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Posts posted by Arcaniaxs.4519

  1. For traits:

    Too much overpoweredot useless traits like last laugh(op) and sadism(useless in boss fights and also maybe messes up ur rotation)

    Eye for an eye seems very decent but make a 30sec CD like the drain skill

    Dark surge and Augment will increase too much healing power if u consider the overall stats and runes and sigils so it may seem useless

    Shadowflight only increase movment speed while using GS

    Souleater is useless at boss fights imo

    For utilities:

    Gate of seething providing vuln seems useless bec most classes already provide 25stacks of vulnerability alone.

    It could pulse torment instead

    Gate of harrowing should increase targets to 10 and has 3 pulses with 2 secs for each pulse

    All of these are personal opinion though

    Wish u added more condi and pulses to ur wells and greatsword skills so it could also have a condi variant too

    And maybe more shadowstep to trigger healing via shadowstep in shadow arts traitine

    This spec could make a great tank by

    Critical strikes/acrobatics/dark knight

    and a good healer by

    Shadow arts/trickery/dark knight

    Or a nice hybird dps by

    Deadly arts/critical strikes/dark knighy if the wells had more condi applycation and using daggers or pistol/dagger set

    Nice spec idea

  2. 0) medium player/300LI/35k dps on training golem/28k+ on w1-4 bosses/special roles and healers for w5-7

    1) i have bad timing/ guildmates are mostly toxic elitist and force me to use highest dps classes even if i outdps them with my current class and i have play time issues and do 1 FC a day cuz i dont have time for more(pugs are also nice)

    2)if LFG gets deleted ill probably leave the game cause i cant play in EU prime times bec im asian and ppl the guilds im in do raids in 10pm-3am mostly

    3) if they play in the time that i also could play with them i would definetly join them and do clear raids weekly


  3. Ppl WILL abuse the squad if there is no leader

    Imagine some troll ppl in ur squad always change lfg to a weird thing

    Imagine a troll joining ur group. Change lfg

    Imagine 6 person joins ur squad that already has 4 players in it and kick bunch of u out of it via voting. Then invite their own friends to replace u xD

    Imagine 5 new raiders join ur 250LI deimos kill and u cant kick them too. They may even kick u by voting.

    If there is a squad leader then there is a popuse and duties on the tag holder. And its organizing the group and prevent chaos :P hope i convinced u

  4. Rifle deadeye has highest burst dmg

    In open world its better to use pistols bec mobs are too weak to even sustain 1/3 of the opening rotation

    In raids it has a high risk build that if done correctly... it can bring very high burst dmgs. Though u cant move much with this build and the rotation has a sort of limitation ( it ends after 2mins or so. Then u switch to daggers to spam 2 and 5 snd backstab)

    As a whole very strong build. High risk high reward. Easy rotation but also easy to fail. Very low boon Reliance as it generates most of boons for it self. Also can have insane constant self heal mentioned in upper comments

  5. > @"Mahou.3924" said:

    > > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

    > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

    > > > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > > > Masteries is about the only meaningful progression in GW2

    > > > >

    > > > > no it literally isnt lol

    > > >

    > > > Then you have no idea what you are talking about. With the masteries you open up the maps with your new skills. A player with full souped up mounts and gliding makes hot and other areas a total breeze. While newcomers can only watch as the skyscales and griffons soars above. That -IS- progression. It will take a long time for someone open the Skyscale for example, and a longterm goal to work towards and earn.

    > >

    > > "I have full masteries. So im literally more progressed than others,im a very decent player cuz i did cold war 50 times and done some meta event 20 times. I also climed this mountain to get this mastery point so im a good player for sure. I HAVE PROOOOGREESSED"

    > > You are probably this type of person. Keep up progressing mate! But ur progression is limited. My one isnt :) and im just progressing everyday. Learning new stuff everyday. Trying new stuff. Doing diffrent gamemodes. Learning new builds,classes,compositions,usage of my class,getting experience on the contents i dont know how they work.

