same amount of black lion keys.

    > >

    > > Yea as this person I reply to say kharmin.7683

    > >

    > > What profit loss do you expect if Anet to get if it sells 1 statuette for bettwen lets say 75-100 gems or 1 black lion key for 125 were you get 1 statuette + chance items.


    > You assume that a player would purchase only 1 key. This goes against the marketing tactic of the BLC. But for discussion sake...


    > Assume item desired requires 6 statuettes. At 100gems (using a round figure for simplicity), that is 600gems. After that 600gem purchase, the player has what they want and has no need to purchase additional gems for statuettes.


    > With keys at 125gems each, that person would have to purchase 750gems, which is 150gems more than in the previous example.


    > 750 > 600 Why would Anet want to lose those 150gems sale?


    > Also, if the item is not yet in the statuette list, and a player doesn't know if/when it will be listed and for how much, and the player desires the item then they will purchase keys to open chests in the hope of getting that specific item. This is where the RNG/lootbox stuff comes in to play and why some governments feel the need to protect people from their own purchasing habits.


    > Now, if people who are in support of the OP can show Anet how this change would actually benefit the company, then by all means do so and I would even support it because I want the company to remain profitable and the game to keep running.



    Your objection seems based on the idea that the statuettes and statuette store are the main reason to buy keys.


    People who buy keys are, I think, not usually so much planning on collecting the statuettes, as they are hoping for getting uncommon and rare drops. I really don't think people would stop buying keys and give up the chance of a premium drop to save 20-30% if statuettes were available for sale. The statuettes were introduced as a consolation prize for the people frustrated by using lots of keys without anything worthwhile in return, not as an end in themselves.



  5. > @"OldGamer.2986" said:

    > I wasted every single coin I had on a mount I will never use, instead of saving it for skyscale.

    Actually, gold isn't much of an issue with Skyscale, you need charged quartz and LS4 map currencies...might want to start farming/buying and charging quartz, and maybe get the LS4 home instance nodes.



  6. Since I use the keyboard for almost all movement, I think it would interfere a lot with my control. Every now and then, I think I toggle it on (or some other camera weirdness) by mistake and freak out until I remember the button to undo it.

    But maybe I will give it a try for racing someday.

  7. Mount skins are my #1 purchase.

    I occasionally get character slots or other utility/upgrade items.

    Now and then a new and cool item that pops up, like a chair or glider or outfit I really like.


    I used to buy keys, but don't any more. I would rather farm them, because when I only get common drops from the chest, I don't have to scold myself about wasting real money and having nothing to show for it.

  8. I think the reason is that it keeps crystalline ingots from being able to be collected without effort. You need 250 of them for a legendary, so that forces you to take part in Dragon's Stand, keeping the meta alive. You can craft amalgamated gemstones or buy them from the TP, only the crystalline ore in the pods can only be gathered by playing on the map.

    But I still want one in my home instance, too.

  9. > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

    > > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > > What I WOULD love to see is an instance like the Daily Activities (Southsun Survival, keg brawl, etc) with a Mario-kart style race with collisions and traps and things. On a djinn track suspended high in the air.


    > Isn't that just [sanctum Sprint](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sanctum_Sprint)?


    Mounts and collisions make all the difference! =)

  10. I sometimes find that I can't send mail or party invitations to someone unless I friend them first. No idea why, but it ends up with me friending a lot of strangers, and often forgetting to delete them after sending them the item/message or doing the party event with them. I once had a paranoid guy demand to know why I was following him, and had no idea why, only that we probably did an event together at some point in the past.

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