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Posts posted by Arklite.4013

  1. https://snowcrows.com/benchmarks/


    The highest-performing Warrior build is currently the 5th highest DPS profession, and only on large hitboxes. Having excellent group support and CC on top of its middle-of-the-pack DPS puts it in a pretty decent spot.


    I vote to keep the single adrenaline bar. It feels more thematically fitting that a Berserker would be firing those off every chance its available rather than pooling their adrenaline. Plus it's fun.

  2. I've tried searching the forums and ultimately have seen mixed responses so I figured I'd ask here.


    I've been playing with a friend of mine who has been using a free/trial account. He is interested in buying and playing more of the game. I have two questions:


    1. Does buying an expansion give you the "base" game as well? (ex. more than 2 character slots)


    2. Does buying PoF also give you access to HoT content? Or must both expansions be purchased separately for access to things like HoT elite specializations?


    Thank you

  3. > @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:

    > Short and simple: Fix the Reaper, revert the last changes IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    > The last balance change completely destroyed the Reaper for me. Sustainability is zero... They said it was a frontline fighter but a bit too much - so their balance idea was to competely and utterly destroy it... It no longer is a frontline fighter **AT ALL**... and guess what... No decent range either. It's dead, utterly dead.


    > I am still very dissapointed and even right out angry about that change. Due to limitations, I only really enjoy the game on a Reaper... any other class for me puts too much stress on my hands... So with the recent Death of the Reaper... I see no real long term future for me in this game any more.


    > meanwhile...


    > - Thieves can pretty much perma-stealth... seriously?!?! (for those not believing it, a friend thief stayed stealthed for 10 minutes just to prove a point.)

    > - Ranger's have too many possibilities to keep enemies at distance. Should NOT be possible. Currently if you do not have ranged skills, it's pointless. (I have been pushed away by a single Ranger just a week ago in WvW 5 times within 30 seconds... HOW?!?!?!

    > - Elementalist: Fix the elevation issue with the skills. Their range vertically is out of control - extending WAY beyond the skill description.

    > - Amount of clones produced by mesmers is too much, way too much. (got images of mesmers with up to 8 clones)

    > - Condi on Scourge... seriously search youtube I rest my case... (yet they "Balanced" Reaper and NOT scourge... go figure)


    > As said: I very much doubt that is going to happen... I think they want us to switch classes constantly to sell more gear to us... It's nothing more than an "Income Balance"


    I don't mean to be dismissive about your contribution, but this is the Guardian forum, so I don't know what kind of responses you're expecting.

  4. Hello,


    I’m asking for advice on some idiotic-level fanboyism. I’m attempting to create an “as accurate as possible” Lucina from Fire Emblem and in terms of skills (mostly) I’m pretty torn on whether or not she would fall into Guardian or Warrior territory.


    Thanks for entertaining this ridiculous post.

  5. Hello all,


    This is a matchup I've been struggling with for a while (among the many other unfavorable matchups as a core guard). I've tried approaching this fight every which way and I can't seem to win. It feels like SB has a half dozen ways to avoid/tank my burst windows, and the tools to survive afterwards even if I manage an opening. Meanwhile, their sustained damage tears right through me after I've gone through most of my cooldowns. If they pop rampage I tend to just get trashed. If I try to disengage to get my cooldowns back I get chased to oblivion, and if I try to drag out the fight I don't have the long-term damage or survivability to compete. What should I be looking for if I'm 1v1ing a SB on a side node?

  6. (Sorry if you’ve already seen this kind of thing on the other forums.)


    GS is my favorite weapon of anything ever. I’ve mained warrior and guardian in the past and was curious how rangers felt about GS. I’ve looked at a couple videos and the skills and they seem nice, I’m mostly worried about being offput by the animal graphics (and pet, and honestly the thematics behind ranger in general.) I’m also concerned about how often I’d actually be using GS, because I’m assuming there are more situations when just shooting someone is a better idea.


    Curious to hear everyone’s thoughts.



  7. (It’s me again. If you’ve seen my other posts, I appreciate your commitment)


    For open world, it’s great. For most PvE content it seems like most people only use it for mobility or in fights where there isn’t a break bar to worry about. Also, from what I’ve gathered, condi berserker seems to be the way to go for most endgame content. Are there many power builds that run GS?

  8. Not Mesmer because I like actually hitting things.


    I love greatswords. If weapon swapping weren't a thing I would never use anything else.

    I like hitting and killing things. I have a soft spot for mobility (or just being able to move fast in general). Primarily I do open world content and sPvP, with a few dungeons and fractals here and there.


    Ideally it would be "good" in both PvP and PvE. I've heard that Guardian can use GS everywhere with no issues, but Warrior often uses it primarily for mobility, and it isn't that great of a damage option in a lot of PvP/PvE content. I would like to hear everyone's opinions on this. I have not really tried Ranger or Necro/Reaper. I have a soft spot for +25% run speed increases (which is now available to Guardian as well) and being able to stick to my target as well as escape, or other movement such as jumping across gaps in jumping puzzles.


    I have recently returned to the game and this has been the subject of much of my deliberation. I would appreciate any feedback or advice you have.



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