    > > Keep up gathering those mastery points and add golden numbers next to ur character name and call it progression


    > When MMO players talk about progression, they talk about character progression---not player progression which seems to be what you are suggesting. Character progression thus IS either better gear or an increasing number of mastery points, achievement points or whatever there is. Hence, vertical vs. horizonal progression not being about becoming a better player, but being a better player will help you in horizonal (fashion wars, MP, KP, whateverP) or vertical progression (in other MMOs, better gear / gear level).


    Well... character progression in gw2 is limited. You can gear your character to full ascended of any stat in less than a week

    Masteries are simply just tools

    Just buy the expansion and do what u did before. Get EXP and upgrade your mastery

    While u are in maps also do some ez achivments or go to X place to gain mastery points

    The player and skill progression in gw2 is NOT limited. You literally get a better player but u still have the same gear as someone else

    In raids a 50 LI player has the same stats as a 250LI player and a 2k LI player. But a 250 LI player does 4 times the dmg of the 50 LI player on the same build they are trying to learn.

    A raid/fractal player does the same dmg as 20 casual pve players in a squad at a meta event boss

    Bec they are confident with what they are playing and know how to dmg the boss. Where to stand. How to cc. How their skills work. So they canreach the maximum potential of their class/build.

    The thing im trying to say is:

    Masteries,achivments,amount of skins unlocked,mounts unlocked, map completaion are in the side progression of the player

    Skill and game knowlege and map knowlege (for pvp i guess) and class and game mechanics knowlege increase is the main progress and is meaningful. It comes with experience and training. You cant buy it ( maybe u can buy some boss strategies *shrug* )


  6. > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

    > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > > Masteries is about the only meaningful progression in GW2

    > >

    > > no it literally isnt lol


    > Then you have no idea what you are talking about. With the masteries you open up the maps with your new skills. A player with full souped up mounts and gliding makes hot and other areas a total breeze. While newcomers can only watch as the skyscales and griffons soars above. That -IS- progression. It will take a long time for someone open the Skyscale for example, and a longterm goal to work towards and earn.


    "I have full masteries. So im literally more progressed than others,im a very decent player cuz i did cold war 50 times and done some meta event 20 times. I also climed this mountain to get this mastery point so im a good player for sure. I HAVE PROOOOGREESSED"

    You are probably this type of person. Keep up progressing mate! But ur progression is limited. My one isnt :) and im just progressing everyday. Learning new stuff everyday. Trying new stuff. Doing diffrent gamemodes. Learning new builds,classes,compositions,usage of my class,getting experience on the contents i dont know how they work.

    Keep up gathering those mastery points and add golden numbers next to ur character name and call it progression

  7. Make all legendaries. Get 250 kp of every raid boss and fractal CM. Do all achivments. Get all skins. Get all classes and Especs mastered. Full legendary armor them all. Reach lvl 100 pvp. Reach lvl 1500 wvw. Make a guild. Upgrade the guild. Sell the guild. Break TP values. Get all masteries. Complete full map 100 times.

    Pay for all account upgraded from TP to max. Unlock all mount skins. Complete all dungeons. Never get bored

    (This is a joke comment nvm me, but u seriously can aim for all those and nvr get bored ;) )

  8. Its just a matter of trying. Unlike raids u can find training groups alot easier in fractal CMs. Bringing a experienced player is alot helpful. Honestly i was in 4 training groups before i get my first KPs. We always were failing at arkk in 30% or so wen the platforms disappeared. After a while u get used to them and CMs become a very easy content. Just ask guildies or ppl in chat and lfg ur own group or join some KP groups and tell them u know mechs. I did the same. It helped me alot

    Good luck

  9. Im hoping for a executioner elite with axe main or off hand or both

    Or a torch off hand based tombraider elite that focuses on condi damage and ally buffs

    A off hand sword elite spec with a focus on a new shadow form as a new class mechanic with focus on survival and being tanky and counter attacks alongside teleports would seem cool too

    Greatsword wouldnt be a good choice imho. Smokes are already in the class core skills. Look at rifle 4. Pistol 5. Smokescreen. Shadow refuge. Dual dagger pistol skill. Deception skills and some signets already give u too much blinding and stealth with teleportations


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